19 results on '"asymmetrical body"'
Search Results
2. Asymmetrical Body Perception: A Possible Role for Neural Body Representations
- Author
Linkenauger, Sally A., Witt, Jessica K., Bakdash, Jonathan Z., Stefanucci, Jeanine K., Proffitt, Dennis R., Linkenauger, Sally A., Witt, Jessica K., Bakdash, Jonathan Z., Stefanucci, Jeanine K., and Proffitt, Dennis R.
- Abstract
Perception of one's body is related not only to the physical appearance of the body, but also to the neural representation of the body. The brain contains many body maps that systematically differ between right- and left-handed people. In general, the cortical representations of the right arm and right hand tend to be of greater area in the left hemisphere than in the right hemisphere for right-handed people, whereas these cortical representations tend to be symmetrical across hemispheres for left-handers. We took advantage of these naturally occurring differences and examined perceived arm length in right- and left-handed people. When looking at each arm and hand individually, right-handed participants perceived their right arms and right hands to be longer than their left arms and left hands, whereas left-handed participants perceived both arms accurately. These experiments reveal a possible relationship between implicit body maps in the brain and conscious perception of the body.
- Published
- 2009
3. Asymmetrical Body Perception: A Possible Role for Neural Body Representations
- Author
Linkenauger, Sally A., Witt, Jessica K., Bakdash, Jonathan Z., Stefanucci, Jeanine K., Proffitt, Dennis R., Linkenauger, Sally A., Witt, Jessica K., Bakdash, Jonathan Z., Stefanucci, Jeanine K., and Proffitt, Dennis R.
- Abstract
Perception of one's body is related not only to the physical appearance of the body, but also to the neural representation of the body. The brain contains many body maps that systematically differ between right- and left-handed people. In general, the cortical representations of the right arm and right hand tend to be of greater area in the left hemisphere than in the right hemisphere for right-handed people, whereas these cortical representations tend to be symmetrical across hemispheres for left-handers. We took advantage of these naturally occurring differences and examined perceived arm length in right- and left-handed people. When looking at each arm and hand individually, right-handed participants perceived their right arms and right hands to be longer than their left arms and left hands, whereas left-handed participants perceived both arms accurately. These experiments reveal a possible relationship between implicit body maps in the brain and conscious perception of the body.
- Published
- 2009
4. Kvinnors upplevelser av sexuell hälsa i samband med bröstcancer : En litteraturöversikt
- Author
Kantonen, Tove, Aveholt Hugosson, Simona, Kantonen, Tove, and Aveholt Hugosson, Simona
- Abstract
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland kvinnor världen över. Behandling kan ge biverkningar som påverkar den sexuella hälsan. Sjuksköterskan har en central roll när det kommer till att främja den sexuella hälsan som är en viktig del av den allmänna hälsan och välbefinnandet. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av sexuell hälsa i samband med bröstcancer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt genomfördes bestående av elva vetenskapliga originalartiklar med kvalitativ eller mixad metod. Artiklarna söktes fram i databaserna Cinahl Complete och PubMed och analyserades i enlighet med Fribergs dataanalyssteg. Resultat: Litteraturöversikten resulterade i två huvudteman och fyra underteman. Det första huvudtemat var Kroppsliga begränsningar med tillhörande underteman Att uppleva kroppsliga besvär samt Att uppleva en förändrad kroppsbild och förlust av femininitet. Kvinnorna upplevde att behandling medförde sexuell dysfunktion, men även en förändrad kroppsbild till följd av förlust av femininitet och sexualitet. Det andra huvudtemat var Social påverkan med underteman Förändringar i den sexuella relationen och copingstrategier samt Hinder i kommunikationen med hälso-och sjukvården. Kvinnorna upplevde utmaningar i den sexuella relationen, vilket resulterade i att de utvecklade olika copingstrategier för att hantera dessa. Det fanns även hinder i kommunikationen mellan vårdgivare och kvinnorna som medförde att deras sexuella problem inte uppmärksammades. Slutsats: Kvinnor med bröstcancer upplever fysiska, psykiska och emotionella påfrestningar till följd av nedsatt sexuell funktion samt en förändrad kroppsbild. Det leder till förändringar i den sexuella relationen och kvinnorna utvecklar copingstrategier för att dölja den asymmetriska kroppen som upplevs skamfylld. Stöd från partnern samt hälso-och sjukvården blir viktigt för att kunna hantera utmaningarna. Trots det upplever kvinnorna brist på information och kommunikation kring den sexuella hälsan fr, Background: Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women worldwide. The treatment can cause side effects that affect the sexual health. The nurse has a central role when it comes to foster the sexual health which is an important part of the overall health and well-being. Aim: The aim was to describe womens’ experiences of sexual health in connection with breast cancer. Method: A literature review was conducted consisting of eleven original scientific articles using qualitative or mixed method. The articles were found in the databases Cinahl Complete and PubMed and were analyzed in accordance with Friberg’s data analysis steps. Results: The literature review resulted in two main themes and four subthemes. The first main theme was Bodily constraints with associated subthemes Experiencing bodily discomfort and Experiencing an altered body image and loss of femininity. The women felt that treatment led to sexual dysfunction, but also an altered body image as a result of loss of femininity and sexuality. The other main theme was Social influence with subthemes Changes in the sexual relationship and coping strategies and Obstacles in communication with health care. The women experienced challenges in the sexual relationship, which resulted in that they developed different coping strategies to deal with these challenges. There were also obstacles in the communication between caregivers and the women, that resulted in that their sexual problems weren’t acknowledged. Conclusions: Women with breast cancer experience physical, mental and emotional strain as a result of impaired sexual function and an altered body image. In turn, this leads to changes in the sexual relationship and the women develop coping strategies to hide the asymmetrical body that is perceived as shameful. To handle these challenges, support from partners and the health care system is very important. Despite this, women experience a lack of information and communication from the health care s
- Published
- 2024
5. Kvinnors upplevelser av sexuell hälsa i samband med bröstcancer : En litteraturöversikt
- Author
Kantonen, Tove, Aveholt Hugosson, Simona, Kantonen, Tove, and Aveholt Hugosson, Simona
- Abstract
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland kvinnor världen över. Behandling kan ge biverkningar som påverkar den sexuella hälsan. Sjuksköterskan har en central roll när det kommer till att främja den sexuella hälsan som är en viktig del av den allmänna hälsan och välbefinnandet. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av sexuell hälsa i samband med bröstcancer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt genomfördes bestående av elva vetenskapliga originalartiklar med kvalitativ eller mixad metod. Artiklarna söktes fram i databaserna Cinahl Complete och PubMed och analyserades i enlighet med Fribergs dataanalyssteg. Resultat: Litteraturöversikten resulterade i två huvudteman och fyra underteman. Det första huvudtemat var Kroppsliga begränsningar med tillhörande underteman Att uppleva kroppsliga besvär samt Att uppleva en förändrad kroppsbild och förlust av femininitet. Kvinnorna upplevde att behandling medförde sexuell dysfunktion, men även en förändrad kroppsbild till följd av förlust av femininitet och sexualitet. Det andra huvudtemat var Social påverkan med underteman Förändringar i den sexuella relationen och copingstrategier samt Hinder i kommunikationen med hälso-och sjukvården. Kvinnorna upplevde utmaningar i den sexuella relationen, vilket resulterade i att de utvecklade olika copingstrategier för att hantera dessa. Det fanns även hinder i kommunikationen mellan vårdgivare och kvinnorna som medförde att deras sexuella problem inte uppmärksammades. Slutsats: Kvinnor med bröstcancer upplever fysiska, psykiska och emotionella påfrestningar till följd av nedsatt sexuell funktion samt en förändrad kroppsbild. Det leder till förändringar i den sexuella relationen och kvinnorna utvecklar copingstrategier för att dölja den asymmetriska kroppen som upplevs skamfylld. Stöd från partnern samt hälso-och sjukvården blir viktigt för att kunna hantera utmaningarna. Trots det upplever kvinnorna brist på information och kommunikation kring den sexuella hälsan fr, Background: Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women worldwide. The treatment can cause side effects that affect the sexual health. The nurse has a central role when it comes to foster the sexual health which is an important part of the overall health and well-being. Aim: The aim was to describe womens’ experiences of sexual health in connection with breast cancer. Method: A literature review was conducted consisting of eleven original scientific articles using qualitative or mixed method. The articles were found in the databases Cinahl Complete and PubMed and were analyzed in accordance with Friberg’s data analysis steps. Results: The literature review resulted in two main themes and four subthemes. The first main theme was Bodily constraints with associated subthemes Experiencing bodily discomfort and Experiencing an altered body image and loss of femininity. The women felt that treatment led to sexual dysfunction, but also an altered body image as a result of loss of femininity and sexuality. The other main theme was Social influence with subthemes Changes in the sexual relationship and coping strategies and Obstacles in communication with health care. The women experienced challenges in the sexual relationship, which resulted in that they developed different coping strategies to deal with these challenges. There were also obstacles in the communication between caregivers and the women, that resulted in that their sexual problems weren’t acknowledged. Conclusions: Women with breast cancer experience physical, mental and emotional strain as a result of impaired sexual function and an altered body image. In turn, this leads to changes in the sexual relationship and the women develop coping strategies to hide the asymmetrical body that is perceived as shameful. To handle these challenges, support from partners and the health care system is very important. Despite this, women experience a lack of information and communication from the health care s
- Published
- 2024
6. Análisis de la asimetría mandibular y disfunción temporomandibular en violinistas y violistas profesionales: un estudio de casos y controles
- Author
López-Quiles Martínez, Juan, Ramos Rodríguez, Elia, López-Quiles Martínez, Juan, and Ramos Rodríguez, Elia
- Abstract
La interpretación de instrumentos musicales de forma profesional requiere una destreza adquirida por medio del ensayo durante años, y hace del movimiento repetitivo y la postura forzada, un medio laboral habitual. Existen alteraciones musculoesqueléticas y articulares en el sistema locomotor de violistas y violinistas como neuralgia cervicobraquial, síndrome del desfiladero cervico-torácico, neuropatía del cubital, artrosis del pulgar, neuropatía del radial o síndrome del túnel carpiano que han sido asociadas al hecho laboral. Sujetar el violín o viola obliga a adoptar una posición asimétrica corporal y adelantar la posición del cráneo, produciendo una contracción irregular muscular y una deflexión mandibular hacia la derecha para mantener estable el instrumento. A esta posición se suma la presión que se ejerce entre el mentón y el hombro que oscila entre 30 a 70 Newtons en el momento de la ejecución instrumental. Esto produce una serie de alteraciones musculares (aumento de dolor a la palpación en el músculo esternocleidomastoideo, trapecio e inserción del temporal izquierdo y contracción asimétrica del músculo pterigoideo lateral izquierdo; patrones electromiográficos alterados en trapecio, esternocleidomastoideo, deltoides y bíceps), óseas (aumento unilateral de la longitud del cuerpo mandibular y disminución de la altura facial inferior), dentarias (vestibuloversión de incisivos superiores), articulares (mayor prevalencia de signos y síntomas de alteración temporomandibular: dolor a la palpación articular, ruidos articulares y dolor en movimientos excursivos o en máxima apertura, disminución del espacio articular e irregularidad de la superficie condilar con presencia de erosiones y/o aplanamiento en la misma…etc.), y dermatológicas (Presencia de placa liquenoide hiperpigmentada o eritematosa cervical)..., Professional musicians are subjected to hard rehearsals during years, making repetitive movements and standing in cramped posture. In this regard, violists and violinists exhibit important musculoskeletal and joint disorders considered occupational diseases such as cervicobrachial neuralgia, ulnar neuropathy, osteoarthritis of the thumb, radial neuropathy or carpal tunnel syndrome. Indeed, these professional musicians are subjected to the vibrations and weight of their instruments and, in order to maintain stable instrument, they adopt an asymmetrical body position and advance the position of the skull when they hold the violin or viola, causing an irregular muscle contraction and mandibular deflection to the right. At the moment of the performance, the pressure exerted by the chin in holding a violin or a viola has been found to range from 30-70 Newtons. Therefore, they suffer different muscular disorders (increased pain in the sternocleidomastoid, trapezius and in the insertion of the left temporal, and asymmetric contraction of the left lateral pterygoid muscle; electromyographic altered patterns in trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, deltoid and biceps), skeletal changes (unilateral increase in the length of the mandibular corpus and decreased lower facial height), dental alterations (proclination of the upper incisors), joint abnormalities (higher prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder: joint tenderness, joint noises and pain during excursive movements or maximum jaw opening, narrowed the joint space and irregularity of the condyle surface with presence of erosions and/or flattening, etc.), and skin alterations (presence of lichenoid reaction skin or cervical erythematous plaque)...
- Published
- 2016
7. Análisis de la asimetría mandibular y disfunción temporomandibular en violinistas y violistas profesionales: un estudio de casos y controles
- Author
López-Quiles Martínez, Juan, Ramos Rodríguez, Elia, López-Quiles Martínez, Juan, and Ramos Rodríguez, Elia
- Abstract
La interpretación de instrumentos musicales de forma profesional requiere una destreza adquirida por medio del ensayo durante años, y hace del movimiento repetitivo y la postura forzada, un medio laboral habitual. Existen alteraciones musculoesqueléticas y articulares en el sistema locomotor de violistas y violinistas como neuralgia cervicobraquial, síndrome del desfiladero cervico-torácico, neuropatía del cubital, artrosis del pulgar, neuropatía del radial o síndrome del túnel carpiano que han sido asociadas al hecho laboral. Sujetar el violín o viola obliga a adoptar una posición asimétrica corporal y adelantar la posición del cráneo, produciendo una contracción irregular muscular y una deflexión mandibular hacia la derecha para mantener estable el instrumento. A esta posición se suma la presión que se ejerce entre el mentón y el hombro que oscila entre 30 a 70 Newtons en el momento de la ejecución instrumental. Esto produce una serie de alteraciones musculares (aumento de dolor a la palpación en el músculo esternocleidomastoideo, trapecio e inserción del temporal izquierdo y contracción asimétrica del músculo pterigoideo lateral izquierdo; patrones electromiográficos alterados en trapecio, esternocleidomastoideo, deltoides y bíceps), óseas (aumento unilateral de la longitud del cuerpo mandibular y disminución de la altura facial inferior), dentarias (vestibuloversión de incisivos superiores), articulares (mayor prevalencia de signos y síntomas de alteración temporomandibular: dolor a la palpación articular, ruidos articulares y dolor en movimientos excursivos o en máxima apertura, disminución del espacio articular e irregularidad de la superficie condilar con presencia de erosiones y/o aplanamiento en la misma…etc.), y dermatológicas (Presencia de placa liquenoide hiperpigmentada o eritematosa cervical)..., Professional musicians are subjected to hard rehearsals during years, making repetitive movements and standing in cramped posture. In this regard, violists and violinists exhibit important musculoskeletal and joint disorders considered occupational diseases such as cervicobrachial neuralgia, ulnar neuropathy, osteoarthritis of the thumb, radial neuropathy or carpal tunnel syndrome. Indeed, these professional musicians are subjected to the vibrations and weight of their instruments and, in order to maintain stable instrument, they adopt an asymmetrical body position and advance the position of the skull when they hold the violin or viola, causing an irregular muscle contraction and mandibular deflection to the right. At the moment of the performance, the pressure exerted by the chin in holding a violin or a viola has been found to range from 30-70 Newtons. Therefore, they suffer different muscular disorders (increased pain in the sternocleidomastoid, trapezius and in the insertion of the left temporal, and asymmetric contraction of the left lateral pterygoid muscle; electromyographic altered patterns in trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, deltoid and biceps), skeletal changes (unilateral increase in the length of the mandibular corpus and decreased lower facial height), dental alterations (proclination of the upper incisors), joint abnormalities (higher prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder: joint tenderness, joint noises and pain during excursive movements or maximum jaw opening, narrowed the joint space and irregularity of the condyle surface with presence of erosions and/or flattening, etc.), and skin alterations (presence of lichenoid reaction skin or cervical erythematous plaque)...
- Published
- 2016
8. Lateral bias of agonistic responses to mirror images and morphological asymmetry in the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens).
- Author
Takeuchi, Yuichi, Hori, Michio, Myint, Omar, Kohda, Masanori, Takeuchi, Yuichi, Hori, Michio, Myint, Omar, and Kohda, Masanori
- Abstract
Behavioural laterality (e.g., during social interactions) is often observed at the individual level in lower vertebrates such as fish, whereas population-level laterality is observed in many higher vertebrates. Population-level laterality can be explained mainly by internal factors (e.g., cerebral lateralization), whereas little is known about the behavioural mechanisms underlying individual-level laterality. Recently, it was revealed that many fish have asymmetrical body morphology, but the relationship between asymmetric morphology and social behaviours has been rarely examined. Here we report the relationship between lateralized eye use during aggressive displays (e.g., body posture) of male Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, toward their own mirror image and morphological asymmetry. Of 25 males, five exhibited significantly more leftward eye use during left displays, and eight males exhibited predominantly rightward eye use during right displays. Morphological measurement results for the craniovertebral angle and opercular area showed that the craniovertebral angle and opercular area displayed antisymmetry and fluctuating asymmetry, respectively. We found that lateralized eye use during agonistic responses by each fish was associated with the craniovertebral angle, but not with operculum size; lefties (left-curved body) showed mainly left eye use (during left-side displays), and righties (right-curved body) demonstrated the opposite. We suggest that antisymmetric morphologies, such as head incline, are potentially useful for studying the association between cerebral lateralization and individual laterality of behavioural responses. Further, we propose that in fish, morphological asymmetry is related to laterality in various behaviours.
- Published
- 2010
9. Species-specific behavioral patterns correlate with differences in synaptic connections between homologous mechanosensory neurons
- Author
Baltzley, Michael J., Baltzley, Michael J., Gaudry, Quentin, Kristan, William B., Baltzley, Michael J., Baltzley, Michael J., Gaudry, Quentin, and Kristan, William B.
- Abstract
We characterized the behavioral responses of two leech species, Hirudo verbana and Erpobdella obscura, to mechanical skin stimulation and examined the interactions between the pressure mechanosensory neurons (P cells) that innervate the skin. To quantify behavioral responses, we stimulated both intact leeches and isolated body wall preparations from the two species. In response to mechanical stimulation, Hirudo showed local bending behavior, in which the body wall shortened only on the side of the stimulation. Erpobdella, in contrast, contracted both sides of the body in response to touch. To investigate the neuronal basis for this behavioral difference, we studied the interactions between P cells. Each midbody ganglion has four P cells; each cell innervates a different quadrant of the body wall. Consistent with local bending, activating any one P cell in Hirudo elicited polysynaptic inhibitory potentials in the other P cells. In contrast, the P cells in Erpobdella had excitatory polysynaptic connections, consistent with the segment-wide contraction observed in this species. In addition, activating individual P cells caused asymmetrical body wall contractions in Hirudo and symmetrical body wall contractions in Erpobdella. These results suggest that the different behavioral responses in Erpobdella and Hirudo are partly mediated by interactions among mechanosensory cells.
- Published
- 2010
10. Species-specific behavioral patterns correlate with differences in synaptic connections between homologous mechanosensory neurons
- Author
Baltzley, Michael J., Baltzley, Michael J., Gaudry, Quentin, Kristan, William B., Baltzley, Michael J., Baltzley, Michael J., Gaudry, Quentin, and Kristan, William B.
- Abstract
We characterized the behavioral responses of two leech species, Hirudo verbana and Erpobdella obscura, to mechanical skin stimulation and examined the interactions between the pressure mechanosensory neurons (P cells) that innervate the skin. To quantify behavioral responses, we stimulated both intact leeches and isolated body wall preparations from the two species. In response to mechanical stimulation, Hirudo showed local bending behavior, in which the body wall shortened only on the side of the stimulation. Erpobdella, in contrast, contracted both sides of the body in response to touch. To investigate the neuronal basis for this behavioral difference, we studied the interactions between P cells. Each midbody ganglion has four P cells; each cell innervates a different quadrant of the body wall. Consistent with local bending, activating any one P cell in Hirudo elicited polysynaptic inhibitory potentials in the other P cells. In contrast, the P cells in Erpobdella had excitatory polysynaptic connections, consistent with the segment-wide contraction observed in this species. In addition, activating individual P cells caused asymmetrical body wall contractions in Hirudo and symmetrical body wall contractions in Erpobdella. These results suggest that the different behavioral responses in Erpobdella and Hirudo are partly mediated by interactions among mechanosensory cells.
- Published
- 2010
11. Embodied modeling of the organization of the brain
- Author
Janssen, J.H., Goosen, A.E.A., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., Haselager, W.F.G., Janssen, J.H., Goosen, A.E.A., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., and Haselager, W.F.G.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 55500.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access), In this study embodied embedded agents are evolved in order to gain a better understanding of aspects of the distribution of cognitive functions in the brain. We found that a symmetrical body plan facilitates the evolution of two hemispheres. Furthermore, individuals with an asymmetrical body plan, which gain an asymmetrical control structure, perform better in the end than individuals with a symmetrical body. This is in line with the idea that an asymmetrical nervous system yields computational benefits since it contains less redundant processes. Finally, we found that although the symmetrical individuals show a lower performance, their development is faster. We argue that this faster development is the result of reduced complexity of the control structure in comparison to asymmetrical individuals.
- Published
- 2007
12. Studying cerebral organization through embodied artificial evolution
- Author
Goosen, A.E.A., Janssen, J.H., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., Haselager, W.F.G., Goosen, A.E.A., Janssen, J.H., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., and Haselager, W.F.G.
- Abstract
Item does not contain fulltext, In this study embodied embedded agents are evolved in order to gain a better understanding of the distribution of cognitive functions in the brain. We found that the evolution of the two hemispheres is influenced by the structure of the body plan. Furthermore, it is seen that individuals with an asymmetrical body plan, which gain an asymmetrical control structure, perform better in the end than individuals with a symmetrical body. This is in line with the idea that an asymmetrical nervous system yields computational benefits since it contains less redundant processes. Finally, we found that although the symmetrical individuals show a lower performance, their development is faster. We argue that this faster development is the result of reduced complexity of the control structure in comparison to asymmetrical individuals.
- Published
- 2007
13. Embodied modeling of the organization of the brain
- Author
Janssen, J.H., Goosen, A.E.A., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., Haselager, W.F.G., Janssen, J.H., Goosen, A.E.A., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., and Haselager, W.F.G.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 55500.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access), In this study embodied embedded agents are evolved in order to gain a better understanding of aspects of the distribution of cognitive functions in the brain. We found that a symmetrical body plan facilitates the evolution of two hemispheres. Furthermore, individuals with an asymmetrical body plan, which gain an asymmetrical control structure, perform better in the end than individuals with a symmetrical body. This is in line with the idea that an asymmetrical nervous system yields computational benefits since it contains less redundant processes. Finally, we found that although the symmetrical individuals show a lower performance, their development is faster. We argue that this faster development is the result of reduced complexity of the control structure in comparison to asymmetrical individuals.
- Published
- 2007
14. Studying cerebral organization through embodied artificial evolution
- Author
Goosen, A.E.A., Janssen, J.H., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., Haselager, W.F.G., Goosen, A.E.A., Janssen, J.H., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., and Haselager, W.F.G.
- Abstract
Item does not contain fulltext, In this study embodied embedded agents are evolved in order to gain a better understanding of the distribution of cognitive functions in the brain. We found that the evolution of the two hemispheres is influenced by the structure of the body plan. Furthermore, it is seen that individuals with an asymmetrical body plan, which gain an asymmetrical control structure, perform better in the end than individuals with a symmetrical body. This is in line with the idea that an asymmetrical nervous system yields computational benefits since it contains less redundant processes. Finally, we found that although the symmetrical individuals show a lower performance, their development is faster. We argue that this faster development is the result of reduced complexity of the control structure in comparison to asymmetrical individuals.
- Published
- 2007
15. Embodied modeling of the organization of the brain
- Author
Janssen, J.H., Goosen, A.E.A., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., Haselager, W.F.G., Janssen, J.H., Goosen, A.E.A., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., and Haselager, W.F.G.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 55500.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access), In this study embodied embedded agents are evolved in order to gain a better understanding of aspects of the distribution of cognitive functions in the brain. We found that a symmetrical body plan facilitates the evolution of two hemispheres. Furthermore, individuals with an asymmetrical body plan, which gain an asymmetrical control structure, perform better in the end than individuals with a symmetrical body. This is in line with the idea that an asymmetrical nervous system yields computational benefits since it contains less redundant processes. Finally, we found that although the symmetrical individuals show a lower performance, their development is faster. We argue that this faster development is the result of reduced complexity of the control structure in comparison to asymmetrical individuals.
- Published
- 2007
16. Studying cerebral organization through embodied artificial evolution
- Author
Goosen, A.E.A., Janssen, J.H., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., Haselager, W.F.G., Goosen, A.E.A., Janssen, J.H., Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G., and Haselager, W.F.G.
- Abstract
Item does not contain fulltext, In this study embodied embedded agents are evolved in order to gain a better understanding of the distribution of cognitive functions in the brain. We found that the evolution of the two hemispheres is influenced by the structure of the body plan. Furthermore, it is seen that individuals with an asymmetrical body plan, which gain an asymmetrical control structure, perform better in the end than individuals with a symmetrical body. This is in line with the idea that an asymmetrical nervous system yields computational benefits since it contains less redundant processes. Finally, we found that although the symmetrical individuals show a lower performance, their development is faster. We argue that this faster development is the result of reduced complexity of the control structure in comparison to asymmetrical individuals.
- Published
- 2007
17. Пространственная стабилизация положения оси вращения несущего тела маятниковыми демпферами
- Author
Филимонихин, Г. Б., Пирогов, В. В., Филимонихина, И. И., Філімоніхін, Г. Б., Пірогов, В. В., Філімоніхіна, І. І., Филимонихин, Г. Б., Пирогов, В. В., Филимонихина, И. И., Філімоніхін, Г. Б., Пірогов, В. В., and Філімоніхіна, І. І.
- Abstract
Рассмотрена задача пространственной стабилизации положения оси вращения несимметричного несущего тела маятниковыми демпферами. Найдены установившиеся движения системы, в которых ее кинетическая энергия принимает стационарные значения, а также установлен характер их устойчивости. Розглянута задача просторової стабілізації положення осі обертання несиметричного тіла-носія маятниковими демпферами. Знайдені усталені рухи системи, в яких її кінетична енергія приймає стаціонарні значення, а також встановлений характер їх стійкості. Is considered the problem of stabilization, of the position of the axis of the rotation of the asymmetrical body by pendulums dampers concerning itself. The set motions are found systems in which its kinetic energy takes on stationary values, and also character of their stability is set.
- Published
- 2006
18. A New Asymmetrical Near-bottom Calanoid Copepod, Paramisophria platysoma, with Observations of Its Integumental Organs, Behavior and In-situ Feeding Habit
- Author
Ohtsuka, Susumu, Mitsuzumi, Chikanobu, Ohtsuka, Susumu, and Mitsuzumi, Chikanobu
- Abstract
A new hyperbenthic calanoid copepod, Paramisophria platysoma collected from the littoral and sublittoral zones on the Pacific coast of Japan is described. The new species has a remarkably asymmetrical body with the left lateral side compressed. However, a SEM examination revealed that the integumental organs of the female cephalothorax are nearly symmetrically distributed. Three different patterns of behavior of living copepods were observed using a VHS tape recorder sytem: (1) usual, continuous swimming with the compressed left lateral side parallel to the bottom, using antennae 2, mandibular palps and maxillae 1; (2) fast "jumping" possibly with flaps of swimming legs; and (3) resting with the left lateral side just on the bottom. The gut content analysis of adult females showed that they fed carnivorously on benthic harpacticoid nauplii and copepodids. Their asymmetrical bodies, peculiar swimming behavior and feeding habit dependent on benthic organisms seem to be adaptations to a hyperbenthic life in shallow waters.
- Published
- 1990
19. Factores de riesgo para el Síndrome de Estrés Tibial Medial asociados a la cinética del countermovement jump en cadetes en formación
- Author
Cubides Amezquita, Jenner Rodrigo, Argothy Bucheli, Rodrigo Esteban, Aedo Muñoz, Esteban, Cohen, Daniel Dylan, Malaver Moreno, Jonathan Rodrigo, Cubides Amezquita, Jenner Rodrigo, Argothy Bucheli, Rodrigo Esteban, Aedo Muñoz, Esteban, Cohen, Daniel Dylan, and Malaver Moreno, Jonathan Rodrigo
- Abstract
El Síndrome de Estrés Tibial Medial (SETM) es una de las patologías más reportadas e incapacitantes en el personal militar. Debido a que los músculos de la extremidad inferior desempeñan una labor importante en la atenuación de las fuerzas de impacto al correr y aterrizar, la deficiencia y las asimetrías en la función neuromuscular, se asocian con un mayor riesgo de presentar lesiones musculoesqueléticas (LME). OBJETIVO: determinar los factores de riesgo para el SETM asociados a la cinética del countermovement jump (CMJ) en cadetes en formación. METODOLOGIA: una cohorte de 164 cadetes de primer semestre fue seguida prospectivamente durante 24 semanas. Al inicio de la investigación, se registraron los datos antropométricos y demográficos de los participantes, y, se les interrogo acerca de algunos de sus hábitos de vida y antecedentes en el uso de material ortopédico, lesiones en los miembros inferiores y SETM. La altura del salto (cm), la tasa de desarrollo de la fuerza en la desaceleración excéntrica (EDRFD [N/s*kg]), la asimetría de la EDRFD (% y %/VN), la fuerza concéntrica media (CMF [N*kg]), la asimetría de la CMF (% y %/VN), la fuerza pico en el aterrizaje (PLF [N*kg]), y la asimetría de la PLF (% y %/VN), se evaluaron a través del CMJ bilateral con un par de plataformas de fuerza uniaxial. Finalizado el seguimiento, se identificaron los cadetes que presentaron SETM mediante la historia clínica. RESULTADOS: al final del estudio quedaron 91 hombres y 32 mujeres (n= 123). La incidencia del SETM fue de 13% (n= 16). En el análisis bivariado, una mayor asimetría de la EDRFD (9,4% vs. -3,4%), el sexo femenino (RR= 2,84; IC 95%= 1,16-6,94), la procedencia rural (RR= 2,65; IC 95%= 1,04-6,72) y el antecedente de SETM (RR= 5,71; IC 95%= 2,23-14,62), se asociaron de forma significativa con el SETM (p≤0.05). En la regresión logística, una mayor asimetría de la EDRFD (OR= 1,03; IC 95%= 1,00-1,07), el sexo femenino (OR= 4,91; IC 95%= 1,38-13,37) y la procedencia rural (OR= 4, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) is one of the most frequent pathologies in military personnel. As the muscles of the lower extremity contribute to the attenuation of impact forces in activities such as running and jumping, neuromuscular performance deficiencies and asymmetries may be associated with an increased risk for musculoskeletal injuries. PURPOSE: to determine the kinetic risk factors associated with MTSS through the bilateral countermovement jump (CMJ) in army cadets. METHODS: ethical approval was granted by the General José María Córdova Military School of Cadets where the study was conducted. This observational study was executed in a cohort of 123 cadets (followed for 24 weeks) who entered to the military school in 2017. Anthropometric, demographic data and MTSS history were recorded. Jump height (cm), peak landing force (N*kg), peak landing force asymmetry (%), concentric mean force (N*kg), concentric mean force asymmetry (%), eccentric deceleration rate of force development (EDRFD [N/s*Kg]) and EDRFD asymmetry (%), were evaluated through the bilateral CMJ on a pair of uniaxial force platforms. After the follow-up, the cadets with MTSS were determined through the clinical history. RESULTS: the incidence of MTSS was 13% (n= 16). Greater EDRFD asymmetry (9,4% vs. -3,4%), female sex (RR= 2.84; 95% CI= 1.16-6.94), rural provenance (RR= 2.65; 95% CI= 1.04-6.72), and previous history of MTSSM (RR= 5.71; 95% CI= 2.23-14.62), were significantly associated with MTSS (p≤0.05). In the logistic regression, greater EDRFD asymmetry (OR= 1.03; 95% CI= 1.00-1.07), female sex (OR= 4.91; 95% CI = 1.38-13.37) and rural provenance (OR= 4.82; 95% CI= 1.04-6.72), were significantly associated with MTSS (p≤0.05). Previous history of MTSS was significant in p≤0.1 (OR= 8.95; 95% CI= 0.68-118.73). The predictive model was significant for the MTSS (p≤0.01), had a sensitivity of 31.3% and a specificity of 99.1% (overall prognosis of 90.2%). CONCLUSIONS: while we identified im, Universidad del Rosario, Escuela Militar de Cadetes General José María Córdova, Se le envía correo 15 jul 2019. Hemos realizado la publicación de su documento, el cual puede consultar en el siguiente enlace: http://repository.urosario.edu.co/handle/10336/19914 Usted escogió la opción "Restringido (Temporalmente bloqueado)", por lo que el documento ha quedado con embargo hasta el 10 de julio de 2021 en concordancia con las Políticas de Acceso Abierto de la Universidad. Si usted desea dejarlo con acceso abierto antes de finalizar dicho periodo puede enviar un correo a esta misma dirección realizando la solicitud. Tenga en cuenta que los documentos en acceso abierto propician una mayor visibilidad de su producción académica.
- Published
- 2019
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