U ovom tekstu se bavimo analizom priča rezidenata Specijalne zatvorske bolnice u Beogradu o njihovoj svakodnevici. Kroz segmente ovih priča nastojali smo rekonstruisati život u bolnici i uhvatiti značenja koja ovom iskustvu daju naši sagovornici-ispitanici kojima su izrečene mjere bezbjednosti obaveznog psihijatrijskog liječenja i čuvanja. Svakodnevicu popunjavaju sadržaji koji su formalno nametnuti/ponuđeni (radne obaveze, zaduženja, socio i psihoterapija), i aktivnosti koje pacijent može sam osmisliti (spavanje, druženje, na primjer). Prve prakse smo za potrebe ove analize nazvali formalnim, a druge neformalnim. Pokazalo se da su sadržaji ponuđeni kroz formalni sistem prihvatljivi tek jednom broju naših sagovonika, a dnevnu rutinu koju opisuju kao monotonu, dosadnu, jednoličnu, podnošljivijom čine aktivnosti praktikovane u okviru neformalnog sistema. Konačno, na osnovu opisa i značenja koja svakodnevici daju oni koji je žive identifikovali smo i kritična - problematična mjesta u svakodnevnim rutinama, kao i potrebu da se i u buduće preduzimaju slična istraživanja. ., In this study, we have analyzed the Special Prison Hospital in Belgrade forensic patient’s narratives about everyday life. The primary objective of the analysis was to describe the daily routine and its meanings for patients. During the analysis two broad research objectives have emerged: to identify the key problems of everyday life of these people, and mark the need for further investigation of this issue. Specifically, subject everyday life of psychiatric, and particulary, of special patients, insuffitiantly dealt with in the foreign and in home scientific literature. Their everyday life is burdened by uniformity, formally offered amenities not acceptable to them and typical mechanisms and strategies for survival to overcome boredom. Institutional setting offers a rare pleasure: food, sleeping and socializing. Findings of our study confirm this portray. We have been observing typical day spending patterns of 50 forensic patients: getting up, going to breakfast, resorting to escape strategy - sleeping, going to lunch, escape strategy - sleeping and / or socializing, dinner, escape - socializing and / or sleeping. It turned out that formally offered contents - social and psychotherapy, and work assignments, are neither useful nor acceptable to them. Thay rarely participate in occupational therapy, more common in group therapy, a mandatory work assignments and paid tasks are performed solely by those - who must, since thay have no other income. The reason for non-acceptance of these practices are their inadequacy. For example, they believe that occupational therapy activities degrade them. Similary, the work assigments are imperatively imposed, execution is closely monitored. Everyday life in the institutional setting in the total hierarchically organized institution is colored with a range of deprivation. Their privacy, security and hope are deprived. Summed up, these findings reveal a number of critical points in the daily routines of forensic patients. They are