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1. Compensation Network Optimal Design Based on Evolutionary Algorithm for Inductive Power Transfer System.

2. An Accelerated Linearly Convergent Stochastic L-BFGS Algorithm.

3. Robust Distributed Consensus Using Total Variation.

4. The Hardware and Algorithm Co-Design for Energy-Efficient DNN Processor on Edge/Mobile Devices.

5. Low-Rank Modifications of Riccati Factorizations for Model Predictive Control.

6. A Neurodynamic Optimization Method for Recovery of Compressive Sensed Signals With Globally Converged Solution Approximating to l0 Minimization.

7. Iterative Approach With Optimization-Based Execution Scheme for Parameter Identification of Distributed Parameter Systems and its Application in Secure Communication.

8. Distributed Multiagent Convex Optimization Over Random Digraphs.

9. Scalable, Distributed Algorithms for Solving Linear Equations via Double-Layered Networks.

10. First Passage Optimality for Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes With Varying Discount Factors and History-Dependent Policies.

11. Robust Set-Membership Normalized Subband Adaptive Filtering Algorithms and Their Application to Acoustic Echo Cancellation.

12. Stochastic Conjugate Gradient Algorithm With Variance Reduction.

13. Distributed Algorithms for Robust Convex Optimization via the Scenario Approach.

14. Distributed Projection Subgradient Algorithm Over Time-Varying General Unbalanced Directed Graphs.

15. Extreme Learning Machine for Multilayer Perceptron.

16. Gaussian MAP Filtering Using Kalman Optimization.

17. GoDec+: Fast and Robust Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition Based on Maximum Correntropy.

18. Distributed Control for Reaching Optimal Steady State in Network Systems: An Optimization Approach.

19. Joint Sparse Representation and Embedding Propagation Learning: A Framework for Graph-Based Semisupervised Learning.

20. Greedy Methods, Randomization Approaches, and Multiarm Bandit Algorithms for Efficient Sparsity-Constrained Optimization.

21. Fully Decentralized Semi-supervised Learning via Privacy-preserving Matrix Completion.

22. Nonconvex Regularizations for Feature Selection in Ranking With Sparse SVM.

23. Global and Local Structure Preservation for Feature Selection.

24. Robust Linear Static Anti-Windup With Probabilistic Certificates.

25. Decomposition Techniques for Multilayer Perceptron Training.

26. Further Results on the Controllability of Boolean Control Networks.

27. Design of Linear Phase FIR Filters With High Probability of Achieving Minimum Number of Adders.

28. A Novel Method to Compute the Structured Distance to Instability for Combined Uncertainties on Delays and System Matrices.

29. Distributed Mixed-Integer Linear Programming via Cut Generation and Constraint Exchange.

30. Push-Sum on Random Graphs: Almost Sure Convergence and Convergence Rate.

31. Minimum-Energy Distributed Consensus Control of Multiagent Systems: A Network Approximation Approach.

32. On the Well-Posedness of a Parametric Spectral Estimation Problem and Its Numerical Solution.

33. Distributed Newton Method for Large-Scale Consensus Optimization.

34. A Robust Algorithm for the Design of Wideband Positive-Slope Linear Group Delay Filters.

35. Compound Rank- $k$ Projections for Bilinear Analysis.

36. Effective Discriminative Feature Selection With Nontrivial Solution.

37. Fast ADMM for Sum-of-Squares Programs Using Partial Orthogonality.

38. Decentralized Event-Based Controllers for Robust Stabilization of Hybrid Periodic Orbits: Application to Underactuated 3-D Bipedal Walking.

39. Stochastic Source Seeking for Mobile Robots in Obstacle Environments Via the SPSA Method.

40. Continuous-Time Distributed Subgradient Algorithm for Convex Optimization With General Constraints.

41. Optimizing Leader Influence in Networks Through Selection of Direct Followers.

42. Optimizing Sensor Activation in a Language Domain for Fault Diagnosis.

43. A Distributed Approach Toward Discriminative Distance Metric Learning.

44. A Hybrid Constructive Algorithm for Single-Layer Feedforward Networks Learning.

45. Accelerated Distributed MPC of Linear Discrete-Time Systems With Coupled Constraints.

46. A Fast Algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Its Convergence.

47. A Unifying Framework for Typical Multitask Multiple Kernel Learning Problems.

48. Fast-Solving Quasi-Optimal LS-S3VM Based on an Extended Candidate Set.

49. A Systematic Algorithm for the Design of Lattice Wave Digital Filters With Short-Coefficient Wordlength.

50. Maximizing Power-System Loadability in the Presence of Multiple Binding Complementarity Constraints.