1. Sadržaj šećera u zrnu kukuruza šećerca pri različitim načinima gajenja
- Author
Matejić, Vesna, Matejić, Vesna, Moravčević, Đorđe, Šević, Biljana, Stojiljković, Jelena, Tupajić, Ivan, Matejić, Vesna, Matejić, Vesna, Moravčević, Đorđe, Šević, Biljana, Stojiljković, Jelena, and Tupajić, Ivan
- Abstract
Kukuruz šećerac je vaţna povrtarska vrsta koja se koristi za ishranu ljudi i to u mleĉnoj fazi razvoja endosperma kada zrno sadrţi najveći procenat saharoze. U ovom radu je ispitivan sadrţaj šećera hibrida superslatkog kukuruza šećerca gajenog na otvorenom polju i u zaštićenom prostoru. Istraţivanja su izvedena u ataru sela Bogojevce, opština Leskovac, na zemljištu tipa aluvijum, direktnom setvom kukuruza šećerca tokom maja meseca. Sadrţaj ukupnih šećera, redukujućih šećera, invertnog šećera i saharoze je odreĊen volumetrijski, metodom po Luf-Šurlu (Luff-Schoorl). Sva merenja su izvedena u triplikatu, a rezultati su izraţeni u procentima na sveţu materiju. Sadrţaj ukupnih šećera je bio veći pri gajenju kukuruza šećerca na otvorenom polju u odnosu na onaj odgajan u zaštićenom prostoru i iznosio je 11,04%, odnosno 8,04%. Isti trend je zabeleţen i kod sadrţaja saharoze (6,88% i 4,02%), kao i kod sadrţaja invertnog šećera (7,24% i 4,23%). Znaĉajne razlike u sadrţaju redukujućih šećera nije bilo izmeĊu proizvodnje u zaštićenom prostoru i na otvorenom polju. Ovim istraţivanjem je pokazano da na kvalitet kukuruza šećerca naĉin gajenja moţe znaĉajno da utiĉe., Sweet corn is an important vegetable species that is used for human nutrition in the milky stage of endosperm development when the grain contains the highest percentage of sucrose. In this work, the sugar content of the super-sweet sweet corn hybrid grown in an open field and in a sheltered area was investigated. The research was carried out in the soil of the village of Bogojevce, municipality of Leskovac, on alluvium type soil, by direct sowing of sweet corn during the month of May. The content of total sugars, reducing sugars, invert sugar and sucrose was determined volumetrically, using the Luff- Schoorl method. All measurements were performed in triplicate, and the results were expressed as percentages of fresh material. The total sugar content was higher when sweet corn was grown in the open field compared to that grown in a protected area, amounting to 11.04% and 8.04% respectively. The same trend was observed in sucrose content (6.88% and 4.02%), as well as invert sugar content (7.24% and 4.23%). There was no significant difference in the content of reducing sugars between the production in the protected area and in the open field. This study has demonstrated that the quality of corn can be significantly influenced by the way it is grown.
- Published
- 2024