160 results on '"Retirement age"'
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2. The health status of the retirement-age population: a first approach
- Author
Crespo, Laura, Denis, Angela, Jimeno Serrano, Juan F., Crespo, Laura, Denis, Angela, and Jimeno Serrano, Juan F.
- Abstract
Rationale The health of the population aged 55 to 69 influences their labour supply and retirement decisions. This article aims to document their health status, in Spain and in other European countries, drawing on data from the Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Takeaways •There are marked differences by gender in the health status of the Spanish population aged 65 to 69. Among women, 62.9% report chronic health problems, 30.1% mobility limitations and 32.1% depression-related symptoms, compared with 53.3%, 15.8% and 16.3%, respectively, among men. These prevalences are significantly higher in the 65 to 69 age group than in the 55 to 64 age group. •However, there were some improvements in the incidence of health problems between cohorts in these age groups. For instance, the prevalence of chronic diseases and of mobility limitations among women aged 55 to 64 was lower in 2015 than in 2004. •In comparison with other European countries, in Spain the prevalence of the three health indicators considered is high among women between 65 and 69. Moreover, Spain is one of the countries with the highest increases in health problems in the 65 to 69 age group compared with the 55 to 64 age group.
- Published
- 2023
3. Socioeconomic Status and Working Life Expectancy in Sweden
- Author
Chungkham, Holendro Singh, Högnäs, Robin S., Westerlund, Hugo, Chungkham, Holendro Singh, Högnäs, Robin S., and Westerlund, Hugo
- Abstract
Longer life expectancy and fertility decline have increased concerns about the security of old-age pensions. Raising retirement ages is one strategy to offset rising costs, though the option to retire varies considerably by socioeconomic status (SES) and sex. In terms of SES, the level of variation may depend on the measure used. Also, many workers now transition into retirement slowly, e.g., move from full- to part-time work. Thus, retirement age may not sufficiently capture how long people work. Working life expectancy (WLE)—the expected average number of years worked—better measures total working life. We use data from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (SLOSH) from 2008 to 2020 (n=4,940 people age 50+ and n=74,093 person-observations) to examine WLE by education and occupation. We estimate a three-state multistate model (i.e., working, not working, dead) and a four-state model (working part-time, working full-time, not working, and dead); both assume a continuous-time first-order Markov process. We estimate two sex-stratified models, cross-classified by: 1) occupation; and 2) education. We find that professionals work full-time 1 year more than routine workers, regardless of sex. The low educated work full-time 1 year less than the highly educated. In our weighted three-state model, where part-time work contributed ½ of full-time work, the difference increased to 1.14 and 1.05 years, respectively. Our unweighted three-state model showed slightly larger education differences. Findings suggest that WLE differs by SES, regardless of sex, and the differences are greater by education than occupation. This has implications for extending working life policies.
- Published
- 2022
4. Teilhabe im (Un-)Ruhestand fördern: Herausforderungen und Handlungsoptionen
- Author
Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BIB), Micheel, Frank, Grünheid, Evelyn, Cihlar, Volker, Mergenthaler, Andreas, Sackreuther, Ines, Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BIB), Micheel, Frank, Grünheid, Evelyn, Cihlar, Volker, Mergenthaler, Andreas, and Sackreuther, Ines
- Abstract
Das späte Erwachsenenalter ist durch eine Vielfalt an Übergängen und (Un-)Ruheständen gekennzeichnet. Dies bedeutet, dass der Ruhestandseintritt nicht mit einem Rückzug aus sozialen, familialen und wirtschaftlichen Lebensbereichen gleichzusetzen ist. Potenziale älterer Menschen sind Ergebnis einer Förderung über den gesamten Lebenslauf hinweg und müssen somit als politische Querschnittsaufgabe verstanden werden. Geschlechtergerechtigkeit am Arbeitsmarkt und eine verbesserte Vereinbarkeit zwischen beruflichen und familialen Tätigkeiten begünstigen die Potenziale des späten Erwachsenenalters. Die Beseitigung von Barrieren, die einer gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe entgegenstehen, ermöglicht ein selbst bestimmtes Altern. Dies gilt besonders für ältere Erwachsene mit niedriger Bildung, geringem Einkommen oder gesundheitlichen Nachteilen.
- Published
- 2022
5. Gemeinsam in die Rente? Ruhestand als Projekt für Zweiverdienerpaare
- Author
Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BIB), Konzelmann, Laura, Mergenthaler, Andreas, Schneider, Norbert F., Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BIB), Konzelmann, Laura, Mergenthaler, Andreas, and Schneider, Norbert F.
- Abstract
Der Anteil an Paaren jenseits der 50, bei denen beide Partner erwerbstätig sind, ist in der Vergangenheit stark gestiegen und wird voraussichtlich auch zukünftig weiter steigen. Derzeit sind bei mehr als der Hälfte aller Paare zwischen 50 und 69 Jahren beide Partner erwerbstätig (1996 waren es nur 25 Prozent) und bei jedem vierten Paar in diesem Alter sind beide voll erwerbstätig. In Ostdeutschland liegt dieser Anteil sogar bei knapp 40 Prozent. Der gemeinsame Übergang vom Beruf in den Ruhestand wird daher für immer mehr Menschen zu einem Lebensprojekt. Dies gilt insbesondere für Paare mit einem großen Altersabstand. Die Synchronisierung des Renteneintritts zwischen Partnern kann zu Abweichungen vom Regelalter des Renteneintritts führen und ist daher auch sozialpolitisch relevant.
- Published
- 2022
6. The Influence of Marital Status and Spousal Employment on Retirement Behavior in Germany and Spain
- Author
Radl, Jonas, Himmelreicher, Ralf K., Radl, Jonas, and Himmelreicher, Ralf K.
- Abstract
This article analyzes the impact of marital status and spousal employment on the timing of retirement in Germany and Spain. Retirement behavior is examined by means of event–history models, with a competing risks framework being used to distinguish between voluntary and involuntary work-exit transitions. To take account of the role of social policies, we adopt a comparative approach. Data are drawn from a 2006 special retirement module implemented analogously in national labor force surveys. The results show that spousal labor market participation plays a large role in work-exit transitions, even when retirement is involuntary. This finding questions the widespread belief that coretirement is exclusively due to preference for joint retirement shared among spouses. Moreover, widows and widowers tend to retire prematurely in Germany, whereas no such effect could be found in Spain. This finding is explained by reference to specific economic incentives arising from national pension legislation.
- Published
- 2022
7. Labour Market Exit and Social Stratification in Western Europe: The Effects of Social Class and Gender on the Timing of Retirement
- Author
Radl, Jonas and Radl, Jonas
- Abstract
This paper analyses social variability in retirement timing. It draws on a social stratification perspective, which arguably provides a richer theoretical framework than one-dimensional pull or push approaches. The first objective is to establish how class membership influences both the timing of retirement as well as the degree of accessibility to different pathways to retirement. The second objective is to elucidate the interplay of gender and class in work-exit dynamics. The empirical analysis uses data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) to estimate a series of event-history models for a sample of respondents from 11 Western European countries. The results show that social class exerts a strong influence on retirement processes, over and beyond other socio-economic characteristics, and especially on the risk of involuntary retirement. Employment constraints (push factors) and economic incentives (pull factors) affect workers in different class positions in markedly different ways. While there exist significant gender differences in retirement behaviour, these appear to be largely driven by women’s lower class positions. The article concludes that ill health and unemployment remain heavy obstacles to prolonging working life in contemporary Western Europe.
- Published
- 2022
8. Grenzgänge zwischen Erwerbsarbeit und Ruhestand: Prozesse der Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung älterer Menschen
- Author
Cihlar, Volker, Micheel, Frank, Konzelmann, Laura, Mergenthaler, Andreas, Schneider, Norbert F., Cihlar, Volker, Micheel, Frank, Konzelmann, Laura, Mergenthaler, Andreas, and Schneider, Norbert F.
- Abstract
Erwerbstätigkeit im Ruhestandsalter hat im öffentlichen, politischen und akademischen Diskurs in den letzten Jahren an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die Beschreibung des Entscheidungsprozesses für oder gegen eine fortgeführte Erwerbstätigkeit über die Grenzen des Ruhestandsalters hinaus ist für Deutschland bisher nur lückenhaft vorgenommen worden. Als Grundlage für die Analyse dieses Entscheidungsprozesses verwendet dieses Buch eine Heuristik, die auf dem Rubikon-Modell der Handlungsphasen beruht. Neben der Beschreibung spezifischer Konstellationen formeller und informeller Tätigkeiten in einzelnen Phasen werden auch die sozialen, ökonomischen und gesundheitlichen Bedingungen in den Blick genommen, die das gewünschte oder notwendige Arbeiten von Menschen im Ruhestand fördern oder einschränken. Dies ermöglicht eine differenzierte Sichtweise auf den Prozess der Grenzgänge zwischen Erwerbsarbeit und Ruhestand und kann dadurch eine Orientierung für die politische, gesellschaftliche und insbesondere für die individuelle Gestaltung des jungen Alters bieten. Tabellenanhang: s. https://shop.budrich.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Anhangtabellen.pdf
- Published
- 2022
9. Population Ageing and Future Demand for Old-Age and Disability Pensions in Germany - A Probabilistic Approach
- Author
Vanella, Patrizio, Rodriguez Gonzalez, Miguel, Wilke, Christina B., Vanella, Patrizio, Rodriguez Gonzalez, Miguel, and Wilke, Christina B.
- Abstract
Industrialised economies are experiencing a decline in mortality alongside low fertility rates - a situation that puts social security systems under severe pressure. Population ageing is associated not only with longer periods of pension claims but also smaller cohorts eventually entering the labour market. This threatens the sustainability of pay-as-you-go social security systems for implementing or further improving appropriate reform measures; adequate forecasts of the future population structure are needed. We propose a probabilistic approach to forecast the number of pensions in Germany up to 2040. Our model considers trends in population development, labour force participation, and early retirement, as well as the effects of pension reforms. Principal component analysis is used to manage the high degree of complexity involved in forecasting trends in old-age and disability pension claims, which arises because of cross-correlations between old-age and disability pension rates, different age groups, and gender. Time series methods enable the inclusion of autocorrelations of the pension rate time series in the model. Monte Carlo simulation is used to quantify future risk. The latter is an important feature of our model, as the future development of the population and, eventually, the pension claims and the financial burden resulting from those claims, are highly stochastic. The model predicts that, in the median trajectory, the number of old-age pensions will increase by almost 5 million between 2017 and 2036, alongside increases in the number of disability pensions by 2036. These numbers take account of the increase in legal retirement ages as part of the 2007 pension reform. After the mid-2030s, however, a moderate decrease can be expected. The results show a clear need for further reforms, especially in the medium term.
- Published
- 2022
10. Women and Pensions in Italy: Gender Imbalances and the Equalization of Retirement Age
- Author
De Luigi, Nicola, Rizza, Roberto, Santangelo, Federica, De Luigi, Nicola, Rizza, Roberto, and Santangelo, Federica
- Abstract
This paper examines the age at retirement for men and women in Italy. Despite the expansion of women’s educational attainments, they still display lower employment rates, are frequently engaged in involuntary part-time jobs and have more fragmented careers. As a consequence, the mean age at which women receive a pension is higher than that of men. Using Labour Force Survey (2006 and 2012), the authors test the hypothesis that women’s higher age at retirement is determined by a selection bias towards more educated and work oriented women. A Heckman selection model has been developed. Results show that the main disadvantage is suffered by women with medium and low levels of education who show the highest estimated age at retirement, whereas higher educated women retire on average before men with the same level of education. The authors argue that pension policies, without interventions in the field of work-life balance policies, end up penalizing women with lower levels of education.
- Published
- 2022
11. Pathways to retirement: Are they related to patterns of short- and long-term subjective well-being?
- Author
Schmälzle, Michaela, Wetzel, Martin, Huxhold, Oliver, Schmälzle, Michaela, Wetzel, Martin, and Huxhold, Oliver
- Abstract
We examine the association between pathways to retirement and patterns of subjective well-being in Germany. We argue that short-term development of subjective well-being is related to social status changes while long-term development of subjective well-being is related to resources and changes in life circumstances. Importantly, we expect that how a person's social status changes and his/her access to resources post-retirement both depend on the person's specific pathway to retirement, resulting in distinct patterns of subjective well-being post-retirement. Based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we categorized people as retiring from employment, short- or long-term unemployment, labour market inactivity or due to disability. We then used dual-change score models to compare trajectories of life satisfaction ten years before to ten years after the retirement transition. For people retiring from employment, life satisfaction did not change in the short term but developed more positively in the long term. In comparison, people retiring from unemployment or due to disability experienced a short-term increase in life satisfaction but had more negative long-term trajectories of life satisfaction. We found no retirement-related changes in life satisfaction for people retiring from inactivity. The findings suggest that different pathways to retirement are related to distinct patterns of subjective well-being and highlight the importance of late-life employment biographies for quality of life post-retirement.
- Published
- 2022
12. Did You Realize your Preferences for Early Retirement? Insights on the Agency-Within-Structure Mechanism across Welfare Regimes
- Author
Struffolino, Emanuela, Zaccaria, Daniele, Struffolino, Emanuela, and Zaccaria, Daniele
- Abstract
According to the individualization of the life–course hypothesis, a largest set of institutionalized options available should facilitate individuals in realizing their preferences for the timing of life–course transitions. This study contributes to the literature by considering differences by gender and education (and their interaction) in the ability to fulfil preferences for early retirement across welfare states. We use longitudinal data from the SHARE survey as it includes information on preferences for early retirement expressed before actual retirement: we therefore avoid biases driven by the assessment of preferences for the timing of retirement after it occurred. We estimate discrete time regression models and find that positive preferences for early retirement are associated with an actual anticipation of retirement with respect to the statutory age. Although the size of the effect is small, it remains statistically significant even after models are adjusted for a number of potential confounding factors. However, no differences by gender and education (or their interaction) exist in the strength of the correspondence between preferences and behaviour. Finally, these results do not vary across welfare regimes. This evidence suggests that the timing of the transition to retirement is only marginally shaped by preferences and it is still strongly institutionalized, being a by-product of "agency-within-structure" mechanisms rather than an individualized process.
- Published
- 2022
13. Pension eller fortsatt arbete? : Vad som motiverar äldre till fortsatt arbete framför pensionering
- Author
Røe, Ronja, Johansson, Stina, Røe, Ronja, and Johansson, Stina
- Abstract
Förmågan att behålla den äldre arbetskraften är idag en central fråga på såvälorganisation- som samhällsnivå. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad som motiveraräldre arbetstagare på tillverkningsföretag till fortsatt arbete i stället för pension. En kvantitativstudie genomfördes med en enkätundersökning där 66 respondenter deltog. Data analyseradesmed en hierarkisk multipel regressionsanalys som undersökte hur kön, inre motivation,integrerad motivation och yttre motivation predicerade attityd till pensionering.Motivationstyperna mättes genom tre delskalor i Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic MotivationScale (WEIMS) och attityd till pensionering genom ett separat mätinstrument. Resultatetvisade att inre motivation och integrerad motivation var signifikant positivt korrelerade medattityd till pensionering medan yttre motivation visade på en signifikant negativ korrelation.Integrerad samt yttre motivation predicerade en signifikant del av variansen i attityd tillpensionering., The ability to retain the older workforce is today a central issue for both organizationsand the society. The aim of the study was to examine what motivates older workers inmanufacturing companies to continue working instead of retiring. A quantitative study wasimplemented with a survey in which 66 respondents participated. Data were analyzed using ahierarchical multiple regression analysis which examined how gender, intrinsic motivation,integrated motivation and external motivation predicted attitude to retirement. Types ofmotivation were measured through three subscales in the Work Extrinsic and IntrinsicMotivation Scale (WEIMS) and the attitude to retirement through a separable measuringinstrument. The results showed that intrinsic motivation and integrated motivation weresignificantly positively correlated with attitude to retirement while external motivationindicated a significant negative correlation. Integrated and external motivation predicted asignificant part of the variance in attitude to retirement.
- Published
- 2022
14. How to Measure Retirement Age? A Comparison of Survey and Register Data
- Author
Eyjolfsdóttir, Harpa S., Baumann, Isabel, Agahi, Neda, Lennartsson, Carin, Eyjolfsdóttir, Harpa S., Baumann, Isabel, Agahi, Neda, and Lennartsson, Carin
- Abstract
Due to an increasing heterogeneity in retirement transitions, the measurement of retirement age constitutes a major challenge for researchers and policymakers. In order to better understand the concept of retirement age, we compare a series of measures for retirement age assessed on the basis of survey and register data. We use data from Sweden, where flexible retirement schemes are implemented and register data are available. We link survey data from the Swedish Level of Living Survey with register data from the Swedish Longitudinal Integration Database for Health Insurance and Labour Market Studies. We create four measures of retirement age based on these datasets, applying approaches that have been used in previous literature. We analyse the means and distributions of these measures and evaluate the correlations between them. Finally, we regress common predictors of retirement age such as gender or education on the four measures of retirement age to examine potential differences in size, direction and statistical significance of the associations. We find that the survey measure of retirement age resembles the following two ways of defining retirement age in the register data: first, the age at which people receive more than half their income from old-age or disability pension and, second, the age at which they were not gainfully employed for at least 2 years. This insight gives us a better understanding of when in the retirement transition process, individuals identify with retirement. Moreover, it provides decision support for researchers working with register data to determine which measure to use.
- Published
- 2021
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15. Job retention among older workers in central and Eastern Europe
- Author
Hardy, Wojciech, Kiełczewska, Aneta, Lewandowski, Piotr, Magda, Iga, Hardy, Wojciech, Kiełczewska, Aneta, Lewandowski, Piotr, and Magda, Iga
- Abstract
We study job retention rates - the shares of workers who continue to work in the same job over the next five years - in Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Job retention among older workers is key to prolonging careers and increasing employment of older people which in turn is a crucial challenge for these countries. We find that the retention rates among workers aged 55-59 are low and amount to about a half of the retention rates among prime aged workers. Only in Poland the retention rates of older workers have increased for both men and women between 1998 and 2013. The individuals least likely to retain jobs after the age of 60 were women, those with lower education, working in industry, in medium or low-skilled occupations, and those living with a non-working partner. The policies aimed at encouraging job retention in Central and Eastern Europe should focus on these groups of workers.
- Published
- 2021
16. Hat das Ausbildungsniveau einen Einfluss auf das individuelle Rentenzugangsverhalten?
- Author
Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD), Himmelreicher, Ralf K., Hagen, Christine, Clemens, Wolfgang, Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD), Himmelreicher, Ralf K., Hagen, Christine, and Clemens, Wolfgang
- Abstract
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, inwieweit das Ausbildungsniveau der Versicherten das Rentenzugangsgeschehen beeinflusst. Informationen darüber sind aktuell insofern von Interesse, als die im Mai 2007 in Kraft getretene Initiative 50plus des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und die Beschäftigungschancen älterer Menschen in Deutschland erhöhen möchte (vgl. BMAS 2006). Ausgehend von der Annahme, dass insbesondere gering Qualifizierte oft früh aus dem Arbeitsleben ausscheiden, soll u. a. über eine deutliche Erhöhung der Teilnahme an beruflicher Weiterbildung die "produktive Lebensphase" verlängert werden. Hohe Bildung in Kombination mit beruflicher Weiterbildung soll laut BMAS steigenden Qualifikationsanforderungen auf Zukunftsarbeitsmärkten gerecht werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht der vorliegende Aufsatz auf Basis des Scientific Use File (SUF) Versichertenrentenzugang 2006 des Forschungsdatenzentrums der Rentenversicherung (FDZ-RV), ob im Jahr 2006 Hochqualifizierte später als niedriger Qualifizierte in Rente gegangen sind. Die Befunde verweisen darauf, dass mit zunehmender Qualifikation das Rentenzugangsalter tendenziell ansteigt. Allerdings zeigt eine differenzierte Betrachtung einzelner Zugangsjahre die große Bedeutung eines vor der Regelaltersgrenze von 65 Jahren liegenden Übergangs in den Ruhestand, insbesondere bei besser gestellten Hochqualifizierten.
- Published
- 2021
17. Age-Targeted Income Taxation, Labor Supply, and Retirement
- Author
Gustafsson, Johan and Gustafsson, Johan
- Abstract
This paper studies the effects of favorable marginal tax treatment of older workers on their optimal life-cycle labor supply, retirement timing, and savings. I develop a structural model in continuous time where the life cycle of a representative agent is divided into three distinct phases: pre-treatment, post-treatment, and retirement. Solutions for consumption/savings, labor supply/leisure, and retirement timing are then obtained by solving the model as a salvage value problem. I then calibrate the model to Swedish earnings data and find that the increased extensive margin labor supply is partially offset by a reduction in hours worked during the pre-treatment period. The total effect is however an increase in life-cycle labor supply and consumption.
- Published
- 2021
18. TOP - Transitions and Old Age Potential: Methodenbericht zur dritten Welle der Studie
- Author
Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BIB), Mergenthaler, Andreas, Konzelmann, Laura, Cihlar, Volker, Micheel, Frank, Reinwarth, Anna, Bohnen, Celine, Schneider, Norbert F., Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BIB), Mergenthaler, Andreas, Konzelmann, Laura, Cihlar, Volker, Micheel, Frank, Reinwarth, Anna, Bohnen, Celine, and Schneider, Norbert F.
- Abstract
Von Juli bis Oktober 2019 fand die dritte Welle der Studie "Transitions and Old Age Potential" (TOP) statt. Von den 2.455 Personen, die im Jahr 2016 zu einer erneuten Wiederholungsbefragung bereit waren, lagen drei Jahre später 1.561 abgeschlossene Interviews vor. In der dritten Welle wurden zudem die Partnerinnen und Partner der Panelisten mit einem Schwerpunkt auf gemeinsame oder getrennte Ruhestandsübergänge befragt. Insgesamt konnten 576 Partnerinterviews abgeschlossen werden. Diese Stichprobe erweitert das Panel von TOP um eine dyadische Perspektive auf den Übergang in den Ruhestand. Wie bereits die beiden ersten Wellen, so wurde auch die dritte Welle vom Umfragezentrum Bonn (uzbonn) im Auftrag des Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB) durchgeführt. Es wurden bereits im Vorfeld der Befragung Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Qualität der Stichproben und der methodischen Umsetzung des dyadischen Erhebungsdesigns umgesetzt. Zudem kamen längsschnittliche Gewichtungsverfahren zum Einsatz, die unter anderem für selektive Teilnahmewahrscheinlichkeiten der Panelisten in der dritten Welle adjustieren. Neben dem Vorgehen bei der Durchführung der zweiten Adress- und Panelpflege und der Feldphase der dritten Welle werden im vorliegenden Daten- und Methodenbericht unter anderem die Prüfung der Filterführung, die Kontrolle von Plausibilität und logischer Konsistenz, die Berechnung von Konstrukten sowie die Anonymisierung der Daten für den Scientific Use File (SUF) beschrieben.
- Published
- 2021
19. Rechte älterer Menschen: Recht auf Arbeit - Zugang zum Recht - Definition der Gruppe Älterer; Fachgespräche zur Vorbereitung der 11. Sitzung der UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG-A) 2019/2020
- Author
Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte and Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte
- Abstract
Im Dezember 2019 und im Januar 2020 veranstaltete das Deutsche Institut für Menschenrechte gemeinsam mit dem Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend zwei Fachgespräche zu den Themen "Recht auf Arbeit und Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt" sowie "Zugang zum Recht". Diese Fachgespräche mit Vertreter_innen aus Wissenschaft, Praxis, Zivilgesellschaft, Verbänden, den zuständigen Ressorts und dem Deutschen Institut für Menschenrechte dienten der Vorbereitung der für April 2020 geplanten 11. Sitzung der UN-Arbeitsgruppe zu den Rechten Älterer (UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing, OEWG-A) in New York. Ziel dieser Fachgespräche war es, Erkenntnisse und gute Beispiele aus Deutschland zu diesen Themen zu bündeln und die Ergebnisse auf der Sitzung der OEWG-A einzubringen. Im Oktober 2020 führte das Deutsche Institut für Menschenrechte ein weiteres (virtuelles) Fachgespräch zur Definition bzw. Beschreibung der Gruppe der Älteren und der damit verbundenen Frage durch, wie der Schutzbereich einer möglichen zukünftigen Konvention zum Schutz der Rechte Älterer bestimmt werden soll. Die vorliegende Dokumentation stellt die Hintergründe des UN-Prozesses zur Stärkung der Menschenrechte Älterer vor und dokumentiert die Ergebnisse der insgesamt drei Fachgespräche.
- Published
- 2021
20. Increases in wellbeing in the transition to retirement for the unemployed: catching up with formerly employed persons
- Author
Ponomarenko, Valentina, Leist, Anja K., Chauvel, Louis, Ponomarenko, Valentina, Leist, Anja K., and Chauvel, Louis
- Abstract
This paper examines the extent to which wellbeing levels change in the transition to retirement depending on transitioning from being employed, unemployed or economically inactive. Whereas transitioning from employment to unemployment has been found to cause a decrease in subjective wellbeing with more time spent in unemployment, it is not clear how transitioning from unemployment to retirement affects wellbeing levels. We use the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe to monitor the life satisfaction of respondents who retire in between two waves. We portray wellbeing scores before and after retirement and then identify the change in life satisfaction during the retirement transition using a First Difference model. Results indicate that being unemployed before retirement is associated with an increase in life satisfaction, but presents mainly a catching-up effect compared to employed persons transitioning to retirement. These results are still significant if we control for selection into unemployment and country differences. Retirement from labour market inactivity does not lead to significant changes in wellbeing. As the wellbeing of unemployed persons recovers after transitioning to retirement, especially the currently unemployed population should be supported to prevent detrimental consequences of economically unfavourable conditions and lower wellbeing.
- Published
- 2021
21. Work factors facilitating working beyond state pension age:Prospective cohort study with register follow-up
- Author
Andersen, Lars L., Thorsen, Sannie, Larsen, Mona, Sundstrup, Emil, Boot, Cecile R. L., Rugulies, Reiner, Andersen, Lars L., Thorsen, Sannie, Larsen, Mona, Sundstrup, Emil, Boot, Cecile R. L., and Rugulies, Reiner
- Abstract
Objectives The demographic changes in Europe underline the need for an extension of working lives. This study investigates the importance of physical work demands and psychosocial work factors for working beyond the state pension age (65 years).Methods We combined data from three cohorts of the general working population in Denmark (DWECS 2005 and 2010, and DANES 2008), where actively employed workers aged 55-59 years replied to questionnaires about work environment and were followed until the age of 66 years in the Danish AMRun register of paid employment. Using logistic regression analyses, we calculated prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the association between physical and psychosocial work factors and working beyond state pension age, adjusted for age, sex, cohort, cohabiting, sector, income, vocational education, working hours, lifestyle, and previous sickness absence.Results Of the 2884 workers aged 55-59 years, 1023 (35.5%) worked beyond the state pension age. Higher physical work demands was associated with a lower likelihood (PR 0.69, 95% CI 0.58-0.82) and a good psychosocial work environment was associated with higher likelihood (average of 7 items: PR 1.81, 95% CI 1.49-2.20) of working beyond state pension age. Stratified analyses did not change the overall pattern, ie, a good overall psychosocial work environment - as well as several specific psychosocial factors - increased the likelihood of working beyond state pension age, both for those with physically active and seated work.Conclusion While high physical work demands was a barrier, a good psychosocial work environment seems to facilitate working beyond state pension age, also for those with physically active work.
- Published
- 2021
22. Mortality by socio-economic class and its impact on the retirement schemes: how to render the systems fairer?
- Author
Jijiie, Anca-Stefania, Alonso Garcia, Jennifer, Arnold, Séverine, Jijiie, Anca-Stefania, Alonso Garcia, Jennifer, and Arnold, Séverine
- Abstract
Many OECD countries have addressed the issue of increased longevity by mainly increasing the retirement age. However, this kind of reforms may lead to substantial transfers from those with shorter lifespans to those that will live longer than the average, as they do not necessarily take into account the socio-economic differences in mortality. The contribution of our paper is therefore twofold. Firstly, we illustrate how both a Defined Benefit and a Notional Defined Contribution pay-as-you-go scheme can put the lower social economic classes at a disadvantage, when compared to the actuarially fair pensions. In contrast to that, higher classes experience a gain. This is due to the fact that mortality rates per socio-economic class are not considered by either scheme. Consequently, we propose a model that determines the parameters for each scheme and class which would render the pensions fairer even when no socio-economic mortality differences are considered., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2021
23. Последствия повышения пенсионного возраста для рынка труда: угроза возрастной дискриминации : магистерская диссертация
- Author
Тарасова, А. Н., Tarasova, A. N., Институт экономики и управления, Кафедра социологии и технологий государственного и муниципального управления, Сырчин, А. Е., Syrchin, A. E., Тарасова, А. Н., Tarasova, A. N., Институт экономики и управления, Кафедра социологии и технологий государственного и муниципального управления, Сырчин, А. Е., and Syrchin, A. E.
- Abstract
Магистерская диссертация посвящена проблеме дискриминации по возрасту в трудовой сфере, которая с повышением пенсионного возраста в России актуализировалась еще больше. Сегодняшняя ситуация, связанная с мерами противодействия распространения короновируса в России, также грозит усилением проявлений эйджизма. Цель исследования: оценить влияние повышения пенсионного возраста на масштабы распространения возрастной дискриминации на рынке труда и разработать рекомендации по противодействию возрастной дискриминации на рынке труда в Свердловской области в связи с последствиями, вызванными повышением пенсионного возраста. Методология исследования основана на сочетании количественных и качественных методов сбора необходимой информации, обеспечивающих рассмотрение проблемы как с позиции работников (метод массового анкетного опроса населения), так и с точки зрения работодателя (методы: контент-анализ объявлений о вакансиях в Свердловской области и глубинные интервью с работодателями). В исследовании проанализированы социально-экономические последствия повышения пенсионного возраста для рынка труда; выявлены основные проблемы крайних возрастных групп на рынке труда, дана оценка масштаба распространения возрастной дискриминации в сфере труда; определены оптимальные способы для преодоления выявленных проблем. Результатом работы стала разработка ряда рекомендаций для противодействия возрастной дискриминации на рынке труда в Свердловской области., The master's thesis is devoted to the problem of age discrimination in the labor sector, which has become even more relevant with the increase in the retirement age in Russia. The current situation related to measures to counteract the spread of coronovirus in Russia also threatens to increase the manifestations of ageism. Objective: to assess the impact of raising the retirement age on the prevalence of age discrimination in the labor market and to develop recommendations for countering age discrimination in the labor market in the Sverdlovsk region in connection with the consequences caused by the increase in the retirement age. The research methodology is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods for gathering the necessary information, ensuring the consideration of the problem both from the position of employees (mass questionnaire survey of the population) and from the point of view of the employer (methods: content analysis of job ads in the Sverdlovsk region and in-depth interviews with employers). The study analyzes the socio-economic consequences of raising the retirement age for the labor market; identifies the main problems of extreme age groups in the labor market, assesses the scale of age discrimination in the labor sphere; identifies the best ways to overcome the identified problems. The work resulted in the development of a number of recommendations to counteract age discrimination in the labor market in the Sverdlovsk region.
- Published
- 2020
24. Between Successful and Unsuccessful Ageing: Selected Aspects and Contexts
- Author
Klimczuk, Andrzej, Tomczyk, Łukasz, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Klimczuk, Andrzej, Tomczyk, Łukasz, and Pedagogical University of Cracow
- Abstract
We provide to readers the 11th volume of the "Czech-Polish-Slovak Studies in Andragogy and Social Gerontology" series. We are delighted to announce that the presented study is the result of the work of scientists from seven countries: Austria, China, Ghana, Hungary, Japan, Poland, and Russia. This international collection of texts is part of the global discourse on the determinants of adult education and the functioning of people in late adulthood. The 11th volume is a collection of research results that show both the positive and negative dimensions of ageing through the prism of research experience from various geographical and cultural areas. The researchers invited to the presented volume tried to illustrate the issues assigned to the following topics: ageing with dignity; retirement age; assumptions and conditions resulting from living in the home; the relationship between challenges concerning life expectancy and needs; care and ageing services; and foundations and potential changes in pension systems. The research results presented in this volume have a common denominator, which is caring for the quality of life of the older people regardless of their place of residence. Thus, the study "Between Successful and Unsuccessful Ageing: Selected Aspects and Contexts" brings new insights from scientists who scrupulously characterize the complexity of processes that affect the positive and negative conditions of functioning in old age, which is a mosaic of various nuances. Inviting readers to familiarize themselves with the content of the monograph, we would like to thank the reviewers who contributed to the improvement of the quality of the texts and open new fields for participation in further joint publishing projects.
- Published
- 2020
25. Subjektives Wohlbefinden nach dem Rentenübertritt: eine Analyse zu Zufriedenheitsveränderungen mit europäischen Daten
- Author
Ponomarenko, Valentina and Ponomarenko, Valentina
- Abstract
Der Übertritt vom Erwerbsleben in die Rente geht mit einer Vielzahl von Veränderungen einher. Neben den Veränderungen im Tagesrhythmus, sind auch das soziale Umfeld und die Identität eines Individuums betroffen. Dieser Einschnitt kann sowohl positive als auch negative Folgen für die Lebenszufriedenheit haben. Der aktuelle Forschungsstand präsentiert einerseits Belege für die Verschlechterung und andererseits auch für die Verbesserung der Lebenszufriedenheit mit dem Eintritt in die Rente. Gleichwohl gibt es Studien, die keinen Einfluss des Rentenübertritts auf die Lebenszufriedenheit feststellen können. Es zeigt sich, dass die Entwicklung der Lebenszufriedenheit wesentlich von der Erwerbsituation der Befragten und von den Bedingungen des Übertritts abhängt. Der folgende Beitrag gibt Einblick in die derzeitige Forschungslage zu den kurz- und langfristigen Folgen der Verrentung. Eine Langzeitbetrachtung der psychischen Folgen des Rentenübertritts ist auf wenige Länder beschränkt. Mit den vorliegenden Daten aus dem Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) können Unterschiede zwischen europäischen Ländern erfasst werden.
- Published
- 2020
26. Von der Frühverrentung bis zur Rente mit 67: Der Wandel des Altersübergangs von 1990 bis 2012
- Author
Brussig, Martin, Knuth, Matthias, Mümken, Sarah, Brussig, Martin, Knuth, Matthias, and Mümken, Sarah
- Abstract
Innerhalb von 20 Jahren wurde auf dem Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland ein Paradigmenwechsel zur Alterserwerbstätigkeit vollzogen, der sich in zwei Schüben entfaltete: Die Politik wandte sich im letzten Jahrzehnt des alten Jahrhunderts von der Frühverrentung ab, und im ersten Jahrzehnt des neuen Jahrhunderts stieg die Alterserwerbsbeteiligung in einem - auch im europäischen Vergleich - überraschend starken Ausmaß an. Dieses Buch zeichnet den Wandel des Altersübergangs differenziert nach: In welchen Schritten hat er sich vollzogen, und wie haben die vielen Stellschrauben beim Übergang vom Erwerbsleben in die Rente ineinandergegriffen?, 25 years ago there was still forced early retirement. Today, working life is drawn out for as long as possible: this book explains how this paradigm shift in aged employment came about.
- Published
- 2020
27. Rentenreform in Frankreich: Proteste bedrohen Macrons Image als Reformer
- Author
Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V., Demesmay, Claire, Hamann, Julie, Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V., Demesmay, Claire, and Hamann, Julie
- Abstract
Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron kämpft um die Verabschiedung der schwierigsten und zugleich symbolträchtigsten aller Reformen, die sich die französische Regierung vorgenommen hat. Mit der Rentenreform will er das Renteneintrittsalter erhöhen und das System einheitlich auf Entgeltpunkte umstellen. Davon hängen nicht nur die Glaubwürdigkeit und die Wahlchancen seiner Partei in Zukunft ab, sondern auch seine Überzeugungskraft auf europäischer Ebene.
- Published
- 2020
28. Handbuch Arbeitsmarkt 2009: Analysen, Daten, Fakten
- Author
Möller, Joachim, Walwei, Ulrich, Möller, Joachim, and Walwei, Ulrich
- Abstract
Mit dem Handbuch Arbeitsmarkt 2009 hat das Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung wieder eine aktuelle, empirisch fundierte und umfassende Bestandsaufnahme des deutschen Arbeitsmarktes vorgelegt. Teil I gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Dort werden sowohl die aktuelle Beschäftigungssituation als auch die längerfristigen Arbeitsmarktperspektiven analysiert. Zudem enthält dieser Teil eine arbeitsmarktpolitische Chronik für die Jahre 2005 bis 2008, die auch über die Positionen des IAB zu wichtigen Gesetzesregelungen informiert. Teil II befasst sich mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunktthemen. Dazu gehören unter anderem: Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit, internationale Migration sowie Integration von Migranten und das duale Ausbildungssystem. Im dritten Teil findet sich ein umfassender und aktueller Datenanhang mit zentralen, auch international vergleichenden Arbeitsmarktindikatoren.
- Published
- 2020
29. Effective retirement age : recent developments
- Author
Moraga, María, Ramos, Roberto, Moraga, María, and Ramos, Roberto
- Abstract
Artículo de revista, This article analyses recent developments in the average effective retirement age in light of the 2011 reform and the different forms of retirement. The analysis shows, first, that the effective retirement age has tended to increase in recent years as a result of the net increase in the retirement age within all forms of retirement, which has more than offset the opposite effect prompted by the growing share of the various forms of early retirement. Second, the impact of the 2011 reform, from the standpoint of retirement age, seemingly remains limited, as the percentage of new retirees who take retirement on the basis of legislation prior to the reform is still significant, and the statutory retirement age for workers with sufficiently lengthy contribution histories is still 65. Third, on average, workers who take some form of early or partial retirement have the lowest retirement age, although they generally have longer contribution periods and higher regulatory bases.
- Published
- 2020
30. Zajištění na stáří formou produktů veřejného a soukromého sektoru
- Author
Černohorský, Jan, Prokop, Viktor, Tvrdíková, Lucie, Černohorský, Jan, Prokop, Viktor, and Tvrdíková, Lucie
- Abstract
Práce je zaměřená na zhodnocení současné možnosti finančního zajištění na stáří, a to v kombinaci veřejných a soukromých nástrojů. Zaměřuje se na možnosti penzijní reformy a porovnává penzijní systémy vybraných zemí. Práce vychází ze závěrů Bezděkovy komise, Národní ekonomické rady vlády a dalších odborných orgánů. Výstupem práce je doporučení týkající se snížení sazby v prvním pilíři, změn v poskytování státního příspěvku, zvýšení finanční gramotnosti, zavedení povinné formy spoření a zajištění větší informovanosti na straně budoucích důchodců., The work is focused on the evaluation of the current possibility of financial ensuring for old age, in a combination of public and private instruments. It focuses on the possibilities of pension reform and compares the pension systems of selected countries. The work is based on the conclusions of the Bezdek commision, the National Economic council of the Government and other professional bodies. The output of the work is a recommendation concerning the reduction of the rate in the first pillar, changes in the provision of state con-tribution, increasing financial literacy, the introduction of a mandatory form of savings and ensuring greater information on the part of future pensioners., Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Studentka představila komisi svou diplomovou práci na téma Zajištění na stáří formou produktů veřejného a soukromého sektoru. Cílem práce bylo zhodnotit současné možnosti finančního zajištění na stáří, a to v kombinaci veřejných a soukromých nástrojů. V rámci prezentace studentka popsala cíl, postup a výsledky zpracované analýzy. Po prezentaci výsledků diplomové práce byly komisí představeny posudky vedoucího a oponenta práce a studentka zodpověděla jimi položené dotazy. Následovala rozprava, během které komise položila následující dotazy: Otázka 1. Jaký je zájem obyvatel ČR o soukromé nástroje penzijního pojištění? Otázka 2. Zabývala jste se dopady situace v ČR v horizontu následujících 10-15? Otázka 3. Proč navrhujete snížit sazbu pojistného z 28 na 23 %? Otázka 4. V jaké instituci jste konktrétně pracovala? Otázka 5. Účastnila jste se zkoušek ČNB při zavádění druhého pilíře? Jak zkoušky probíhaly? Otázka 6. Proč jste si zvolila do analýzy Rakousko a Německo? Studentka uvedené dotazy zodpověděla., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2020
31. Langer doorwerken in Nederland. Een succesverhaal met rafelranden
- Author
Schippers, J.J. and Schippers, J.J.
- Abstract
The substantial increase in labour market participation among older workers in the Netherlands within a short period of time and the following increase in actual retirement rates can be considered a success story, especially from a comparative European perspective. Yet, different studies also show working longer is not self-evident, in particular among workers who are bound to retire within a few years and/or low educated workers. Working longer can only be implemented successfully on a structural basis if more attention is paid to the maintenance of and renewed investment in human capital at all ages. Abolishing a uniform retirement age and mandatory retirement could help workers to realize an actual retirement age that better fits their own preferences and conditions.
- Published
- 2019
32. Проектирование деятельности людей пожилого возраста на примере культурно-спортивной организации в жизни поселка
- Author
Сопегина, В. Т., Исакова, Т. П., Sopegina, V. T., Isakova, T. P., Сопегина, В. Т., Исакова, Т. П., Sopegina, V. T., and Isakova, T. P.
- Abstract
The article deals with the organization of activities of people of retirement and preretirement age on the example of a small village. The experience of scientists who have studied this problem is analyzed, В статье рассматриваются вопросы организации деятельности людей пенсионного и предпенсионного возраста на примере небольшого поселка. Анализируется опыт ученых, исследовавших данную проблему
- Published
- 2019
33. Prevention of occupational diseases of the working population
- Author
Mikhailova, E. R., Musina, O. R., Timeeva, L. V., Михайлова, Е. Р., Мусина, О. Р., Тимеева, Л. В., Mikhailova, E. R., Musina, O. R., Timeeva, L. V., Михайлова, Е. Р., Мусина, О. Р., and Тимеева, Л. В.
- Abstract
The article discusses urgent issues of maintenance, possible risks of occupational diseases, adoption of measures to optimize and improve the quality of working conditions, exchanging of experience with other countries, necessity to monitor the health status of employees and mandatory medical check-ups, the adoption of universal terminology and classification of occupational diseases, longer life expectancy resulted in later retirement age. The article describes some forms of work, danger and harmfulness of the working environment. The article is based on legal safety guidelines, it the importance of the employment contract between employees and employers, the state policy directions in the field of occupational safety. The article also contains information on special assessment of working conditions (a study of harmful and hazardous production factors)., В статье «Профилактика профессиональных заболеваний работающего населения» поднимаются актуальные вопросы о сохранении здоровья населения, о возможных рисках профзаболеваний, принятие мер по оптимизации и улучшению качества условий труда, обмен опытом с другими странами, необходимость мониторинга состояния здоровья работающих, обязательные медицинские осмотры работников, принятие единой терминологии и классификации профзаболеваний, увеличение пенсионного возраста, как результат продолжительности жизни и здоровья нации. Описаны некоторые виды трудовой деятельности, опасность и вредность производственной среды. За основу взяты правовые источники охраны труда, необходимость и важность трудового договора между работником и работодателем, направления государственной политики в области охраны труда. Также дана информация по специальной оценке условий труда (исследование вредных и опасных производственных факторов).
- Published
- 2019
34. Факторы отложенного перехода к новой пенсионной системе
- Author
Radchenko, T., Pestova, Yu., Радченко, Т. Е., Пестова, Ю. М., Radchenko, T., Pestova, Yu., Радченко, Т. Е., and Пестова, Ю. М.
- Abstract
In the civilized world, states are engaged in supporting people who have lost their ability to work and people who have reached old age. In each state, the questions posed are solved in their own way, while creating their own legal framework and pension system. The pension system of Russia is nothing but a set of legal norms, specially created state bodies and private structures aimed at ensuring the regularity of payments to citizens who have reached retirement age. The pension system of the Russian Federation is imperfect and requires the periodic introduction of necessary adjustments and refinement of the mechanism. From 2019the active phase of pension reform began. The rights of citizens to the old-age pension are realized in accordance with the new legislation. Pension reform, which raised the retirement age, was one of the most unexpected and discussed in the social and public life of the country. Pension insurance covers an incredible number of people of all ages, different professions, nationalities, citizens living not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in foreign countries. Raising the retirement age is extremely painfully perceived by society. Taking the main positions among the social guarantees of the citizens of Russia, the pension system, which operates according to the previously existing scenario, does not allow to maintain the specified number of pensions at an acceptable level. The number of people who have reached the retirement age rises, and the strategically defined funding is not executed. The negative demographic situation in Russia does not allow for the calculation of the size of insurance pensions according to the previous procedure, since this gradually led to a deterioration in the rights of the insured persons and the impossibility of further fulfilling the obligations to pay pensions. The new pension model should take into account the identified shortcomings of the previously existing pension systems and take a, В цивилизованном мире государства занимаются поддержкой людей, потерявших трудоспособность и людей, достигших преклонного возраста. В каждом государстве поставленные вопросы решаются своим способом, создавая при этом собственную законодательную базу и систему пенсионного обеспечения. Пенсионная система России не что иное, как совокупность юридических норм, специально созданных государственных органов и частных структур, направленных на обеспечение регулярности выплат гражданам, достигшим пенсионного возраста. Система пенсионного обеспечения Российской Федерации несовершенна и требует периодического внесения необходимых корректировок и доработки механизма. С 2019 года началась активная фаза пенсионного реформирования. Права граждан на пенсию по старости, реализуются с учетом нового законодательства. Пенсионная реформа, внесшая повышение возраста выхода на пенсию по старости, стала одной из самых неожиданных и обсуждаемых в социально-общественной жизни страны. Пенсионное страхование охватывает невероятное количество людей всех возрастов, различных профессий, национальностей, граждан проживающих не только на территории Российской Федерации, а также в иностранных государствах. Повышение возраста выхода на пенсию крайне болезненно воспринято обществом. Занимая основные позиции среди социальных гарантий граждан России, пенсионная система, функционирующая по ранее действующему сценарию, не позволяет сохранить заданный размер пенсий на приемлемом уровне. Количество людей, достигших возраста выхода на пенсию, повышается, а стратегически заданное финансирование не выполняется. Негативная демографическая ситуация, сложившаяся в России, не позволяет проводить исчисление размера страховых пенсий по ранее действующему порядку, поскольку это постепенно приводило к ухудшению прав застрахованных лиц и невозможности дальнейшего исполнения обязательств по выплате им пенсий. Новая пенсионная модель должна учитывать выявленные недостатки ранее действующих пенсионных систем и принять кар
- Published
- 2019
35. Inaktiva äldres syn på vad som har betydelse för beteendet fysisk aktivitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie
- Author
Brask, Anna, De Basso, Gabriella, Brask, Anna, and De Basso, Gabriella
- Abstract
Bakgrund: Andelen äldre i vårt samhälle ökar och alltfler äldre är fysiskt inaktiva, vilket kan ses som ett folkhälsoproblem. Att utforska inaktiva äldres syn på fysisk aktivitet kan bidra till värdefull kunskap när det gäller att stödja dessa personer till en ökad fysiskt aktiv livsstil. Syfte: Att ta reda på vad inaktiva äldre upplever har betydelse för att vara fysiskt aktiva, samt vad de anser kan få dem att förändra sitt beteende till en mer fysiskt aktiv livsstil. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med ett bekvämlighetsurval med sex kvinnor, 65–74 år. Data analyserades induktivt med kvalitativ innehållsanalys där koder och kategorier sorterades fram. Resultat: Fysisk miljö och yttre stöd ansågs ha betydelse för att inaktiva äldre skulle vara mer fysiskt aktiva. Vardagliga aktiviteter prioriteras framför fysisk aktivitet. Yttre stöd, förändrade rutiner i samband med pension, kunskap och erfarenheter samt känslor och attityder kring fysisk aktivitet ansåg de äldre ha betydelse för den fysiska aktivitetsnivån. Slutsatser: De psykosociala faktorerna uppfattades ha stor betydelse vad gäller fysisk aktivitet, deltagarna betonade omgivningens betydelse, yttre stöd ansågs ha en stor betydelse för att en beteendeförändring skulle kunna ske., Background: The number of elderly in our society is increasing and the quantity of physically inactive seniors is growing along with it, this observation can be viewed as a global health issue. By exploring inactive elderly people´s view of physical activity it can contribute to valuable knowledge for supporting this age group into a more physical active lifestyle. Aim: To find out what elderly experiences have importance for being physically active, and what they think can make them change their behavior into a more physically active lifestyle. Method: The study was qualitative, semistructured interviews were made, a convenient sample of six women, 65-74 years old, were included. Data were interpreted inductive with a qualitative content analysis and then sorted into codes and categories. Result: Physical environment and external support was considered to be important by elderly inactive people to be more physically active. Ordinary everyday activities are prioritized over physical exercise. External support, changed habits after retirement, knowledge, experience and attitudes regarding physical activity. This altogether results in an impact on the level of physical activity amongst elders. Conclusion: The psychosocial factors were perceived to have great importance in terms of physical activity. The participants expressed how the support from the surroundings has a great importance for a behavioural change.
- Published
- 2019
36. How to measure retirement age? : a comparison of survey and register data
- Author
Eyjólfsdóttir, Harpa Sif, Baumann, Isabel, Agahi, Neda, Lennartsson, Carin, Eyjólfsdóttir, Harpa Sif, Baumann, Isabel, Agahi, Neda, and Lennartsson, Carin
- Abstract
Due to an increasing heterogeneity in retirement transitions, the measurement of retirement age constitutes a major challenge for researchers and policymakers. In order to better understand the concept of retirement age, we compare a series of measures for retirement age assessed on the basis of survey and register data. We use data from Sweden, where flexible retirement schemes are implemented and register data are available. We link survey data from the Swedish Level of Living Survey with register data from the Swedish Longitudinal Integration Database for Health Insurance and Labour Market Studies. We create four measures of retirement age based on these datasets, applying approaches that have been used in previous literature. We analyse the means and distributions of these measures and evaluate the correlations between them. Finally, we regress common predictors of retirement age such as gender or education on the four measures of retirement age to examine potential differences in size, direction and statistical significance of the associations. We find that the survey measure of retirement age resembles the following two ways of defining retirement age in the register data: first, the age at which people receive more than half their income from old-age or disability pension and second, the age at which they were not gainfully employed for at least two years. This insight gives us a better understanding of when in the retirement transition process individuals identify with retirement. Moreover, it provides decision support for researchers working with register data to determine which measure to use.
- Published
- 2019
37. La «edad social de jubilación» y su tenaz resistencia. A propósito de la gestión social de la edad
- Author
Chuliá Rodrigo, Elisa and Chuliá Rodrigo, Elisa
- Abstract
Ongizate-estatuek babestutako gizarteetako adineko pertsonak nabarmen aldatu dira azken mendean: multzo hori tamainaz handitu da, batez besteko adina handitu da eta bizi-kalitatea hobetu da; hein handi batean, sostengu- eta osasun-premiak asetzen dituzten gizarte-prestazioak eta zerbitzu publikoak eskuratzeko aukera zabalari esker izan da hori. Hala ere, herrialde batzuetan oraindik –besteak beste, Espainian–, batez beste 65 urte baino gutxiagorekin uzten du jendeak lan-merkatua. Duela ehun urte, gutxi gorabehera, zehaztutako adin-zifra horrek, egun, oraindik, mantendu egiten du «erretiratzeko adin sozialaren» estatusa. Bizi-itxaropena etengabe handituz doa –65 urtera heltzen direnen kopurua, zein erretiroaren bataz besteko iraupena– eta horrek pentsio-sistemaren gaineko finantza-presioa eragiten du, alabaina, 65 urteetan mantentzen da jubilazio adina., The elderly population of all societies protected by welfare states has significantly changed during the past century: it has increased its size and average age and it has improved its quality of life, to a great extent thanks to the wide access to social benefits and public services that cover its livelihood and health needs. However, in some countries –Spain among them– the population keeps exiting the labor market at an average age below 65. This threshold, established approximately 100 years ago, tenaciously resists abandoning its standing as the «social retirement age», even when the evolution of life expectancy drives up the share of people who reach 65 as well as the average length of retirement, with the resulting financial pressure on the pension system., La población mayor de todas las sociedades protegidas por los Estados del Bienestar ha cambiado significativamente a lo largo del último siglo: ha crecido en tamaño, ha aumentado su edad media y ha mejorado su calidad de vida, en buena medida gracias al amplio acceso a prestaciones sociales y servicios públicos que cubren sus necesidades de sustento y salud. Sin embargo, en algunos países –entre ellos, España– la población continúa saliendo definitivamente del mercado de trabajo a una edad media inferior a los 65 años. Este umbral, fijado hace aproximadamente 100 años, se resiste tenazmente a abandonar su estatus de «edad social de jubilación», aun cuando la evolución de la esperanza de vida incrementa continuamente tanto la proporción de personas que alcanzan los 65 años como la duración media de la jubilación, con la consiguiente presión financiera sobre el sistema de pensiones.
- Published
- 2019
38. Essays in public economics: The effects of major policies on old and young Australians
- Author
Morris, Todd Stuart and Morris, Todd Stuart
- Abstract
This thesis consists of three essays examining the causal effects of major policy changes affecting old and young Australians. In the first essay, I examine the distributional effects of a reform in 1994 that gradually increased women’s eligibility age for the retirement pension from 60 to 65. Using detailed longitudinal data, I find strong negative effects on household incomes for low to middle income households but little impact on households in the top half of the distribution. These unequal impacts meant that, among households containing older women, the reform increased relative poverty rates by 33 to 39 percent and inequality measures by 12 to 15 percent. These results demonstrate that increases in pension-eligibility ages, which are occurring in many countries as the population ages, can have strong regressive effects. In the second essay, I study the impact of the same reform on female labour force participation. Specifically, I replicate and extend the work of Atalay and Barrett (Review of Economics and Statistics 2015, 97(1): 71–87). Using repeated household surveys and a differences-in-differences design in which male cohorts form the comparison group, Atalay and Barrett estimate that the reform increased female participation rates by 12 percentage points. I successfully replicate this estimate but show, using earlier data, that the underlying parallel-trends assumption did not hold before the reform because of a strong female-specific participation trend across cohorts. Accounting for this trend, the estimated effect of the reform on female participation falls by two-thirds and becomes statistically insignificant at conventional levels. In the third essay, I focus on a policy affecting much younger adults. Specifically, I examine the effects of a road-safety restriction in New South Wales, Australia that prohibits probationary drivers from driving late at night with multiple passengers. Using linked administrative data on drivers’ licences and crashes, I
- Published
- 2019
39. Consequences of raising the retirement age for the labor market in the regions of russia
- Author
Chichkanov, V. P., Chistova, E. V., Tyrsin, A. N., Stepanov, A. N., Chichkanov, V. P., Chistova, E. V., Tyrsin, A. N., and Stepanov, A. N.
- Abstract
The article presents the results of a study aimed at assessing the consequences for the labor market of raising the retirement age in Russia. The foreign experience of raising the retirement age, on the basis of which a number of characteristic moments of this process are highlighted, is presented. The review of the scientific literature showed a polemical character of the problem under investigation and allowed to formulate a hypothesis of the study, which is as follows: raising the retirement age will lead to an increase in the supply of labor, which will entail the reduction of the labor price. The article presents an analysis of the current situation in the labor market. Since the raise of the retirement age will require the availability of vacant jobs in an amount not less than the number of people detained in the labor market, two tasks have been solved in this study. In the first task, the change in the average wage was calculated, provided that the number of jobs will meet the increased need, i.e. unemployment will remain at the same level. In the second task, the number of jobs is fixed to estimate the potential effect of raising the retirement age. Evaluation of the effect of raising the retirement age with a fixed number of jobs was carried out by constructing a regression relationship between wages and unemployment, differences in age groups were taken into account by introducing fictitious shift and tilt variables into the model. According to the calculations obtained under the first and second tasks, wages will decrease with the raising of the retirement age by one year for both sexes. The results of the study showed that the decision to raise the retirement age should be accompanied by a number of serious additional measures, primarily in the employment of population sector. © 2019, Economic Laboratory for Transition Research. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2019
40. Internalised Ageism and Self-Exclusion: Does Feeling Old and Health Pessimism Make Individuals Want to Retire Early?
- Author
Horst, Mariska van der and Horst, Mariska van der
- Abstract
An important current policy goal in many Western countries is for individuals to extend their working lives. Ageism has been identified as a possible threat to achieving this; furthermore, the ways in which ageism may affect this policy goal may have been underestimated. It has been claimed previously that ageism can be seen as discrimination against one’s future self and that a lifetime of internalising age stereotypes makes older people themselves believe the age stereotypes. The current article uses the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing to assess the degree to which internalised ageism is related to one’s preferred retirement age. For internalised ageism, assessments are made about the degree to which individuals consider themselves to be old; they agree that their age prevents them from undertaking activities; they are pessimistic about their own future health and that being old comes with deteriorating health more generally. Results show that health pessimism especially affects one’s preferred retirement age negatively, even when controlling for current health and other factors, and mainly for middle-educated women. Implications are discussed.
- Published
- 2019
41. Trapped in 'involuntary' work in the late career? Retirement expectations versus the 'desire to retire' in Estonia
- Author
Lindemann, Kristina, Unt, Marge, Lindemann, Kristina, and Unt, Marge
- Abstract
In light of recent policies aiming to promote the prolongation of working life, one of the key questions is how people have adjusted their retirement expectations (i.e., realistic plans) and preferences (i.e., wishes and desires). We explore which social groups plan to continue working after the statutory retirement age, and whether they wish to do it or whether it is a forced choice (‘involuntary’ work). Overall, almost all employed late career workers plan to work until or beyond retirement age in Estonia, especially men and those who have more educational and health resources. Still, results of a joint analysis of plans and wishes indicate that two groups have a higher risk of ‘involuntary’ work. First, a higher education combined with a low job satisfaction predicts staying longer in the labour despite the wish to retire as early as possible. Second, individuals who have poor health and a low job satisfaction often wish to retire as early as possible but stay in the labour market until reaching to the compulsory retirement age. Thus, policy measures increasing merely the statutory retirement age create tensions, especially among those not satisfied with their jobs. More analytical work and policy measures are needed to provide solutions at the workplace level that would enable a prolonged work career.
- Published
- 2019
42. Ende der Rente mit 60: eine Analyse der französischen Rentenreform 2010
- Author
Deutsch-Französisches Institut - dfi, Kufer, Astrid, Deutsch-Französisches Institut - dfi, and Kufer, Astrid
- Published
- 2019
43. The incomes of elderly men in Britain : 1970 - 1977
- Author
Altmann, Rosalind M.
- Subjects
301 ,Poverty ,Pensions ,Retirement age ,State benefits - Published
- 1981
44. Последствия повышения пенсионного возраста для рынка труда регионов России
- Author
Чичканов, В. П., Чистова, Е. В., Тырсин, А. Н., Степанов, А. Н., Chichkanov, V. P., Chistova, E. V., Tyrsin, A. N., Stepanov, A. N., Чичканов, В. П., Чистова, Е. В., Тырсин, А. Н., Степанов, А. Н., Chichkanov, V. P., Chistova, E. V., Tyrsin, A. N., and Stepanov, A. N.
- Abstract
The article presents an assessment of the consequences of raising the retirement age in Russia for the labor market. Within the framework of this study, the following hypothesis is put forward: increasing the retirement age will lead to an increase in the supply of labor, which will help to reduce the cost of labor. The article presents an analysis of the current situation in the labor market. The official data of the Federal State Statistics Service were used as a basis for the study. Since the increase in the age of retirement would require the availability of vacant jobs to an amount not less than the number of persons retained in the labor market, in this study we solved two tasks. As part of the first task, the change in the average wage was calculated, provided that the number of jobs will meet the increased need, i.e. unemployment will remain at the same level. The results of the assessment of the changes in the average wage by groups of occupations are presented. In the second task, to assess the potential effect of raising the retirement age, the number of jobs was considered as permanent. Estimation of the effect of increasing the retirement age in case of the fixed number of jobs was carried out by constructing a regression relationship between wages and unemployment, the differences in age groups were taken into account by introducing the model of fictitious variables of shift and tilt. According to the calculations obtained for the first and second task, if the retirement age is increased by one year for both sexes, wages will decrease. The results of the study showed that the decision to raise the retirement age should be accompanied by a number of serious additional measures, primarily in the field of employment., В статье представлена оценка последствий повышения пенсионного возраста в России для рынка труда. В рамках данного исследования выдвигается следующая гипотеза: повышение пенсионного возраста приведет к увеличению предложения рабочей силы, что будет способствовать снижению цены труда. В статье представлен анализ текущей ситуации на рынке труда. В качестве базы для исследования использованы официальные данные Федеральной службы государственной статистики. Поскольку увеличение возраста выхода на пенсию потребует наличия вакантных рабочих мест в количестве не меньшем, чем число лиц, задерживаемых на рынке труда, то в данном исследовании были решены две задачи. В рамках первой задачи было рассчитано изменение размера средней заработной платы при условии, что число рабочих мест будет соответствовать возросшей потребности, то есть безработица останется на прежнем уровне. Представлены результаты оценки изменения средней начисленной заработной платы по группам занятий. Во второй задаче, чтобы оценить потенциальный эффект от повышения пенсионного возраста, число рабочих мест зафиксировано. Оценивание эффекта повышения пенсионного возраста при фиксированном числе рабочих мест проводилось путем построения регрессионной зависимости между заработной платой и уровнем безработицы, различия по возрастным группам учитывались путем введения в модель фиктивных переменных сдвига и наклона. Согласно полученным расчетам по первой и второй задаче, с повышением пенсионного возраста на один год для обоих полов заработная плата снизится. Результаты исследования показали, что решение о повышении пенсионного возраста должно сопровождаться рядом серьезных дополнительных мер, в первую очередь в сфере занятости населения.
- Published
- 2018
45. Working conditions and retirement : Can improved working conditions extend an individual's time on the labour market?
- Author
Sedehi Zadeh, Noor and Sedehi Zadeh, Noor
- Abstract
The objective of this essay is to investigate if working conditions affect the retirement age and additionally, aims to explore the differences in the effects between women and men. This study investigates this by using data of individuals living in Sweden in 2012 that were between the age of 63 and 74 (i.e individuals that are born between 1938 and 1949) retrieved fromStatistics Employment Register (Sysselsättningsregister). To complete the information, Statistics Sweden, conducted a survey on behalf of Anxo et al (2017) to 20 000 randomly selected individuals that included questions about the individual’s previous working conditions at point of retirement or at age 64 if the individual stayed above the age of 65. The result strengthened the idea from previous research that possibility to choose when and how to work decrease the likelihood of retiring earlier, hence, extends the time on the labour market. Additionally, the results indicated that psychologically demanding jobs and monotone tasks increase the probability of retiring earlier. Some results were rather counter-intuitive where the working conditions: physical demanding job, working under time pressure, number of working hours and working unsocial hours increased the likelihood for an individual to stay longer in the labour market. Additional findings in this essay that contradicted prior studies is that socializing with co-workers outside of work and the possibility to combine family and work increases the probability to retire earlier, hence reduces the likelihood of a later retirement.
- Published
- 2018
46. Pension Insecurity and Wellbeing in Europe
- Author
Olivera, Javier, Ponomarenko, Valentina, Olivera, Javier, and Ponomarenko, Valentina
- Abstract
This paper studies pension insecurity in a sample of non-retired individuals aged 50 years or older from 18 European countries. We capture pension insecurity with the subjective expectations on the probability that the government will reduce the pensions of the individual before retirement or will increase the statutory retirement age. We argue that changes in economic conditions and policy affect the formation of such probabilities, and through this, subjective wellbeing. In particular, we study the effects of pension insecurity on subjective wellbeing with pooled linear models, regressions per quintiles and instrumental variables. We find a statistically significant, stable and negative association between pension insecurity and subjective wellbeing. Our findings reveal that the individuals who are more affected by pension insecurity are those who are further away from their retirement, have lower income, assess their life survival as low, have higher cognitive abilities and do not expect private pension payments.
- Published
- 2018
47. Kremlin launches risky pension reform: plan to raise retirement age undermines confidence in Russian leadership
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Kluge, Janis, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Kluge, Janis
- Abstract
On 14 June, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced proposals to gradually raise the retirement age in Russia from 2019. The Russian leadership wants to use this reform to tighten its budget and boost economic growth. Despite the media distraction caused by the Football World Cup, there is growing protest against the proposal. Trade unions, loyal opposition and Alexei Navalny are planning demonstrations. The Kremlin has framed the unpopular reform as a government project that President Putin has nothing to do with. Nevertheless, confidence in the President has been dented. A clear social response could lead to a weakening of the reform and although the Kremlin has many instruments at its disposal to stem the threat of protests, it lacks the means to regain the trust it has lost. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2018
48. TOP - Transitions and Old Age Potential: Methodenbericht zur zweiten Welle der Studie
- Author
Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BIB), Mergenthaler, Andreas, Cihlar, Volker, Micheel, Frank, Sackreuther, Ines, Riedl, Sabine, Maruhn, Sabia, Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BIB), Mergenthaler, Andreas, Cihlar, Volker, Micheel, Frank, Sackreuther, Ines, Riedl, Sabine, and Maruhn, Sabia
- Abstract
Von November 2015 bis Februar 2016 fand die Wiederholungsbefragung der Studie "Transitions and Old Age Potential: Übergänge und Alternspotenziale" (TOP) statt. Von den 3.897 panelbereiten Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern der ersten Welle des Jahres 2013 lagen drei Jahre später abgeschlossene Interviews von 2.501 Personen vor. Inhaltlich konzentriert sich die zweite Welle TOP auf die Übergänge in den Ruhestand, die Verwirklichung von Tätigkeitsabsichten, insbesondere am Arbeitsmarkt, als Teil eines mehrstufigen Handlungsmodells sowie die Veränderung von Potenzialen älterer Erwachsener im Zeitverlauf. Wie bereits die erste Welle, so wurde auch die Wiederholungsbefragung vom Umfragezentrum Bonn (uzbonn) im Auftrag des Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB) durchgeführt. Neben Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Verzerrung aus der Panelmortalität und zur Erhöhung der Ausschöpfung kamen längsschnittliche Gewichtungsverfahren zum Einsatz, die u.a. für selektive Teilnahmewahrscheinlichkeiten an der zweiten Welle adjustieren., The follow-up survey for the Transitions and Old Age Potential (TOP) study took place from November 2015 until February 2016. Of the 3,897 the willing respondents from the first wave of 2013, three years later interviews were completed with 2,501 persons. In content, the second wave of TOP focuses on the transitions to retirement, the realization of activity intentions, particularly on the labor market, as part of a multi-stage model of action as well as on the changes in the potentials of older adults over the course of time. Like the first wave, the follow-up survey was also conducted by the Umfragezentrum Bonn (uzbonn) on behalf of the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB). In addition to measures for reducing the bias from panel mortality and for increasing coverage, longitudinal weighting methods were used that, among other aspects, adjusted for selective response probabilities in the second wave.
- Published
- 2018
49. Прекаризированная занятость женщин пенсионного возраста в Беларуси
- Author
Маковская, Н. В., Makovskaya, N. V., Маковская, Н. В., and Makovskaya, N. V.
- Abstract
Представлены результаты авторского исследования по выявлению направлений прекаризированной занятости у женщин пенсионного возраста. Исследование проведено на основе белорусских данных. Выявлена специфика прекаризированных форм занятости в национальной экономике Беларуси., The results of the author's research on revealing the directions of precarious employment in women of retirement age are presented. The study was conducted on the basis of Belarusian data. Specificity of precarized forms of employment in the national economy of Belarus has been revealed.
- Published
- 2017
50. Пенсионный возраст как регулятор демографических условий развития пенсионной системы России
- Author
Соловьев, А. К., Solovev, A. C., Соловьев, А. К., and Solovev, A. C.
- Abstract
Глобальный демографический кризис позволили всем западным странам осуществить повышение пенсионного возраста до 65 лет. Сегодня перед нашей пенсионной системой стоит аналогичная проблема, которая должна решаться с учетом национальной российской специфики., Global demographic crisis have allowed all western countries to carry out raising the retirement age up to 65 years. Today our pension system is faced by the same problem which has to be solved taking into account national Russian specifics.
- Published
- 2017
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