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1. Promoting Population Stabilization: Incentives for Small Families. Worldwatch Paper 54.

2. Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics. Volume 13.

3. Asian-Pacific Papers. Occasional Papers Number 10.

4. National Libraries Section. General Research Libraries Division. Papers.

5. IFLA General Conference, 1984. General Research Libraries Division. Section on National Libraries. Papers.

6. Library Buildings Section. Papers.

7. The Meaning of Foreign Investment in the Chinese Economy. Training Discussion Paper No. 39.

8. Teaching Languages and Literature in the Peoples Republic of China. AFS Occasional Papers in Intercultural Learning No. 11.

9. China Policy for the Next Decade: Report of the Atlantic Council's Committee on China Policy. Political Series Policy Papers.

10. Family Values in American Drama.

11. An American University in China: Teaching through the Crisis.

12. Integrating Lifelong Learning Perspectives.

13. Names--The Mirror of Society.

14. The Development of Counseling and Psychotherapy in China.

15. The Countermeasures to the Psychological Pressure of Children in the Technological Age: How To Raise the Level of Psychological Soundness in the Family.

16. Behavior Counseling Parents of Special Children.

17. A Discussion of the Use of Student Counseling Services in Chinese Higher Education.

18. A Practitioner Review of the Great Leap in Mainland China's Tertiary VET

19. Education and Economics, People's Republic of China, 1983: Document of a Lecturer.

20. The EUROCALL Review, Volume 24, Number 2

21. Integrating Reading and Writing in EFL Composition in China.

22. Asian Women in Transitions: How Modernization Affects Their Lives.

23. On the Reform of Library and Information Science Education According to the Changes of Librarians' Function under Network Environment.

24. Leading from the Heart: The Passion To Make a Difference. Leadership Stories Told by Kellogg National Fellowship Program Fellows.

25. The Cultivation of the Whole Child.

26. The Nature of Nature: Chinese Culture and Science Education.

27. Understanding the Shock in 'Culture Shock.'

28. The Development and Prospect of Private Schools in China: A Preliminary Study.

29. The Interpretation of Linguistic Signs and the Role of Inference.

30. The Role of New Media in the Knowledge Explosion.

31. America's Role in the World: Challenges to American Businesses and Higher Education

32. The Impact of New Communication Technologies and Channels on Historically Basic Channels of Communication

33. A Taoist Intersubjective Becoming of 'I' and 'Thou'

34. A Comparison of Educational System of UK and China

35. Observations of Health Care in China: Four Perspectives.

36. Developing Policies for Optimal Diffusion of Educational Innovations in China.

37. A Re-examination of John Dewey and Education.

38. The Construction of a Qualified Team of Teacher Educators for the New Era.

39. High Context Messaging in Chinese English-Language Mass Media: A Case Study.

40. Lifelong Learning in the People's Republic of China.

41. Research in Rhetoric in China.

42. American Drama through Chinese Eyes.

43. Zhuang Zi's Rhetorical Thoughts.

44. 'Who Knows Not But Speaks Is Not Wise; Who Knows But Speaks Not Is Not Loyal!': Rhetoric of Philosophical Wisdom in Ancient China.

45. On Cross-Cultural Communication: Why a Positive Answer Should Not Be Taken Seriously.

46. The Impact of Ancient Chinese Philosophy on Contemporary Leisure in China.

47. Literacy for Peace and Human Rights.

48. Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Illness: Views from Africa, India, Asia and Australia. Monograph Series, Number 49.

49. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching. 1990.

50. Researchers from University Department of Life Sciences and Public Health Describe Findings in Personalized Medicine (Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine: a position paper on innovation and digitalization...).