Lakshmipathy, Dhanurekha, Kulandai, Lily Therese, Ramasubban, Gayathri, Hajib Narahari Rao, Madhavan, Rathinam, Sridhar, and Narasimhan, Meenakshi
There is an urgent need for a rapid and reliable test to detect actively multiplying Mycobacterium tuberculosisdirectly from clinical specimens for an early initiation of the appropriate antituberculous treatment. This study was aimed at the optimization and application of nested reverse transcriptase–PCR (nRT–PCR) targeting the messenger RNA of the icl2, hspx, and rRNAP1genes directly from sputum specimens, and their evaluation against the culture by the BACTEC MicroMGIT mycobacterial culture system. 203 Sputum samples from clinically suspected tuberculosis patients and 30 control specimens (clinically proven viral or bacterial infections other than tuberculosis) were included in this study. The mycobacterial culture was performed by the BACTEC MicroMGIT system following the manufacturer’s instructions. The primers for nRT–PCRs targeting icl2, hspx, and rRNAP1genes were indigenously designed using the Primer-BLAST software, and optimized for sensitivity and specificity. The icl2, hspx, and rRNAP1genes were able to pick up 63.9%, 67.2%, and 58.75%, respectively, of culture-negative sputum specimens collected from clinically suspected tuberculosis patients. However, three (1.4%) were negative for nRT–PCR, but M. tuberculosis culture positive. All the 30 controls were negative for culture by the BACTEC MicroMGIT method and all three nRT–PCR. The novel nRT–PCRs targeting icl2, hspx, and rRNAP1genes developed in this study are rapid and reliable diagnostic tools to detect viable M. tuberculosisdirectly from sputum specimens. However, further study by including a larger number of sputum specimens needs to be carried out to ascertain the diagnostic utility of the novel nRT–PCRs optimized in the study.