Within the last two years there have been several reviews1 of the paravertebral triangle in pleural effusion, but I can find no mention of its occurrence in conditions below the diaphragm. It seems well worth while, therefore, to record a case of subphrenic abscess, without pleural exudate, in which this sign was well marked. When we consider the intimate anatomic relations of the pleural cavity and the subdiaphragmatic region, it seems not at all remarkable that a collection of fluid in one of these places should give many of the physical signs of exudate into the other.In the case reported here, that of a subphrenic abscess of the right side, there was an easily definable paravertebral triangle on the left, and in addition, movable dulness of 2 cm. in front; a line of flatness behind, rising from the spine toward the scapula and falling toward the axilla (Ellis'