229 results on '"developing potential"'
Search Results
2. Exploring the nature of verbal short-term memory in Down syndrome and developing potential routes for intervention
- Author
Smith, Elizabeth Anne
- Subjects
616.85 - Abstract
Down syndrome (DS) is associated with a specific verbal short-term memory (STM) deficit. Given the strong association between verbal STM and the development of vocabulary and comprehension, it is important that this deficit is understood and addressed. The first part of this thesis sought to highlight the basis of verbal STM problems in those with DS, exploring key components of STM performance (Experiments 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b and 4c). I also investigated effects upon item and order memory respectively (Experiments 3, 4a, 4b and 4c), using process dissociation. Individuals with DS and vocabulary matched typically developing (TD) children experienced significant serial recall improvements as a result of temporal grouping, semantic relation, visual presentation, item frequency, and pre-exposure to items. Both groups also showed evidence of phonological coding of verbal input. However, significantly poorer verbal STM performance was observed in those with DS across all comparisons with TD children, and the findings consistently indicated that this deficit reflected both item and order memory difficulties. Those with DS also displayed limitations processing the temporal context of purely verbal input, and displayed a reduced semantic relation benefit, relative to TD comparison children. These findings theoretically informed the design of a subsequent trammg experiment (Experiment 5), focussing on the use of phonological and semantic associations to support recall of items, and visuospatial support to enhance order memory. Individuals with DS experienced difficulties retrieving the correct associated items. However, vi suo spatial SUppOlt resulted in significant improvements in serial recall performance in those with DS. A follow up experiment revealed that spatial support plays a significant role at encoding (Experiment 6), but benefits appear to be bigger if a spatial component is present throughout encoding and recall (Experiment 5). This thesis shows that, whilst memory performance in DS and TD individuals is moderated by some common factors, there are distinct patterns of deficits shown in DS individuals. The findings highlight suitable areas to target in future training studies, and potential approaches to incorporate in interventions.
- Published
- 2015
3. Розвиваючий потенціал професійної орієнтації
- Author
Піддячий, Микола Іванович and Піддячий, Микола Іванович
- Abstract
Метою розроблення та викладення у тезовому варіанті є акцентування уваги освітян, науковців, суспільних інституцій та українського суспільства на неперервному системному удосконаленні соціально-трудових відносини. Гармонійний розвиток особистості і суспільства та безпека держави значною мірою залежить від фахівців науково-освітніх установ, які на основі сучасних умов життя, історичного та емпіричного досвіду розробляють шляхи становлення і розвитку особистості, її адаптації, індивідуалізації й інтеграції в соціум, корегуючи у цьому процесі завдання та зміст освіти для сучасного та наступного етапів розвитку. На цьому шляху особливої уваги і ресурсів потребує молодь, яка успадковуючи напрацювання від старшого покоління має якісно їх переосмислювати й збагачувати на новому етапі розвитку людства і технологій., The purpose of the development and presentation in the thesis version is to focus the attention of educators, scientists, public institutions and Ukrainian society on the continuous systemic improvement of social and labor relations. The harmonious development of the individual and society and the security of the state largely depends on the specialists of scientific and educational institutions, which on the basis of modern living conditions, historical and empirical experience develop ways of formation and development of the individual, its adaptation, individualization and integration into society. and the content of education for the current and subsequent stages of development. In this way, special attention and resources are needed by young people, who, inheriting the experience from the older generation, must qualitatively rethink and enrich them at a new stage of human development and technology.
- Published
- 2021
4. Exploring Method for Developing Potential Students in Islamic Schools in the Context of Riau Malay Culture
- Author
Tambak, Syahraini, Sukenti, Desi, Tambak, Syahraini, and Sukenti, Desi
- Abstract
There has been a lot of research on the development of potential learners, but the methods for developing potentials explored from Islam are still ignored. This study explores the methods for development of the potential of aql and qalbu (heart) learners practices in different Islamic School in Riau Province, an area where already for decades an Malay culture. Using a case study approach, this research at three Islamic School in Riau Province, Indonesia, the principal, selecting teachers, and students as informants. It is found that this Islamic school has a curriculum to develop the potential of aql and qalbu learners in the learning process with the lesson of Islamic moral character education, tahfiz al-Qur’an, al-Qur’an, the activity of praying in congregation, and the activities of Friday worship. Methods for developing the aql potential of children’s learning is done by discussion method; storytelling and questioning in observational based learning and integrating material with tauhidullah. Potential of qalbu learners developed in tahfiz lesson with drill method, al-Qur’an with the method of talqin, worship congregation worship with modeling the way method, Friday worship, performed with the activities of muhadharah, the art of reading al-Qur’an, Islamic art, and reading the Qur’an together. Islamic Schools in Riau Province, Indonesia can make the results of this study as the initial framework in developing the potential of Islamic learners in the learning process to support the vision of Riau Province is the center of Malay culture in Southeast Asia.
- Published
- 2019
5. Fruiting-body-base flour from an oyster mushroom – a waste source of antioxidative flour for developing potential functional cookies and steamed-bun
- Author
Wan Mohtar, Wan Abd Al Qadr Imad, Mahmud, Norfaizah, Supramani, Sugenendran, Ahmad, Rahayu, Mohd Zain, Nurul Amalina, Hassan, Nurshazleen A. M., Peryasamy, Jayanthi, Abdul Halim Lim, Sarina, Wan Mohtar, Wan Abd Al Qadr Imad, Mahmud, Norfaizah, Supramani, Sugenendran, Ahmad, Rahayu, Mohd Zain, Nurul Amalina, Hassan, Nurshazleen A. M., Peryasamy, Jayanthi, and Abdul Halim Lim, Sarina
- Abstract
In a commercial oyster mushroom farm, fruiting body base (FBB) was not harvested compared to the common cap and stem of the fruiting body parts, and thus remained as waste. In the present study, unused FBB was powdered and subjected to proximate analysis as floured FBB (FFBB). FFBB was found to contain 71.2% carbohydrate, 8.93% moisture, 7.18% fibre, 5.72% ash, 5.57% protein, and 1.4% fat, while raw-FBB (RFBB) contained 7.57% carbohydrate, 84.4% moisture, 5.17% fibre, 5.72% ash, 1.54% protein, and 0.85% fat. The high carbohydrate content of FFBB was subjected to hot-water extraction and yielded 7.40 g of FFBB polysaccharide (FFBBP). Total phenolic content (TPC) of FFBBP contained 1.80 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g, exhibiting the reducing activity of 1.74 mM Fe(II)/g by ferric reducing antioxidant power assay, and reduced the stable 2,2’-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate radical forms at IC50 of 25.08 mg/mL, which was comparable with other parts of oyster mushroom species. Different percentages of FFBB mixtures were utilized in the production of cookies (10% and 20%) and steamed buns (10%, 20% and 30%). Thirty-seven panellists were selected for sensory testing, which showed that 10% of FFBB in a steamed bun was more acceptable than 30% of FFBB, while the overall acceptance of cookies with 10% FBB was insignificant (p > 0.05) but 20% FFBB in cookies was significantly different from control (p < 0.05). This study indicates that potential value of FFBB as an economical antioxidative flour in the development of functional foods.
- Published
- 2018
6. Методика оцінювання розвивального потенціалу освітнього середовища ВНЗ
- Author
Корольов, Д.К. and Корольов, Д.К.
- Abstract
У статті висвітлюються результати розробки та апробації методики оцінювання освітнього середовища ВНЗ. Дослідження здійснювалось на прикладі Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка як провідного вищого навчального закладу України. Методика включає анонімне анкетування та неструктуроване опитування. Ці дані можуть бути доповнені інформацією з інших джерел — інтерв’юванням викладачів та адміністрації ВНЗ, вивченням документів освітньої установи, результатами різноманітних процедур зовнішнього оцінювання навчального закладу. Застосування методики дозволяє отримати узгоджене та цілісне бачення, що має стати основою стратегії розвитку освітньої установи., The article describes the results of the development and testing of university educational environment assessment method. The technique evaluates such parameters of educational environment for intellectually gifted students: information richness of the environment; opportunities for various types of cognitive activity; teachers and students adoption of the knowledge and creativity values as opposition to anti-intellectualism; cultivation by teachers intellectual achievements values; orientation of the educational system to individual students development, realization of students potential; management style of the training activities and its impact on the cognitive interests of potentially gifted students; displayed status hierarchy and overall level of conformity; tolerance level and students errors treatment. The technique includes an anonymous questionnaire and unstructured interviews. These data can be supplemented with additional information sources - interviews with teachers and university administration, the study of the educational institutions documents, the results of the institution external evaluation. The proposed technique provides a consistent and holistic vision that has become a basic strategy of the educational institution
- Published
- 2015
7. Розвиваючий потенціал інтегрованого освітнього середовища у самореалізації студентів
- Author
Сердюк, Л.З. and Сердюк, Л.З.
- Abstract
У статті аналізується сучасний стан розвитку освіти, зумовлений зміною освітніх парадигм. Розглядаються особливості інтегрованого освітнього середовища, його розвиваючий та здоров’язберігаючий потенціал. Показано можливості інтегрованого освітнього середовища в самодетермінації розвитку особистості та її самореалізації. Запропоновано рекомендації щодо створення освітнього середовища на основі утвердження принципу співвіднесеності можливостей людини та освітнього середовища., The article analyzes the current state of education determined by changes in educational paradigms. Characteristics of integrated educational environment, its developing and health-preserving potential are discussed. Opportunities of integrated educational environment for development of person’s self-determination and self-realization are revealed. Recommendations for creation of educational environment based on the principle of person’s capabilities correlation with his/her educational environment are presented., В статье анализируется современное состояние развития образования, предопределенное изменением образовательных парадигм. Рассматриваются особенности интегрированной образовательной среды, его развивающий и здоровьесохранный потенциал. Показаны возможности интегрированной образовательной среды в самодетерминации развитии личности и ее самореализации. Предложены рекомендации относительно создания образовательной среды на основе утверждения принципа соотнесения возможностей человека и образовательной среды.
- Published
- 2014
8. Развивающий потенциал акмеологически ориентированной системы общепедагогической подготовки
- Author
Chapayev, N. K., Akimova, O. B., Чапаев, Н. К., Акимова, О. Б., Chapayev, N. K., Akimova, O. B., Чапаев, Н. К., and Акимова, О. Б.
- Abstract
The authors identify the professional-pedagogical potential as an integrated sum of personality traits and qualities reflecting the person’s capability to develop and form student’s professional and other personality qualities, to be ready to contribute to the student’s growth. Pedagogic acmeology is considered to be a science of finding means of eliciting the person’s potential and on this basis achieving optimal results in this person’s progressive positive development as a personality, individual and individuality in conditions of a specially organized training process. The pedagogic acmeology subject-matter must be the work of all pedagogical activity subjects, i.e. not only the educator’s but also the student’s one. The article analyzes three – dualistic, complementary and integrative-holistic (integrative-monistic) – traditions of interpreting the essence of the professional-pedagogical activity, Профессионально-педагогический потенциал педагога определяется авторами как интегральная совокупность качеств и свойств личности, выражающих уровень ее возможностей по развитию и формированию профессиональных и иных личностных качеств обучаемого, готовности способствовать его становлению. Педагогическая акмеология рассматривается как наука о путях раскрытия человеком своих потенций и достижения на этой основе оптимальных результатов в своем прогрессивном позитивном развитии как личности, субъекта, индивида и индивидуальности в условиях специально организованного образовательного процесса. Предметом педагогической акмеологии должен быть труд всех субъектов педагогической деятельности, то есть труд не только педагога, но и обучающихся. Анализируются три традиции толкования сущности профессионально-педагогической деятельности – дуалистическая, дополнительностная и интегративно-целостная (интегративно-монистическая)
- Published
- 2013
9. Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Heme-proteins: Developing Potential Catalysts for Bio-remediation
- Author
Shah, Kinjalkumar K. and Shah, Kinjalkumar K.
- Abstract
The next generation of toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes from sophisticated chemical industries will demand the environmental agencies to employ biological methods over the conventional physical and chemical remediation methods. Over the past decade, natural metallo-enzymes have been identified to degrade some of the major chemical contaminants through electron transfer pathways. However, these natural enzymes are less stable in organic solvents and they are not effective for the degradation of toxic compounds such as polychlorinated biphenyls or dioxins. This thesis explores the use of protein design approaches to produce chemically and molecularly modified enzymes, which are highly stable, possess little substrate specificity, and have higher activity than the natural enzymes. The experiments presented in this thesis make use of solid phase synthesis and site-directed mutagenesis for the synthesis and production of these enzymes and popular chromatographic techniques for their purification. The partial characterization of these proteins revealed the essential structural features of these proteins, and their catalytic activity was demonstrated by the use of peroxidase assays.
- Published
- 2004
- Author
- Abstract
As a result of research and development efforts conducted under HumRRO Work Unit NCO from 1957 to 1961, a Leadership Preparation Program for advanced basic Army trainees was developed and was subsequently implemented by the U. S. Army. This paper presents background information and an overview of the research effort and describes the leader training program in relation to the Army Training Program. Utilization of the junior leader program is also discussed. (Author), Prepared for presentation at NATO Conference on Manpower Research in the Defense Context, London, England, 14-18 Aug 1967.
- Published
- 1967
11. Vamos!: SDC personnel strategy 2010 : developing potential, achieving goals
- Author
Filipova, Mariana, Gospodinov, Genadiy, Gotsev, Lyubomir, Kovatcheva, Eugenia, Jekov, Boyan, Filipova, Mariana, Gospodinov, Genadiy, Gotsev, Lyubomir, Kovatcheva, Eugenia, and Jekov, Boyan
- Abstract
Pollution and global warming become more and more of a threat recently, so creative solutions are required to tackle their overwhelming complexity, surpassing the limitations of traditional computational methods. Using the concepts of quantum physics, quantum computing presents a revolutionary approach for solving such environmental problems. With the help of a variety of data in usage from reputable global scientific sources, including world databases, pollution monitoring networks, and climate models in addition, the current scientific paper explores the quickly developing potential of quantum computing to reduce pollution and global warming. The complexities of quantum algorithms are object of our exploration, focusing on those that have relevance in resource management, in order to shed light on how quantum computers might transform decision-making processes toward global environmental sustainability. Techniques for quantum optimization show promise in maximizing energy grid distribution and reducing waste generation in complex supply chains.
- Published
- 2024
- Author
D.A. Salam , Dayang-Sharyati, Siaw San, Hwang, Chee Wezen, Xavier, D.A. Salam , Dayang-Sharyati, Siaw San, Hwang, and Chee Wezen, Xavier
- Abstract
This mini-review briefly summarises the use of computer-aided tools and research developments in nuclear-factor-kappa-b (NF-kB) within the last ten years. Computer-aided or in silico studies on the NF-kB complex give hope for developing potential therapeutic targets for various diseases involving the NF-KB protein. In silico investigations, as opposed to in vivo and in vitro research, have the advantages of being more exact and time-efficient and eliminating the utilisation of humans and animals. It provides a framework for evaluating the activity of prospective therapies against molecular targets, predicting their activity based on a compound's structure even before it has been synthesised for additional in vitro and in vivo research. Targeting NF-kB protein is crucial as it can implicate many diseases, such as immune and inflammatory responses, involved in stress response, cellular growth, and apoptosis. These findings are critical for directing future research into the NF-kB protein, its function in human disorders, and prospective therapeutic targets.
- Published
- 2024
14. Dopaminergic neurons lacking Caspase-3 avoid apoptosis but undergo necrosis after MPTP treatment inducing a Galectin-3-dependent selective microglial phagocytic response
- Author
Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, García Revilla, Juan, Ruiz Laza, Rocío, Espinosa Oliva, Ana María, Santiago Pavón, Martiniano, García Domínguez, Irene, Camprubí Ferrer, Lluís, Bachiller Sánchez Arévalo, Sara, Deierborg, Tomas, Joseph, Bertrand, Martínez de Pablos, Rocío, Rodríguez Gómez, José Antonio, Venero Recio, José Luis, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, García Revilla, Juan, Ruiz Laza, Rocío, Espinosa Oliva, Ana María, Santiago Pavón, Martiniano, García Domínguez, Irene, Camprubí Ferrer, Lluís, Bachiller Sánchez Arévalo, Sara, Deierborg, Tomas, Joseph, Bertrand, Martínez de Pablos, Rocío, Rodríguez Gómez, José Antonio, and Venero Recio, José Luis
- Abstract
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the Substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc). Apoptosis is thought to play a critical role in the progression of PD, and thus understanding the effects of antiapoptotic strategies is crucial for developing potential therapies. In this study, we developed a unique genetic model to selectively delete Casp3, the gene encoding the apoptotic protein caspase-3, in dopaminergic neurons (TH-C3KO) and investigated its effects in response to a subacute regime of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) administration, which is known to trigger apoptotic loss of SNpc dopaminergic neurons. We found that Casp3 deletion did not protect the dopaminergic system in the long term. Instead, we observed a switch in the cell death pathway from apoptosis in wild-type mice to necrosis in TH-C3KO mice. Notably, we did not find any evidence of necroptosis in our model or in in vitro experiments using primary dopaminergic cultures exposed to 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium in the presence of pan-caspase/caspase-8 inhibitors. Furthermore, we detected an exacerbated microglial response in the ventral mesencephalon of TH-C3KO mice in response to MPTP, which mimicked the microglia neurodegenerative phenotype (MGnD). Under these conditions, it was evident the presence of numerous microglial phagocytic cups wrapping around apparently viable dopaminergic cell bodies that were inherently associated with galectin-3 expression. We provide evidence that microglia exhibit phagocytic activity towards both dead and stressed viable dopaminergic neurons through a galectin-3-dependent mechanism. Overall, our findings suggest that inhibiting apoptosis is not a beneficial strategy for treating PD. Instead, targeting galectin-3 and modulating microglial response may be more promising approaches for slowing PD progression.
- Published
- 2024
15. Prospects of equitable and sustainable seaweed aquaculture : a case study of changing gender and socio-economic relations in Maullín, Chile
- Author
Gallardo Fernández, Gloria L., Avila, Marcela, Saunders, Fred, Riquelme, Ricardo, Rodriguez, Daniel, Aroca, Gesica, Gutierrez, Juan, Gallardo Fernández, Gloria L., Avila, Marcela, Saunders, Fred, Riquelme, Ricardo, Rodriguez, Daniel, Aroca, Gesica, and Gutierrez, Juan
- Abstract
This article examines the development of marine tenure in the Maullín River, Chile. It starts with the emergence of artisanal red algae (Gracilaria chilensis) gathering and the changes resulting from the governmental ad hoc allocation of small-scale aquaculture concessions. We aim to track this transition, its drivers, effects on the work organization, gender relations, market relations and the sustainability/equity challenges currently confronting the community. We use a feminist political ecology approach to direct our multi-method data collection strategy and to analyse the empirical material. The State by enabling local tenure for the development of marine aquaculture concessions played an influential role in Maullín community attaining de facto territorial tenure. This led to the establishment of residential aquaculture communities while facilitating the integration of women in aquaculture activities. We see both steps as positive economic and social development opportunities in Maullín. While marine tenure has provided livelihood chances, low prices caused by the producers’ disadvantaged market position and the lack of supportive alliance building pose ongoing problems. We conclude that these factors are serious challenges to the sustainability of aquacultural livelihoods at Maullín River. While the case depicts aspects of women’s empowerment such as their engagement in developing potential post-production innovation ideas, entrepreneurial abilities to conduct market transactions as well as their better competence in literacy, math and financial expertise, there is still a long way to reach gender equality in the male-dominated aquacultural sector. © 2024, The Author(s)., Funders: (1) MEC:entry of women in small-scale fshing in Chile: cooperation or confict;granted to the second author MA by Conicyt in 2017. (2) FIPA 2017–10: determinationof ecosystem factors that favour the increase ofRhizocloniumspp. anddevelopment of a monitoring and control program for this pest speciesin the Region Los Lagos Project granted to the second author MA bythe Agency Fondo de Investigación Pesquera y Acuicultura in 2019;and (3) CHIC ANID FB210018 Cape Horn International Centre (associate researcher MA).
- Published
- 2024
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16. Integrating Technology, Empowering Teachers: A Roadmap to Continuous Professional Advancement
- Author
Sug’diyona Otamirzayeva, Jahongir Ashurov, Sug’diyona Otamirzayeva, and Jahongir Ashurov
- Abstract
This study investigates the impact of digital transformation on a teacher's professional self-development in the educational environment. The objective is to examine how the potential for professional development in the digitally integrated educational environment influences teacher self-development. The study involved forty-three teachers from Uzbekistan, and research methods included surveys and correlation analysis. The results show that 85.6% of a teacher's self-development depends on the professional-developing potential of the digitally integrated educational environment, which includes microenvironments, meso-environments, and macroenvironments. Factors such as accessibility, openness, availability of resources, and interactivity play crucial roles in a teacher's self-development. The study concludes that the digital integrated educational environment has significant potential for enhancing professional and pedagogical self-development.
- Published
- 2024
17. Functionality of Puff Pastry Olive Pomace Oil-Based Margarines and their Baking Performance.
- Author
Álvarez, María Dolores, Herranz Hernández, María Beatriz, Saiz, Arancha, Cofrades, Susana, Álvarez, María Dolores, Herranz Hernández, María Beatriz, Saiz, Arancha, and Cofrades, Susana
- Abstract
2024 Descuento MDPI, Designing healthier lipids is a current approach to developing potential functional foods. Olive pomace oil (OPO) has beneficial effects on human health, attributed to its high oleic acid content and unique bioactive compounds. Four puff pastry margarines (PP-M), based on OPO (M1, M2 at 40.8%, and M3, M4 at 30.8%, and cocoa butter at 10%) combined with low molecular weight organogelators, were prepared using two initial cooling rates (M1, M3 at 0.144 °C/min and M2, M4 at 0.380 °C/min) and compared to both commercial puff pastry (PP) butter (CB) and fatty preparation (CFP). Subsequently, six baked PP counterparts were elaborated. Physical-chemical, mechanical properties, and lipid profiles were analyzed in M1–M4 and PP, while thermal properties were determined in M1–M4. Sensory analysis was carried out in PP-M1 and PP-M3 counterparts. Elasticity (G′) of M1–M4 samples was between that of controls CB and CFP, although a higher OPO content reduced viscous modulus (G″). The initial cooling rate did not affect the melting behavior of M1–M4. The firmness of PP-M1 was similar to that of PP-CB and PP-CFP, and the better spreadability and plasticity of M1 positively favored PP puffing. In addition, PP-M1 had 36.8% less SFA content than baked PP-CB, and its overall acceptability was similar. For the first time, a new margarine with high OPO content, showing adequate firmness, spreadability, and plasticity, was formulated, which gave rise to PP with appropriate performance and sensory quality and a healthy lipid profile., Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva - ORIVA, Depto. de Farmacia Galénica y Tecnología Alimentaria, Fac. de Veterinaria, TRUE, pub, Descuento UCM
- Published
- 2023
18. A review of the International Seabed Authority database DeepData from a biological perspective: challenges and opportunities in the UN Ocean Decade
- Author
Rabone, M., Horton, T., Jones, D.o.b., Simon-lledo, E., Glover, A.g., Rabone, M., Horton, T., Jones, D.o.b., Simon-lledo, E., and Glover, A.g.
- Abstract
There is an urgent need for high-quality biodiversity data in the context of rapid environmental change. Nowhere is this need more urgent than in the deep ocean, with the possibility of seabed mining moving from exploration to exploitation, but where vast knowledge gaps persist. Regions of the seabed beyond national jurisdiction, managed by the International Seabed Authority (ISA), are undergoing intensive mining exploration, including the Clarion–Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the Central Pacific. In 2019, the ISA launched its database ‘DeepData’, publishing environmental (including biological) data. Here, we explore how DeepData could support biological research and environmental policy development in the CCZ (and wider ocean regions) and whether data are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). Given the direct connection of DeepData with the regulator of a rapidly developing potential industry, this review is particularly timely. We found evidence of extensive duplication of datasets; an absence of unique record identifiers and significant taxonomic data–quality issues, compromising FAIRness of the data. The publication of DeepData records on the OBIS ISA node in 2021 has led to large-scale improvements in data quality and accessibility. However, limitations in the usage of identifiers and issues with taxonomic information were also evident in datasets published on the node, stemming from mismapping of data from the ISA environmental data template to the data standard Darwin Core prior to data harvesting by OBIS. While notable data-quality issues remain, these changes signal a rapid evolution for the database and significant movement towards integrating with global systems, through the usage of data standards and publication on the global data aggregator OBIS. This is exactly what has been needed for biological datasets held by the ISA. We provide recommendations for the future development of the database to support this evolution towards FAIR.
- Published
- 2023
- Full Text
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19. An artificial sodium-selective subnanochannel
- Author
Lu, J, Jiang, G, Zhang, H, Qian, B, Zhu, H, Gu, Q, Yan, Y, Liu, JZ, Freeman, BD, Jiang, L, Wang, H, Lu, J, Jiang, G, Zhang, H, Qian, B, Zhu, H, Gu, Q, Yan, Y, Liu, JZ, Freeman, BD, Jiang, L, and Wang, H
- Abstract
Single-ion selectivity with high precision has long been pursued for fundamental bioinspired engineering and applications such as in ion separation and energy conversion. However, it remains a challenge to develop artificial ion channels to achieve single-ion selectivity comparable to their biological analogs, especially for high Na+/K+ selectivity. Here, we report an artificial sodium channel by subnanoconfinement of 4'-aminobenzo-15-crown-5 ethers (15C5s) into ~6-Å-sized metal-organic framework subnanochannel (MOFSNC). The resulting 15C5-MOFSNC shows an unprecedented Na+/K+ selectivity of tens to 102 and Na+/Li+ selectivity of 103 under multicomponent permeation conditions, comparable to biological sodium channels. A co-ion-responsive single-file transport mechanism in 15C-MOFSNC is proposed for the preferential transport of Na+ over K+ due to the synergetic effects of size exclusion, charge selectivity, local hydrophobicity, and preferential binding with functional groups. This study provides an alternative strategy for developing potential single-ion selective channels and membranes for many applications.
- Published
- 2023
20. Understanding family needs: informing the design of social robots for children with disabilities to support play
- Author
Ripat, Jacquie (Occupational Therapy), Geiskkovitch, Denise (McMaster University), Young, James, Thiessen, Raquel, Ripat, Jacquie (Occupational Therapy), Geiskkovitch, Denise (McMaster University), Young, James, and Thiessen, Raquel
- Abstract
Children with disabilities often have fewer opportunities and motivation for play, impacting their cognitive and social development. This has resulted in the development of therapies to facilitate or encourage children’s play and thus support their development. We posit social robots have the potential to support children with disabilities to play, as re- search has demonstrated how social robots can motivate children, increase their engagement in a task, and help facilitate social interactions. However, a challenge with both social robots and technological interventions is that families and children often struggle to adopt them into regular use, abandoning them after only a short time. As such, our approach is to begin our investigation into the requirements needed for social robots to support play by examining the needs, concerns, and barriers of the family unit as a whole – guardians, siblings, and children living with disabilities – to serve as a cornerstone for developing potential social robot interventions to support play. We conducted a study with eight family units to learn their thoughts about the barriers and requirements for a successful social robot intervention. Combining the insights gathered following our qualitative analysis with our knowledge from our literature review, we out- lined recommendations and considerations needed to direct future research on how to leverage a social robot for facilitating play. This thesis gives us a starting insight into under- standing important factors to consider for social robots to support children with disabilities.
- Published
- 2023
21. Development of healthier puff pastries olive pomace oil-based margarines
- Author
Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva, Álvarez, M. Dolores, Herranz, Beatriz, Saiz, Arancha, Cofrades, Susana, Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva, Álvarez, M. Dolores, Herranz, Beatriz, Saiz, Arancha, and Cofrades, Susana
- Abstract
[Aim]: Designing healthier lipids is a current approach to developing potential functional foods. Olive pomace oil (OPO) has beneficial effects on human health attributed to its high oleic acid content and unique bioactive compounds. Two puff pastry margarines (PP-M) based on OPO (M1 at 40.8% and M2 at 30.8% and cocoa butter at 10%) combined with organogelators were prepared and compared to both commercial puff pastry (PP) butter (CB) and fatty preparation (CFP). Subsequently, four baked PP counterparts were elaborated., [Method]: Dynamic rheological properties from amplitude and frequency sweep tests and melting behavior by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were analyzed in M1 and M2, while mechanical properties (textural cutting test), lipid profile, baking performance and sensory analysis were carried out in the PP-M1 and PP-M2 counterparts., [Results]: Rheological measurements indicated that all four margarines had similar fat-crystal network structures, although both M1 and M2 were more viscoelastic than controls CB and CFP. Elastic modulus (G¿) of M1 and M2 samples was between that of controls CB and CFP, although a higher OPO content (M1) reduced viscous modulus (G¿). The firmness of baked PP made with M1 was similar to that of PP containing controls CB and CFP, while the highest hardness of PP-M2 was attributed to a lower OPO content (30.8%) and a complete crystallization of cocoa butter fat crystals at 4 °C. Cooling at 4 °C during lamination negatively affected spreadability of M2, resulting in a negative layering effect that influenced either texture or performance of the baked PP. In addition, PP-M1 had 36.8% less saturated fatty acid (SFA) content than baked PP-CB, and its overall acceptability was similar., [Conclusion]: Formulated margarine M1 with high OPO content (40.8%) showed adequate firmness, spreadability and plasticity. The firmness of PP-M1 was similar to that of PP-CB and PP-CFP, and the better spreadability and plasticity of M1 positively favored PP puffing. OPO has an excellent low SFA to UFA ratio (0.184), and, consequently, M1 and M2 had 37% and 28% less saturated fat than control CB, respectivelyTherefore, PP elaborated with this margarine had similar performance and sensory quality to those elaborated with milk fat.
- Published
- 2023
22. Serine metabolism during differentiation of human iPSC-derived astrocytes
- Author
Tripodi, F, Motta, Z, Murtas, G, Rabattoni, V, Nonnis, S, Grassi Scalvini, F, Rinaldi, A, Rizzi, R, Bearzi, C, Badone, B, Sacchi, S, Tedeschi, G, Maffioli, E, Coccetti, P, Pollegioni, L, Tripodi, Farida, Motta, Zoraide, Murtas, Giulia, Rabattoni, Valentina, Nonnis, Simona, Grassi Scalvini, Francesca, Rinaldi, Anna Maria, Rizzi, Roberto, Bearzi, Claudia, Badone, Beatrice, Sacchi, Silvia, Tedeschi, Gabriella, Maffioli, Elisa, Coccetti, Paola, Pollegioni, Loredano, Tripodi, F, Motta, Z, Murtas, G, Rabattoni, V, Nonnis, S, Grassi Scalvini, F, Rinaldi, A, Rizzi, R, Bearzi, C, Badone, B, Sacchi, S, Tedeschi, G, Maffioli, E, Coccetti, P, Pollegioni, L, Tripodi, Farida, Motta, Zoraide, Murtas, Giulia, Rabattoni, Valentina, Nonnis, Simona, Grassi Scalvini, Francesca, Rinaldi, Anna Maria, Rizzi, Roberto, Bearzi, Claudia, Badone, Beatrice, Sacchi, Silvia, Tedeschi, Gabriella, Maffioli, Elisa, Coccetti, Paola, and Pollegioni, Loredano
- Abstract
Astrocytes are essential players in development and functions, being particularly relevant as regulators of brain energy metabolism, ionic homeostasis and synaptic transmission. They are also the major source of l-serine in the brain, which is synthesized from the glycolytic intermediate 3-phosphoglycerate through the phosphorylated pathway. l-Serine is the precursor of the two main co-agonists of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor, glycine and d-serine. Strikingly, dysfunctions in both l- and d-serine metabolism are associated with neurological and psychiatric disorders. Here, we exploited a differentiation protocol, based on the generation of human mature astrocytes from neural stem cells, and investigated the modification of the proteomic and metabolomic profile during the differentiation process. We show that differentiated astrocytes are more similar to mature rather than to reactive ones, and that axogenesis and pyrimidine metabolism increase up to 30 days along with the folate cycle and sphingolipid metabolism. Consistent with the proliferation and cellular maturation processes that are taking place, also the intracellular levels of l-serine, glycine, threonine, l- and d-aspartate (which level is unexpectedly higher than that of d-serine) show the same biosynthetic time course. A significant utilization of l-serine from the medium is apparent while glycine is first consumed and then released with a peak at 30 days, parallel to its intracellular level. These results underline how metabolism changes during astrocyte differentiation, highlight that d-serine synthesis is restricted in differentiated astrocytes and provide a valuable model for developing potential novel therapeutic approaches to address brain diseases, especially the ones related to serine metabolism alterations.
- Published
- 2023
23. Functionality of puff pastry olive pomace oil-based margarines and their baking performance
- Author
Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva, Álvarez, M. Dolores, Herranz, Beatriz, Saiz, Arancha, Cofrades, Susana, Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva, Álvarez, M. Dolores, Herranz, Beatriz, Saiz, Arancha, and Cofrades, Susana
- Abstract
Designing healthier lipids is a current approach to developing potential functional foods. Olive pomace oil (OPO) has beneficial effects on human health, attributed to its high oleic acid content and unique bioactive compounds. Four puff pastry margarines (PP-M), based on OPO (M1, M2 at 40.8%, and M3, M4 at 30.8%, and cocoa butter at 10%) combined with low molecular weight organogelators, were prepared using two initial cooling rates (M1, M3 at 0.144 °C/min and M2, M4 at 0.380 °C/min) and compared to both commercial puff pastry (PP) butter (CB) and fatty preparation (CFP). Subsequently, six baked PP counterparts were elaborated. Physical-chemical, mechanical properties, and lipid profiles were analyzed in M1–M4 and PP, while thermal properties were determined in M1–M4. Sensory analysis was carried out in PP-M1 and PP-M3 counterparts. Elasticity (G′) of M1–M4 samples was between that of controls CB and CFP, although a higher OPO content reduced viscous modulus (G″). The initial cooling rate did not affect the melting behavior of M1–M4. The firmness of PP-M1 was similar to that of PP-CB and PP-CFP, and the better spreadability and plasticity of M1 positively favored PP puffing. In addition, PP-M1 had 36.8% less SFA content than baked PP-CB, and its overall acceptability was similar. For the first time, a new margarine with high OPO content, showing adequate firmness, spreadability, and plasticity, was formulated, which gave rise to PP with appropriate performance and sensory quality and a healthy lipid profile.
- Published
- 2023
24. A review of the International Seabed Authority database DeepData from a biological perspective: challenges and opportunities in the UN Ocean Decade
- Author
Rabone, M, Horton, T, Jones, D O B, Simon-Lledó, E, Glover, A G, Rabone, M, Horton, T, Jones, D O B, Simon-Lledó, E, and Glover, A G
- Abstract
There is an urgent need for high-quality biodiversity data in the context of rapid environmental change. Nowhere is this need more urgent than in the deep ocean, with the possibility of seabed mining moving from exploration to exploitation, but where vast knowledge gaps persist. Regions of the seabed beyond national jurisdiction, managed by the International Seabed Authority (ISA), are undergoing intensive mining exploration, including the Clarion–Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the Central Pacific. In 2019, the ISA launched its database ‘DeepData’, publishing environmental (including biological) data. Here, we explore how DeepData could support biological research and environmental policy development in the CCZ (and wider ocean regions) and whether data are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). Given the direct connection of DeepData with the regulator of a rapidly developing potential industry, this review is particularly timely. We found evidence of extensive duplication of datasets; an absence of unique record identifiers and significant taxonomic data–quality issues, compromising FAIRness of the data. The publication of DeepData records on the OBIS ISA node in 2021 has led to large-scale improvements in data quality and accessibility. However, limitations in the usage of identifiers and issues with taxonomic information were also evident in datasets published on the node, stemming from mismapping of data from the ISA environmental data template to the data standard Darwin Core prior to data harvesting by OBIS. While notable data-quality issues remain, these changes signal a rapid evolution for the database and significant movement towards integrating with global systems, through the usage of data standards and publication on the global data aggregator OBIS. This is exactly what has been needed for biological datasets held by the ISA. We provide recommendations for the future development of the database to support this evolution towards FAIR.
- Published
- 2023
25. Carrageenan: Future Potential Ingredient of Lubricant and Feminine Hygiene Product with Possible Protection Effects against HPV Infection
- Author
Jumardi, Jumardi, Arfah, Rugaiyah A., Permatasari, Nur Umriani, Jumardi, Jumardi, Arfah, Rugaiyah A., and Permatasari, Nur Umriani
- Abstract
The discovery that human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the primary cause of cervical cancer has opened up new avenues for prevention. Carrageenans are attractive candidates for developing potential HPV prevention due to their actions against a wide range of viruses, mainly through the blocking of the viral attachment stage. In addition, they are characterised by low production costs, abundant availability, biodegradability, biocompatibility, and non-toxicity. This review presents an overview of in vitro and in vivo studies of carrageenan antiviral properties, availability, and future liquid-sexual material. Based on the results of previous studies, both in vitro and in vivo carrageenan has the potential to be applied as a lubricant and feminine cleanser because it can reduce HPV infection, is non-toxic, and non-allergenic., Otkriće da je infekcija humanim papiloma virusom (HPV) primarni uzrok raka grlića maternice otvorilo je nove načine prevencije. Karagenani su potencijalni kandidati za prevenciju HPV-a zbog njihova djelovanja protiv širokog spektra virusa, uglavnom kroz blokiranje prianjanja virusa. Osim toga, karakteriziraju ih niski troškovi proizvodnje, velika dostupnost, biorazgradivost, biokompatibilnost i nisu toksični. Na temelju rezultata dosadašnjih studija, karagenan (in vitro i in vivo) ima potencijal za primjenu kao lubrikant i sredstvo za higijenu žena, jer može smanjiti mogućnost HPV infekcije te nije toksičan ni alergen.
- Published
- 2023
26. Integrating LLM, EEG, and Eye-Tracking Biomarker Analysis for Word-Level Neural State Classification in Semantic Inference Reading Comprehension
- Author
Zhang, Yuhong, Li, Qin, Nahata, Sujal, Jamal, Tasnia, Cheng, Shih-kuen, Cauwenberghs, Gert, Jung, Tzyy-Ping, Zhang, Yuhong, Li, Qin, Nahata, Sujal, Jamal, Tasnia, Cheng, Shih-kuen, Cauwenberghs, Gert, and Jung, Tzyy-Ping
- Abstract
With the recent proliferation of large language models (LLMs), such as Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), there has been a significant shift in exploring human and machine comprehension of semantic language meaning. This shift calls for interdisciplinary research that bridges cognitive science and natural language processing (NLP). This pilot study aims to provide insights into individuals' neural states during a semantic relation reading-comprehension task. We propose jointly analyzing LLMs, eye-gaze, and electroencephalographic (EEG) data to study how the brain processes words with varying degrees of relevance to a keyword during reading. We also use a feature engineering approach to improve the fixation-related EEG data classification while participants read words with high versus low relevance to the keyword. The best validation accuracy in this word-level classification is over 60\% across 12 subjects. Words of high relevance to the inference keyword had significantly more eye fixations per word: 1.0584 compared to 0.6576 when excluding no-fixation words, and 1.5126 compared to 1.4026 when including them. This study represents the first attempt to classify brain states at a word level using LLM knowledge. It provides valuable insights into human cognitive abilities and the realm of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), and offers guidance for developing potential reading-assisted technologies.
- Published
- 2023
27. Job Loss-Related Complicated Grief and its Relationship to Positive Cognitions, Self-Esteem, and Locus of Control
- Author
Talts, Marie, Eersel, J.H.W. van (Thesis Advisor), Talts, Marie, and Eersel, J.H.W. van (Thesis Advisor)
- Abstract
Relatively few studies within the job loss-related complicated grief (CG) literature have focused on the protective factors for developing CG symptoms. Furthermore, little is known about the influencing factors on CG in this relation. This cross-sectional study aimed to examine the positive factors for developing job loss-related CG symptoms. More precisely, the three protective factors examined were self-esteem, positive cognitions, and locus of control. The final sample consisted of 22 mostly Estonian people (M = 32.1, SD = 12.60, range 22-63; 95.5% female) who had lost their jobs involuntarily. The participants completed online questionnaires concerning the study variables. Results rejected all four hypotheses; for the first three, all the correlations were statistically non-significant and negligible. Whereas the last hypothesis indicated that self-esteem had the strongest effect on job loss-related CG, although the result was statistically non-significant. The results can be a good foundation for future studies to elaborate on these variables in association with job loss-related CG. Increasing understanding of this phenomenon could aid in locating at-risk individuals, developing competent preventive measures, and developing potential therapy tools. Furthermore, effective CG treatment may contribute to lower unemployment rates by allowing individuals to engage in job-seeking behavior and other positive activities.
- Published
- 2022
28. Fecal Microbiota Transplantation and Other Gut Microbiota Manipulation Strategies
- Author
Quaranta, Gianluca, Guarnaccia, Alessandra, Fancello, Giovanni, Agrillo, Chiara, Iannarelli, Federica, Sanguinetti, Maurizio, Masucci, Luca, Sanguinetti, Maurizio (ORCID:0000-0002-9780-7059), Masucci, Luca (ORCID:0000-0002-8358-6726), Quaranta, Gianluca, Guarnaccia, Alessandra, Fancello, Giovanni, Agrillo, Chiara, Iannarelli, Federica, Sanguinetti, Maurizio, Masucci, Luca, Sanguinetti, Maurizio (ORCID:0000-0002-9780-7059), and Masucci, Luca (ORCID:0000-0002-8358-6726)
- Abstract
The gut microbiota is composed of bacteria, archaea, phages, and protozoa. It is now well known that their mutual interactions and metabolism influence host organism pathophysiology. Over the years, there has been growing interest in the composition of the gut microbiota and intervention strategies in order to modulate it. Characterizing the gut microbial populations represents the first step to clarifying the impact on the health/illness equilibrium, and then developing potential tools suited for each clinical disorder. In this review, we discuss the current gut microbiota manipulation strategies available and their clinical applications in personalized medicine. Among them, FMT represents the most widely explored therapeutic tools as recent guidelines and standardization protocols, not only for intestinal disorders. On the other hand, the use of prebiotics and probiotics has evidence of encouraging findings on their safety, patient compliance, and inter-individual effectiveness. In recent years, avant-garde approaches have emerged, including engineered bacterial strains, phage therapy, and genome editing (CRISPR-Cas9), which require further investigation through clinical trials.
- Published
- 2022
29. Sucrose-Responsive Intercommunicated Janus Nanoparticles Network
- Author
Jimenez-Falcao, Sandra, Torres, Daniel, Martínez-Ruíz, Paloma, Vilela García, Diana, Martínez-Máñez, Ramón, Villalonga Santana, Reynaldo, Jimenez-Falcao, Sandra, Torres, Daniel, Martínez-Ruíz, Paloma, Vilela García, Diana, Martínez-Máñez, Ramón, and Villalonga Santana, Reynaldo
- Abstract
Inspired by biological systems, the development of artificial nanoscale materials that communicate over a short distance is still at its early stages. This work shows a new example of a cooperating system with intercommunicated devices at the nanoscale. The system is based on the new sucrose-responsive Janus gold-mesoporous silica (Janus Au-MS) nanoparticles network with two enzyme-powered nanodevices. These nanodevices involve two enzymatic processes based on invertase and glucose oxidase, which are anchored on the Au surfaces of different Janus Au-MS nanoparticles, and N-acetyl-L-cysteine and [Ru(bpy)3]2+ loaded as chemical messengers, respectively. Sucrose acts as the INPUT, triggering the sequential delivery of two different cargoes through the enzymatic control. Nanoscale communication using abiotic nanodevices is a developing potential research field and may prompt several applications in different disciplines, such as nanomedicine., Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, MICINN, Generalitat Valenciana, Depto. de Química Analítica, Fac. de Ciencias Químicas, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2021
30. Revisiting the Concept of Absorptive Capacity:The Moderating Effects of Market Sensing and Responsiveness
- Author
Bouguerra, Abderaouf, Mellahi, Kamel, Glaister, Keith, Hughes, Matthew, Tatoglu, Ekrem, Bouguerra, Abderaouf, Mellahi, Kamel, Glaister, Keith, Hughes, Matthew, and Tatoglu, Ekrem
- Abstract
This study proposes new moderators acting on well-established antecedents of absorptive capacity. We treat separately the two dimensions of potential absorptive capacity and realized absorptive capacity. We first examine the moderating effect of market sensing on the relationship between coordination capability and potential absorptive capacity. Then, we assess the moderating effect of market responsiveness on the links between organizational systems and socialization processes and realized absorptive capacity. We draw on multilevel analysis with data from 205 managers from the banking sector in Turkey to test our hypothesized relationships. Our contribution reveals interesting insights on the contingent effects of market sensing and responsiveness for the emergence of absorptive capacity. Market sensing moderates the relationship between coordination capability and potential absorptive capacity, while market responsiveness moderates the relationships between organizational systems and socialization processes and realized absorptive capacity. The findings provide important implications for theory and practice on developing potential and realized absorptive capacity.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Katermina, Veronika, Solovyeva, Natalia, Katermina, Veronika, and Solovyeva, Natalia
- Abstract
Psycholinguistic studies show that the formation and development of a metaphor in a child's speech occurs during active interaction with an adult and in various activities. It is in pedagogical discourse that, when a child and an adult interact, the latter teaches to detect similarities between different objects, demonstrating transference patterns. In all types of activity, the child's experience of replacing one object with another expands. One of the means of developing figurative thinking in pedagogical discourse is a riddle, which is, in essence, a logical task. Pedagogical discourse actively uses the riddle to achieve a discursive goal: the socialization of a new member of society. In pedagogical preschool discourse, the riddle performs various functions, the main of which are pedagogical, informative, cognitive, playful, axiological. The material for the article was the results of studies devoted to the study of the influence of riddles on the development of figurative thinking in preschool children in pedagogical discourse. As the experimental data have shown, children, composing their riddles, build metaphorical models characteristic of their age: coloristic metaphors, parametric metaphors, anthropomorphic metaphors. The pedagogical value of riddles lies in the fact that they acquaint the child with objects and phenomena, their main features, encourage a deeper delve into the meaning of verbal designation, increase thinking ability, etc. At the same time, the developing potential of riddles is determined by the possibilities inherent in them, and the forms of working with them. Each riddle solved strengthens the child's self-esteem, the desire to repeat success.
- Published
- 2021
32. The missing piece: recent approaches investigating the antimicrobial mode of action of essential oils
- Author
Yang, Shun Kai, Tan, Ngai Paing, Chong, Chun Wie, Abushelaibi, Aisha, Lim, Swee Hua Erin, Lai, Kok Song, Yang, Shun Kai, Tan, Ngai Paing, Chong, Chun Wie, Abushelaibi, Aisha, Lim, Swee Hua Erin, and Lai, Kok Song
- Abstract
Antibiotic resistance is a major global health issue that has seen alarming rates of increase in all parts of the world over the past two decades. The surge in antibiotic resistance has resulted in longer hospital stays, higher medical costs, and elevated mortality rates. Constant attempts have been made to discover newer and more effective antimicrobials to reduce the severity of antibiotic resistance. Plant secondary metabolites, such as essential oils, have been the major focus due to their complexity and bioactive nature. However, the underlying mechanism of their antimicrobial effect remains largely unknown. Understanding the antimicrobial mode of action of essential oils is crucial in developing potential strategies for the use of essential oils in a clinical setting. Recent advances in genomics and proteomics have enhanced our understanding of the antimicrobial mode of action of essential oils. We might well be at the dawn of completing a mystery on how essential oils carry out their antimicrobial activities. Therefore, an overview of essential oils with regard to their antimicrobial activities and mode of action is discussed in this review. Recent approaches used in identifying the antimicrobial mode of action of essential oils, specifically from the perspective of genomics and proteomics, are also synthesized. Based on the information gathered from this review, we offer recommendations for future strategies and prospects for the study of essential oils and their function as antimicrobials.
- Published
- 2021
33. Inflammatory Markers Related to Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Atherosclerosis: Implications for Disease Prediction and Prospective Therapeutics
- Author
Hong,Ling-Zhi, Xue,Qi, Shao,Hong, Hong,Ling-Zhi, Xue,Qi, and Shao,Hong
- Abstract
Ling-Zhi Hong,1,* Qi Xue,2,* Hong Shao2 1Emergency Department, Chun’an First People’s Hospital (Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital Chun’an Branch), Hangzhou, 311700, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China; 2Department of Cardiology, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital, People’s Hospital of Hangzhou Medical College, Hangzhou, 310014, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China*These authors contributed equally to this workCorrespondence: Hong ShaoDepartment of Cardiology, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital (People’s Hospital of Hangzhou Medical College), No. 158 Shangtang Road, Hangzhou, 310014, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of ChinaTel/Fax +86-571-85894283Email shaohong@hmc.edu.cnAbstract: Several lines of evidence have linked a dysregulated inflammatory setting to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, which is a form of chronic vascular inflammation. Various inflammatory biomarkers have been associated with inflammation and are recognized as potential tools to monitor the progression of atherosclerosis. A well-studied inflammatory marker in the context of cardiovascular diseases is C-reactive protein (CRP) or, more accurately, highly sensitive-CRP (hs-CRP), which has been established as an inflammatory biomarker for atherosclerotic events. In addition, a growing body of investigations has attempted to disclose the potential of inflammatory cytokines, enzymes, and genetic polymorphisms related to innate and adaptive immunity as biomarkers for predicting the development of atherosclerosis. In this review article, we clarify both traditional and novel inflammatory biomarkers related to components of the innate and adaptive immune system that may mirror the progression or phases of atherosclerotic inflammation/lesions. Furthermore, the contribution of the inflammatory biomarkers in developing potential therapeutics against atherosclerotic
- Published
- 2021
34. Místní ekonomický rozvoj a jeho aplikace u vybraných obcí
- Author
Sobotková, Lucie, Štěpánková, Monika, Sobotková, Lucie, and Štěpánková, Monika
- Abstract
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou místního ekonomického rozvoje. V úvodních kapitolách jsou vymezeny základní pojmy, které se vztahují k tématu (obec jako základní územní samosprávný celek, hospodaření obce a rozvojový potenciál). Další kapitoly jsou věnovány charakteristice vybraného vzorku obcí, zaměřují se na analýzu rozvojových aktivit jednotlivých vzorků. Na základě dotazníkového šetření jsou rovněž určeny významné aspekty rozvoje obcí včetně pozitivních a negativních vlivů, které se v této problematice projevují., This bachelor thesis deals with the problematics of local economic development. First chapters specify elementary terms connected with the topics (municipality as a basic administrative autonomy, management of municipality and its developing potential). Further chapters deal with the characteristics of the defined municipality samples and aim to their growth analysis. In addition, I set the most significant aspects of urban area development, both positive and negative based on questionnaries., Ústav ekonomických věd, Studentka zpracovala bakalářskou práci na téma Místní ekonomický rozvoj a jeho aplikace u vybraných obcí. Cílem práce je zhodnotit úroveň spolupráce jednotlivých subjektů přítomných na území obce a zhodnotit dopady této spolupráce na ekonomiku vybraných obcí. Po prezentaci práce studentka odpověděla na otázky: 1. Jakým způsobem se v současné době daří ve zkoumaných obcích podpořit spolupráci místních subjektů (obce, občanů, místních podnikatelů apod.)? 2. Spolupráce místních subjektů je založena na projevení zájmu všech subjektů k této spolupráci. Mají vůbec malé a střední podniky zájem být zapojeny do rozvojových aktivit obce? Dále proběhla diskuze o dotazníkovém šetření.
- Published
- 2014
35. The main approaches to foreign language training in the higher education institution of tourist profile
- Author
Гуляк, О. Б. and Гуляк, О. Б.
- Abstract
The article considers the essence of the main approaches to professionally oriented foreign language teaching of future tourism professionals in terms of formation and development of professional competences that provide competence in effective professional communication, readiness and ability for intercultural interaction, professional and personal self-realization. The main objective of this study is to update the most effective approaches to teaching a foreign language for professional purposes to students majoring in tourism and to summarize the basic patterns of realization of the activating and developing potential of a foreign language in the process of professionally oriented language training. The analytical-synthetic method of research of the raised questions through the prism of the accumulated experience of the organization of professionally oriented foreign language training in the institution of higher education of a tourist profile has determined considering these issues on the plane of personal and professional development, whose integral element is formation of important professional competences., В статье рассматривается сущность основных подходов к профессионально ориентированному обучению иностранных языков будущих специалистов туристической отрасли с точки зрения формирования и развития профессиональных компетенций, обеспечивающих общую компетентность в эффективном профессиональном общении, готовность и способность к межкультурному взаимодействию, профессиональной и личностной самореализации. Целью данного исследования является актуализация наиболее действенных подходов к обучению иностранному языку профессионального направления студентов туристических специальностей и обобщение основных закономерностей реализации активизирующего и развивающего потенциала иностранного языка в процессе его изучения. Аналитико-синтетический метод исследования затронутых вопросов через призму накопленного опыта организации профессионально направленного обучения иностранным языкам в ЗВО туристического профиля обусловил выяснение этих вопросов в аспекте личностно-профессионального развития, интегральным элементом которого является формирование профессиональных компетенций., У статті з’ясовується сутність основних підходів до професійно орієнтованого навчання іноземної мови майбутніх фахівців туристичної галузі з точки зору формування та розвитку фахових компетенцій, які забезпечують компетентність в ефективному професійному спілкуванні, готовність та здатність до міжкультурної взаємодії, професійної та особистісної самореалізації. Метою даного дослідження є актуалізувати найбільш дієві підходи до навчання іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням студентів туристичних спеціальностей та узагальнити основні закономірності щодо реалізації активізуючого та розвиваючого потенціалу іноземної мови в процесі її вивчення. Аналітико-синтетичний метод дослідження порушених питань через призму накопиченого досвіду організації професійно спрямованого навчання іноземних мов у ЗВО туристичного профілю зумовив з’ясування цих питань у площині особистісно-професійного розвитку, інтегральним елементом якого є формуванням професійно значущих фахових компетенцій.
- Published
- 2020
36. Optimization of Mouse Brain-Derived Exosome Isolation Method and a Study of Exosomal Roles in the Pathological Propagation of Alpha-Synuclein Aggregates in Parkinson’s Disease
- Author
Panhelainen, Anne, Perustieteiden korkeakoulu, Carlson, Synnöve, Kang, Na, Panhelainen, Anne, Perustieteiden korkeakoulu, Carlson, Synnöve, and Kang, Na
- Abstract
Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles that are secreted by all cells and have diverse functions depending on their cellular origin. In the nervous system, exosomes are known to be involved in intercellular communications, carrying molecular cargo and regulation of various physiological processes. In recent decades, exosomes have attracted immense attention due to their implications in many neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease. Specifically, mounting evidence suggests that exosomes may be key mediators of the “prion-like” propagation in PD pathology as they are known to secrete alpha synucleins into the extracellular space and transfer them between the neighboring cells. As the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disease, PD is notorious for the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta that severely affect the patients’ quality of life with no disease modifying therapies available to this date. Thus, the possibilities of uncovering the underlying mechanisms and developing potential therapeutics or biomarkers for PD using exosomes are positively appealing. However, the lack of standardized protocols and ambiguous definitions has been raising concerns regarding the advancement of exosome research despite the enormous potential these nano-sized vesicles may harbor. In this thesis, three commonly used exosome isolation methods with varying conditions were investigated to establish an optimized protocol that would be efficient and practical for isolating exosomes from mouse brain tissues. The results demonstrated that isolating exosomes from frozen brain tissues using the sucrose density gradient centrifugation method was optimal considering the ease of performance and the high purity of resulting exosomes. Moreover, the importance of adequately dissociating the brain tissues using an effective enzyme like collagenase type III to minimize disruption of the cells prior to the isolatio
- Published
- 2020
37. Computational approaches for sub-meter ocean color remote sensing
- Author
Laney, Samuel R., O’Shea, Ryan E., Laney, Samuel R., and O’Shea, Ryan E.
- Abstract
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical and Oceanographic Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2021., The satellite ocean color remote sensing paradigm developed by government space agencies enables the assessment of ocean color products on global scales at kilometer resolutions. A similar paradigm has not yet been developed for regional scales at sub-meter resolutions, but it is essential for specific ocean color applications (e.g., mapping algal biomass in the marginal ice zone). While many aspects of the satellite ocean color remote sensing paradigm are applicable to sub-meter scales, steps within the paradigm must be adapted to the optical character of the ocean at these scales and the opto-electronics of the available sensing instruments. This dissertation adapts the three steps of the satellite ocean color remote sensing paradigm that benefit the most from reassessment at sub-meter scales, namely the correction for surface-reflected light, the design and selection of the opto-electronics and the post-processing of over-sampled regions. First, I identify which surface-reflected light removal algorithm and view angle combination are optimal at sub-meter scales, using data collected during a field deployment to the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory. I find that of the three most widely used glint correction algorithms, a spectral optimization based approach applied to measurements with a 40∘ view angle best recovers the remotesensing reflectance and chlorophyll concentration despite centimeter scale variability in the surface-reflected light. Second, I develop a simulation framework to assess the impact of higher optical and electronics noise on ocean color product retrieval from unique ocean color scenarios. I demonstrate the framework’s power as a design tool by identifying hardware limitations, and developing potential solutions, for estimating algal biomass from high dynamic range sensing in the marginal ice zone. Third, I investigate a spectral super-resolution technique for application to spatially over-sampled oceanic regions. I determine that this tec, Ryan O’Shea was supported by the Department of Defense (DoD) through the National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) Program. This research was funded by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Edwin W. Hiam Ocean Science and Technology Award Fund, its Ocean Venture Funds, its Academic Programs Office, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration via grant number CCE NNX17AI72G to Dr. Samuel Laney. The raw data for Figures 3-3 and 3-4 were provided through Australian Antarctic Science grants 2678 and 4390.
- Published
- 2020
38. Evolution of spheroidal dust in electrically active sub-stellar atmospheres
- Author
Stark, Craig R., Diver, Declan A., Stark, Craig R., and Diver, Declan A.
- Abstract
Understanding the source of sub-stellar polarimetric observations in the optical and near-infrared is key to characterizing sub-stellar objects and developing potential diagnostics for determining properties of their atmospheres. Differential scattering from a population of aligned, non-spherical dust grains is a potential source of polarization that could be used to determine geometric properties of the dust clouds. This paper addresses the problem of the spheroidal growth of dust grains in electrically activated sub-stellar atmospheres. It presents the novel application of a mechanism whereby non-spherical, elongated dust grains can be grown via plasma deposition as a consequence of the surface electric field effects of charged dust grains. We numerically solve the differential equations governing the spheroidal growth of charged dust grains via plasma deposition as a result of surface electric field effects in order to determine how the dust eccentricity and the dust particle eccentricity distribution function evolve with time. From these results, we determine the effect of spheroidal dust on the observed linear polarization. Numerical solutions show that $e\approx 0.94$ defines a watershed eccentricity, where the eccentricity of grains with an initial eccentricity less than (greater than) this value decreases (increases) and spherical (spheroidal) growth occurs. This produces a characteristic bimodal eccentricity distribution function yielding a fractional change in the observed linear polarization of up to $\approx0.1$ corresponding to dust grains of maximal eccentricity at wavelengths of $\approx1 \mu$m, consistent with the near infrared observational window. The results presented here are relevant to the growth of non-spherical, irregularly shaped dust grains of general geometry where non-uniform surface electric field effects of charged dust grains are significant., Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Published
- 2020
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39. Navigating the landscape of COVID-19 research through literature analysis: A bird's eye view
- Author
Yeganova, Lana, Islamaj, Rezarta, Chen, Qingyu, Leaman, Robert, Allot, Alexis, Wei, Chin-Hsuan, Comeau, Donald C., Kim, Won, Peng, Yifan, Wilbur, W. John, Lu, Zhiyong, Yeganova, Lana, Islamaj, Rezarta, Chen, Qingyu, Leaman, Robert, Allot, Alexis, Wei, Chin-Hsuan, Comeau, Donald C., Kim, Won, Peng, Yifan, Wilbur, W. John, and Lu, Zhiyong
- Abstract
Timely access to accurate scientific literature in the battle with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is critical. This unprecedented public health risk has motivated research towards understanding the disease in general, identifying drugs to treat the disease, developing potential vaccines, etc. This has given rise to a rapidly growing body of literature that doubles in number of publications every 20 days as of May 2020. Providing medical professionals with means to quickly analyze the literature and discover growing areas of knowledge is necessary for addressing their question and information needs. In this study we analyze the LitCovid collection, 13,369 COVID-19 related articles found in PubMed as of May 15th, 2020 with the purpose of examining the landscape of literature and presenting it in a format that facilitates information navigation and understanding. We do that by applying state-of-the-art named entity recognition, classification, clustering and other NLP techniques. By applying NER tools, we capture relevant bioentities (such as diseases, internal body organs, etc.) and assess the strength of their relationship with COVID-19 by the extent they are discussed in the corpus. We also collect a variety of symptoms and co-morbidities discussed in reference to COVID-19. Our clustering algorithm identifies topics represented by groups of related terms, and computes clusters corresponding to documents associated with the topic terms. Among the topics we observe several that persist through the duration of multiple weeks and have numerous associated documents, as well several that appear as emerging topics with fewer documents. All the tools and data are publicly available, and this framework can be applied to any literature collection. Taken together, these analyses produce a comprehensive, synthesized view of COVID-19 research to facilitate knowledge discovery from literature., Comment: 10 pages, 8 Figures, Submitted to KDD 2020 Health Day
- Published
- 2020
40. SUMOylation of Pdia3 exacerbates proinsulin misfolding and ER stress in pancreatic beta cells
- Author
Li, Na, Luo, Xiya, Yu, Qilin, Yang, Ping, Chen, Zhishui, Wang, Xinqiang, Jiang, Jipin, Xu, Jing, Gong, Quan, Eizirik, Decio L., Zhou, Zhiguang, Zhao, Jiajun, Xiong, Fei, Zhang, Shu, Wang, Cong Yi, Li, Na, Luo, Xiya, Yu, Qilin, Yang, Ping, Chen, Zhishui, Wang, Xinqiang, Jiang, Jipin, Xu, Jing, Gong, Quan, Eizirik, Decio L., Zhou, Zhiguang, Zhao, Jiajun, Xiong, Fei, Zhang, Shu, and Wang, Cong Yi
- Abstract
SUMOylation has long been recognized to regulate multiple biological processes in pancreatic beta cells, but its impact on proinsulin disulfide maturation and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress remains elusive. Herein, we conducted comparative proteomic analyses of SUMOylated proteins in primary mouse/human islets following proinflammatory cytokine stimulation. Cytokine challenge rendered beta cells to undergo a SUMOylation turnover manifested by the changes of SUMOylation substrates and SUMOylation levels for multiple substrates. Our data support that SUMOylation may play a crucial role to regulate proinsulin misfolding and ER stress at least by targeting Protein Disulfide Isomerase a3 (Pdia3). SUMOylation regulates Pdia3 enzymatic activity, subcellular localization, and protein binding ability. Furthermore, SUMOylation of Pdia3 exacerbated proinsulin misfolding and ER stress, and repressed Stat3 activation. In contrast, disruption of Pdia3 SUMOylation markedly rescued the outcomes. Collectively, our study expands the understanding how SUMOylation regulates ER stress in beta cells, which shed light on developing potential strategies against beta cell dysfunction., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2020
41. Vaccine Interactions With the Infant Microbiome: Do They Define Health and Disease?
- Author
Ruck, Candice C.E., Odumade, Oludare O.A., Smolen, Kinga, Ruck, Candice C.E., Odumade, Oludare O.A., and Smolen, Kinga
- Abstract
Over the past decade, there has been a growing awareness of the vital role of the microbiome in the function of the immune system. Recently, several studies have demonstrated a relationship between the composition of the microbiome and the vaccine-specific immune response. As a result of these findings, the administration of probiotics has been proposed as a means of boosting vaccine-specific immunity. Early results have so far been highly inconsistent, with little evidence of sustained benefit. To date, a precise determination of the aspects of the microbiome that impact immunity is still lacking, and the mechanisms of action are also unknown. Further investigations into these questions are necessary to effectively manipulate the microbiome for the purpose of boosting immunity and enhancing vaccine-specific responses in infants. In this review, we summarize recent studies aimed at altering the neonatal gut microbiome to enhance vaccine responses and highlight gaps in knowledge and understanding. We also discuss research strategies aimed at filling these gaps and developing potential therapeutic interventions., SCOPUS: re.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2020
42. Panophthalmitis and Orbital Inflammation with Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis Following Cataract Surgery
- Author
Marinos,Emmanuel, McCall,Dominic, Tumuluri,Krishna, Rowe,Neil, Do,Helen, Marinos,Emmanuel, McCall,Dominic, Tumuluri,Krishna, Rowe,Neil, and Do,Helen
- Abstract
Emmanuel Marinos, Dominic McCall, Krishna Tumuluri, Neil Rowe, Helen Do Ophthalmology Department, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, NSW, AustraliaCorrespondence: Emmanuel MarinosOphthalmology Department, Westmead Hospital, Sydney Hospital/Sydney Eye Hospital, Sydney, NSW, AustraliaTel +61 400 498 037Email emmanuel.marinos@gmail.comBackground: Panophthalmitis is a severe inflammation of the globe that can result as a rare complication of ophthalmic surgery. In severe cases, it may also be associated with orbital inflammation and cavernous sinus thrombosis.Purpose: This case demonstrates a rare and life-threatening post-operative complication of cataract surgery. We also hope to highlight the importance of considering the relevant risk factors associated with developing potential infections after cataract surgery, including the use of corneal sutures, high-risk behaviours such as excessive eye-rubbing, and non-compliance with appointments and post-operative medications.Case Report: We report the case of a 35-year-old female with severe autism and developmental delay who developed panophthalmitis, orbital inflammation and cavernous sinus thrombosis 6 weeks post cataract surgery. The likely cause was corneal suture-related microbial keratitis, and the patient required enucleation due to sepsis.Conclusion: Post-surgical panophalmitis is a rapidly progressive disease that is not only sight- but life-threatening and demands urgent and intensive treatment. Consideration of early enucleation may be required to prevent deterioration in such patients.Keywords: panophthalmitis, suture abscess, orbital cellulitis, cavernous sinus thrombosis, enucleation
- Published
- 2020
43. Trajectory Planning of Multiple Dronecells in Vehicular Networks
- Author
Samir, Moataz, Ebrahimi, Dariush, Assi, Chadi, Sharafeddine, Sanaa, Ghrayeb, Ali, Samir, Moataz, Ebrahimi, Dariush, Assi, Chadi, Sharafeddine, Sanaa, and Ghrayeb, Ali
- Abstract
The agility of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been recently harnessed in developing potential solutions that provide seamless coverage for vehicles in areas with poor cellular infrastructure. In this paper, multiple UAVs are deployed to provide the needed cellular coverage to vehicles traveling with random speeds over a given highway segment. This work minimizes the number of deployed UAVs and optimizes their trajectories to offer prevalent communication coverage to all vehicles crossing the highway segment while saving energy consumption of the UAVs. Due to varying traffic conditions on the highway, a reinforcement learning approach is utilized to govern the number of needed UAVs and their trajectories to serve the existing and newly arriving vehicles. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design and show that during the mission time, a minimum number of UAVs adapt their velocities in order to cover the vehicles.
- Published
- 2020
44. Зміст і структура сучасного шкільного підручника української мови в компетентнісному вимірі української освіти
- Author
Горошкіна, Олена Миколаївна and Горошкіна, Олена Миколаївна
- Abstract
У статті на основі аналізу праць українських і зарубіжних науковців з обраної проблеми окреслено особливості змісту і структури сучасного шкільного підручника української мови в компетентнісному вимірі, розкрито дидактико-розвивальний потенціал підручника у формуванні ключових і предметної компетентностей учнів. Акцентовано, що підручник української мови в сучасних умовах стає інструментом управління освітньою діяльністю учнів, навігатором у динамічних інформаційних потоках, засобом включення суб’єктів освітнього процесу до інформаційного середовища. Основним принципом побудови сучасних підручників української мови визначено текстоцентричний, що передбачає використання релевантних текстів різних типів або жанрів, відібраних для забезпечення ефективного навчання мови, мета якого полягає в набутті суб’єктами навчання ключових і предметної компетентностей., Based on the analysis of the scientific literature on the selected problem, the article identifies features of the content and structure of the modern school textbook of the Ukrainian language in the competence dimension, reveals the didactic-developing potential of the textbook in the formation of key and subject competencies of students. It is accentuated that the textbook of the Ukrainian language in these conditions becomes an instrument for managing the educational activities of students, a navigator in dynamic information flows, a means of including subjects of the educational process in the information environment. The authors consider text-centric, the basic principle of constructing modern textbooks in the Ukrainian language, which implies the use of relevant texts of various types or genres selected to ensure the learning process, the purpose of which is to acquire key and subject-specific competencies by subjects of learning.
- Published
- 2019
45. Текст як засіб реалізації завдань компетентнісно орієнтованого навчання української мови
- Author
Горошкіна, Олена Миколаївна and Горошкіна, Олена Миколаївна
- Abstract
Яскравою ознакою сучасного уроку української мови є широке й різноманітне використання текстового матеріалу – засобу навчання, що має значний дидактично-розвивальний потенціал. Саме на рівні тексту відбувається з’ясування семантики слова, його поняттєвих зв’язків, усвідомлення стилістичної диференціації моделювання зв’язного висловлення., A striking feature of the modern Ukrainian language lesson is the wide and diverse use of text material - a learning tool, has significant didactically developing potential. It is at the level of the text that the semantics of the word, its conceptual connections are clarified, the stylistic differentiation of the modeling of a connected utterance is realized.
- Published
- 2019
46. How to Build Emergent Software Systems (Tutorial)
- Author
Rodrigues Filho, Roberto, Porter, Barry, Rodrigues Filho, Roberto, and Porter, Barry
- Abstract
Emergent software systems take a reward signal, an environment signal, and a collection of possible behavioural compositions implementing the system logic in a variety of ways, to learn in real-time how to best assemble a system to maximise reward. This reduces the burden of complexity in systems building by making human programmers responsible only for developing potential building blocks while the system determines how best to use them in its deployment conditions - with no architectural models or training regimes. Instead of adaptation being a special capability, emergent systems treat adaptation as continuous self-assembly, where a system is constantly reviewing its own behavioural composition to find alternative building blocks which better suit the currently perceived environment.
- Published
- 2019
47. Distributed Emergent Software:Assembling, Perceiving and Learning Systems at Scale
- Author
Porter, Barry, Rodrigues Filho, Roberto, Porter, Barry, and Rodrigues Filho, Roberto
- Abstract
Emergent software systems take a reward signal, an environment signal, and a collection of possible behavioural compositions implementing the system logic in a variety of ways, to learn in real-time how best to assemble a system. This reduces the burden of complexity in systems building by making human programmers responsible only for developing potential building blocks while the system determines how best to use them in its deployment conditions – with no architectural models or training regimes. In this paper we generalise the approach to distributed systems, to demonstrate for the first time how a single reward signal can form the basis of complex decision making about how to compose the software running on each host machine, where to place each sub-unit of software, and how many instances of each sub-unit should be created. We provide an overview of the necessary system mechanics to support this concept, and discuss the key challenges in machine learning needed to realise it. We present our current implementation in both datacentre and pervasive computing environments, with experimental results for a baseline learning approach.
- Published
- 2019
48. Shexiang Baoxin Pill, A Formulated Chinese Herbal Mixture, Induces Neuronal Differentiation of PC12 Cells: A Signaling Triggered by Activation of Protein Kinase A
- Author
Xu, Miranda Li LIFS, Zheng, Zhongyu, Xia, Yingjie, Liu, Yunle, Chan, Stanley Ka Ho, Hu, Weihui, Duan, Ran, Dong, Tina Tingxia, Zhan, Chang-Sen, Shang, Xiao-Hui, Tsim, Karl Wah-Keung, Xu, Miranda Li LIFS, Zheng, Zhongyu, Xia, Yingjie, Liu, Yunle, Chan, Stanley Ka Ho, Hu, Weihui, Duan, Ran, Dong, Tina Tingxia, Zhan, Chang-Sen, Shang, Xiao-Hui, and Tsim, Karl Wah-Keung
- Abstract
Background: Shexiang Baoxin Pill (SBP) is a well-known composite formula of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which is commonly used today in treating cardiovascular diseases. SBP consists of seven materials thereof, including Moschus, extract of Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma, Bovis Calculus Artifactus, Cinnamomi Cortex, Styrax, Bufonis Venenum, and Borneolum Syntheticum. Here, we are investigating the potential roles of SBP in inducing neuron differentiation, i.e., seeking possible application in neurodegenerative diseases. Methods: Water and ethanol extracts of SBP, denoted as SBPwater and SBPEtOH, respectively, as well as its individual herbal materials, were standardized and applied onto cultured rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. The potential effect of SBP extracts in neuronal differentiation was suggested by following parameters: (i) induction of neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells, (ii) increase of neurofilament expression, and (iii) activation of transcription of neurofilament. Results: The treatments of SBPwater and SBPEtOH, or extracts from individual herbal materials, with or without low concentration of nerve growth factor (NGF), could potentiate the differentiation of cultured PC12 cells. The differentiation was indicated by increase of neurite outgrowth, as well as expression of neurofilaments. In addition, application of H89, a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, suppressed the SBP-induced neurofilament expressions, as well as the phosphorylation of cAMP-responsive element binding protein (CREB) in cultures. Conclusion: SBP is proposed to possess trophic activity in modulating neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells, and this induction is shown to be mediated partly by a cAMP-PKA signaling pathway. These results indicate the neurite-promoting SBP could be useful in developing potential drug in treating or preventing neurodegenerative diseases. Copyright © 2019 Xu, Zheng, Xia, Liu, Chan, Hu, Duan, Dong, Zhan, Shang and Tsim. This is an open-access article distrib
- Published
- 2019
49. Gender education of adolescent boys in general educational organizations
- Author
Valentina V. Maryuhina, Sayzana A. Araptan, Natalya Sh. Damba, Mayya D. Dorzhu, Ailan S. Kombu, Argaana B. Oorgak, Valentina V. Maryuhina, Sayzana A. Araptan, Natalya Sh. Damba, and Mayya D. Dorzhu, Ailan S. Kombu, Argaana B. Oorgak
- Abstract
The proposed article reveals the main scientific views on the problems of gender education at the level of general education institutions, in particular, at the regional level in the Republic of Tuva. The result of the experiment was the identification of three typological groups of students with different indicators of the level of masculine and feminine traits. As a conclusion, an educational factor, formed on the basis of gender approach, revealed pedagogical conditions and implemented in the model, can be an effective factor in taking into account individuality, developing potential opportunities and improving the quality of educational achievements of students
- Published
- 2019
50. Active learning technologies in distance education of gifted students
- Author
Abakumova, Irina, Bakaeva, Irina Alexandrovna, Grishina, Anastasia, Dyakova, Elena, Abakumova, Irina, Bakaeva, Irina Alexandrovna, Grishina, Anastasia, and Dyakova, Elena
- Abstract
The article reveals the notion of distance education, meaning formation, meaningful technologies. The modern concept of psychological and peda-gogical support of talent is associated with the concept of the child’s abilities disclosure in education. Discussion about the developing potential of distance education, where, on the one hand, the student’s development potential is flattened, compressed and translated into “one-dimensional space” in the process of education; on the other hand, there is a whole range of opportuni-ties to initiate independent activity of students, to include mechanisms of cognitive and personal development of a modern student. The psychological bases of active learning technologies in distance education of gifted students are described. The author’s classification of interactive learning technologies using remote technologies is considered, where each technology finds several concrete embodiments. The results of an experimental study of gifted stu-dents’ independent activity initiation in distance education are presented.
- Published
- 2019
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