Russo, G, Guglielmi, A, Cherubini, A, Faganello, G, Bisceglia, I, Canale, M, Camilli, M, Fiscella, D, Paccone, A, Gallucci, G, Turazza, F, Lestuzzi, C, Cappelletto, C, Mazzone, C, Bollini, M, Grande, E, Ius, A, Mattei, L, and Di Lenarda, A
A 78 years old woman presented in our cardio–oncology out–patient clinic to renew apixaban treatment plan. In her medical history she was a former smoker, with a chronic kidney disease in IIIb stadium according to KDIGOI guidelines with a creatinine of 1,54 mg/dl, GFR according CKD 32 ml/min/1.73m2 and according Cockcroft e Gault 28 ml/min/1.73m2. In 2010, she had a right lobe pulmonary cancer diagnosis treated in neo–adjuvant with gemcitabine. After chemotherapy, she underwent surgical lobectomy. During hospitalization she had a deep venous thrombosis complicated by pulmonary thromboembolism, heparin sc was given with resolution of the clinical picture. In 2012 she had a recurrence of pulmonary thromboembolism. Heparin and warfarin in a second time was given. In 2016 for cancer disease progression, she underwent various oncological treatments and she found a stability disease with osimertinib and stereotaxic radiotherapy. Warfarin was switched to apixaban low–doses for low weight and chronic kidney disease. In 2021 in osimertinib therapy, cancer was under control. She was continuing low–dose apixaban. One year later, a CT scan demonstrated a disease progression and inferior cava venous thrombosis. A cardiac evaluation in our unit was required: patients was asymptomatic. EKG and Echocardiogram were normal. Apixaban low dose was changed to edoxaban 30 mg. There was a complete vein recanalization. Unfortunately, patient died after 8 months for cancer. It is important, in the direct oral anticoagulation therapy in cancer patient, to consider not only the indication for dose reduction known by the registration studies but also cancer and therapy factors.