Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Òptica i Optometria, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GOAPI - Grup d'Òptica Aplicada i Processament d'Imatge, Alamús, Ramón, Bará Viñas, Salvador, Corbera, Jordi, Escofet Soteras, Jaume, Palà, Vicenç, Pipia, Luca, Tardà, Anna, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Òptica i Optometria, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GOAPI - Grup d'Òptica Aplicada i Processament d'Imatge, Alamús, Ramón, Bará Viñas, Salvador, Corbera, Jordi, Escofet Soteras, Jaume, Palà, Vicenç, Pipia, Luca, and Tardà, Anna
Airborne hyperspectral cameras provide the basic information to estimate the energy wasted skywards by outdoor lighting systems, as well as to locate and identify their sources. However, a complete characterization of the urban light pollution levels also requires evaluating these effects from the city dwellers standpoint, e.g. the energy waste associated to the excessive illuminance on walls and pavements, light trespass, or the luminance distributions causing potential glare, to mention but a few. On the other hand, the spectral irradiance at the entrance of the human eye is the primary input to evaluate the possible health effects associated with the exposure to artificial light at night, according to the more recent models available in the literature. In this work we demonstrate the possibility of using a hyperspectral imager (routinely used in airborne campaigns) to measure the ground-level spectral radiance of the urban nightscape and to retrieve several magnitudes of interest for light pollution studies. We also present the preliminary results from a field campaign carried out in the downtown of Barcelona., Postprint (author's final draft)