1. Komparartivna analiza učestalosti dentalne traume ovisno o spolu: Populacijska studija
- Author
Veruska Medeiros Martins, Raulison Vieira de Sousa, Eveline Sales Rocha, Rafaella Bastos Leite, Marayza Alves Clementino, Ana Flávia Granville-Garcia, Veruska Medeiros Martins, Raulison Vieira de Sousa, Eveline Sales Rocha, Rafaella Bastos Leite, Marayza Alves Clementino, and Ana Flávia Granville-Garcia
- Abstract
Svrha: Željelo se procijeniti koliki je utjecaj spola na vrstu dentalne traume, njezinu etiologiju, lokaciju, učestalost i postupak zbrinjavanja. Materijali i metode: Odabran je presjek populacije školske djece od 590 ispitanika u dobi od 7 do 14 godina iz brazilskoga grada Campina Grande. Kliničke preglede obavili su stručni i iskusni ispitivači (intra- i inter- vrijednosti kappa testova: 0,87 i 0,0). Podaci su svrstani prema vrsti traume, njezinoj etiologiji, lokaciji i frekvenciji te postupku zbrinjavanja. Chi-square i Fischerov test koristili su se s 5-postotnom razinom značajnosti. Rezultati: Rasprostranjenost dentalne traume u populaciji iznosila je 12,7 posto, s većom frekvencijom kod dječaka (17 % x 9 %; p = 0,003). Nije bilo značajnijih razlika između spolova kod sljedećih varijabli: godina (p = 0,975), vrsta trauma (p = 0,843), broja zahvaćenih zuba (p = 0,735), etiologije (p = 0,6161), lokacije (p = 0,128) i razloga za nesaniranje dentalne traume (p = 0,217). Zaključak: Pokazalo se da spol utječe na ishod samo kad je riječ o frekvenciji, naime dentalne traume češće su kod dječaka., Objective: To assess the influence of gender on dental trauma type, etiology, location of occurrence and conduct regarding dental treatment. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out including 590 schoolchildren aged 07 to 14 years at public schools in the city of Campina Grande, Brazil. Clinical exams were performed by two duly calibrated examiners (intraand inter-examiner kappa agreement values: 0.87 and 0.90, respectively). Data were recorded as to the type of trauma, etiology, location of occurrence and conduct regarding treatment. The chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test were used with a 5% significance level. Results: The prevalence of dental trauma was 12.7%, with greater frequency in the male gender (17% x 9%; p = 0.003). No significant differences between genders were found with regard to the following variables: age group (p = 0.975), type of trauma (p = 0.843), number of teeth affected (p = 0.735), etiology (p = 0.616), location of occurrence (p = 0.128) and reason for not seeking dental treatment (p = 0.217). Conclusion: Gender was found to have an influence on the outcome only with regard to frequency, with a greater occurrence of dental trauma among males.
- Published
- 2013