10 results on '"RIVER VALLEY"'
Search Results
2. Klimatilpasning i det åbne land.:Løsningseksempler
- Author
Andersen, Peter Stubkjær, Munck Petersen, Rikke, Støvring, Jan, Vejre, Henrik, Folvig, Sara, Andersen, Peter Stubkjær, Munck Petersen, Rikke, Støvring, Jan, Vejre, Henrik, and Folvig, Sara
- Abstract
Denne eksempelsamling er udarbejdet af Sektion for Landskabsarkitektur og Planlægning, IGN, Københavns Universitet efter aftale med Miljøstyrelsen, der ønsker at sætte fokus på kommunernes integration af natur- og landskabsværdier i aktuelle klimatilpasningsprojekter. Eksempelsamlingen præsenterer et udvalg af projekter, hvori vand indgår som et væsentligt element. Eksempelsamlingen skal ses som et første skridt i retning af en mere omfattende undersøgelse af mulighederne for at integrere natur og landskabs-interesser i aktuelle klimatilpasningsprojekter. For hvert eksempel beskrives de vand-faglige problematikker og de konkrete løsninger i relation til natur- og landskabs-interesser, herunder landskabsæstetiske værdier, det vil sige landskabernes rumlige indretning og konsekvenser for deres oplevelsesmæssige indhold. Målet med eksempelsamlingen er at give et indtryk af, hvordan projekter i vandløb og ådale har været udført hidtil. Eksemplerne illustrerer samlet set udviklingen fra naturgenopretningsprojekter gennemført fra 1980’erne og frem til 2010’ernes klimatilpasningsprojekter, hvor håndtering af vand har været et gennemgående tema, men hvor de overordnede formål har været forskellige. Eksemplerne illustrerer forskellige fysiske indgreb i landskabet og beskriver de hensyn til naturinteresser, som der er taget i projekterne. Eksempelsamlingen afsluttes med en sammenfatning af tendenser i projekterne, en opsummering af generelle udviklingsforløb og perspektiver af interesse for den aktuelle debat om klimatilpasning i det åbne land., This sample collection has been prepared by the Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning, IGN, University of Copenhagen, in agreement with the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, which wishes to focus on municipalities' integration of nature and landscape values into current climate adaptation projects. The sample collection presents a selection of projects involving water as an essential element. The sample collection should be seen as a first step towards a more comprehensive study of the possibilities of integrating nature and landscape interests into current climate adaptation projects. For each example, the water-related problems and the concrete solutions in relation to natural and landscape interests are described, including landscape aesthetic values, that is, the spatial layout of the landscapes and consequences for their experiential content. The purpose of the sample collection is to give an impression of how projects in streams and streams have been carried out so far. The examples collectively illustrate the evolution of nature restoration projects carried out from the 1980s and up to the 2010 climate adaptation projects, where water management has been a pervasive theme but where the overall objectives have been different. The examples illustrate various physical interventions in the landscape and describe the considerations of nature interests that have been taken in the projects. The sample collection concludes with a summary of the trends in the projects, a summary of general development processes and perspectives of interest in the current debate on climate adaptation in rural landscapes.
- Published
- 2019
3. Udvikling af Nørreådalen: forvaltningsplan for udviklingen af et multifunktionelt landskab omkring Nørreå i Viborg naturpark
- Author
Primdahl, Jørgen, Petersen, Louise Eltved, Primdahl, Jørgen, and Petersen, Louise Eltved
- Abstract
Målet med dette speciale er at lave en forvaltningsplan for et naturgenopretningsprojekt i Nørreådalen, der er et Natura2000-beskyttelsesområde. Ådalen er beliggende nær Viborg i Midtjylland. Projektområdet er 375 hektar og er placeret i den kommende Viborg naturpark. Ådalen rummer værdifulde landskaber og en rig natur, hvilket gør den til et attraktivt friluftslandskab for blandt andet jægere. Området ådalen ligger i er rigt på naturressourcer og åen er traditionelt set blevet anvendt til transport af tegl, tørv og træ fra Viborg til Randers. Ådalens enge og moser er blevet anvendt til græsning, høslæt og tørvegravning. Nørreå har et meget ringe fald og dalens terræn er generelt lavtliggende. Disse forhold betyder at der ofte står vand i dalens enge og moser. Gennem tiden er åen blevet uddybet, i et forsøg på at forbedre vandafledningen, og muliggøre en mere intensiv udnyttelse af engarealerne. I de seneste år er dalen blevet vådere, og pleje af eng- og mosearealer er mange steder ophørt, hvilket betyder at ådalen langsomt gro til. Forvaltningsplanens mål er at udvikle et multifunktionelt landskab, hvor der tages højde for de udfordringer der findes i ådalen. Hovedudfordringerne er foruden de hydrauliske forhold og tilgroning med vedplanter, at dalens jorde er delt i små lodder med mange forskellige ejere og at der mangler stiforbindelser på tværs af åen. For at finde frem til de løsninger der passer bedst til Nørreådalen gennemgås først de fysiske- og biologiske forhold der gør sig gældende i ådale, samt de forskellige forvaltningsmuligheder der findes for denne naturtype. Dernæst analyseres og kortlægges forholdene i Nørreådalen og de rammer et naturgenopretningsprojekt ville skulle udvikle sig inden for. Resultaterne fra de to dele anvendes i specialets sidste del, som er en forvaltningsplan for Nørreådalens fremtidige udvikling. I forvaltningsplanen præsenteres en række løsninger, heriblandt to plejealternativer baseret på forskellige former for græ, The aim of this thesis is to create a management plan for Nørreå river valley. The river valley is located in Jutland just east of Viborg. Nørreå river valley is located in the future Viborg Nature Park, it is 375 ha and is protected as a Natura2000 site. The river valley has a rich bird life and a large number of roe deer, which makes it a popular spot for local hunters. The area around Viborg is rich in natural resources and the river has historically been used to transport bricks, peat and wood from Viborg to Randers. The meadows around the river have been used for grazing, hay cutting and digging peat. In order to utilize more of the area for crop production many attempts to drain the area have been made. During that process the river was widened and made deeper and a lot of ditches was dug. The effect however only lasted for a limited number of years. The slope of the river is insufficient, the current is very slow and the terrain is low-lying. Combined with a rather brutal form of management in the past, the negative effects are that the meadows are wet and difficult to manage. The goal with the management plan of the river valley is to develop a multifunctional landscape with high nature quality and good possibilities for outdoor recreation. The main challenge is to prevent the area from overgrowing with trees and shrubs like willow salix, tall grasses like tufted hairgrass Deschampsia cespitosa and common reed Phragmites australis. Another challenge is that the area is divided into very small fields and that there are more than 80 different land owners. In order to find the best solution, litterature on the structure and biology of river valleys has been examined as well as historical maps and historical sources concerning the the river valley. Further more a comprehensive study of the current status of the valley and the stream has been carried out complemented by an analysis of the landscape and the stakeholders around Nørreå. The proposed mana
- Published
- 2016
4. A successful prediction on an M(sub s) 7.0 earthquake using meteorological satellites
- Author
Qiang, Zuji, Dian, Changgong, Li, Lingzhi, Qiang, Zuji, Dian, Changgong, and Li, Lingzhi
- Abstract
There occurred an M(sub s) 7.0 earthquake in Lijiang Country of Yunnan Province on February 3, 1996. From the thermal infrared maps got through meteorological satellites, there had appeared an isolated temperature increase phenomenon in middle and west parts of Yunnan Province since December 12, 1995, which is 52 days before the earthquake. The temperature in the valley of rivers was 7-12 C, which was 3-4 C higher than that of surrounding areas. Based on evolution characters of this temperature detected by satellites, a three-element (time, location, and magnitude) prediction was successfully made in short term. It was predicted on December 16, 1995 that the future earthquake would occur during the period from December 16, 1995 to January 24, 1996 with a magnitude of M(sub s) 6.5-6.9, and the epicenter would be in an area west to Kunming City of Yunnan (N 24.0-25.8 deg, E 101.5-102.8 deg). The fact is that the earthquake occurred in Lijiang Country (27.2 deg N, 100.3 deg E) on February 3, 1996 with a magnitude of M(sub s) 7.0. The magnitude predicted is relatively accurate. The earthquake was nine days later than that estimated. The epicenter is only 150 km away from where predicted., 1996年2月3日雲南省Lijiang郡でM(sub s)7.0の地震が発生した。気象衛星から得た熱赤外線分布図から、地震発生の52日前の1995年12月12日以来、雲南省の中部と西部で局所的な温度上昇が見出されていた。河川流域の温度は7-12度Cで、周辺領域より3-4度C高かった。衛星により検出された温度の変化特性に基づいて、3要素(日時、位置、マグニチュード)の予測に短期間で成功した。1995年12月16日に予測したのは、地震が1995年12月16日から1996年1月24日までの期間に、マグニチュードM(sub s)6.5-6.9で起こるであろうこと、そして震央は雲南省昆明市の西部(北緯24.0-25.8度、東経101.5-102.8度)であることである。実際に、1996年2月3日に、M(sub s)7.0の地震がLijiang郡(北緯27.2度、東経100.3度)で発生した。予測したマグニチュードは比較的正確である。地震は予測より9日遅かった。震央は予測地点より150km離れている。
- Published
- 2015
5. Succession of floodplain grasslands following reduction in land use intensity: the importance of environmental conditions, management and dispersal
- Author
Bischoff, A., Warthemann, G., Klotz, Stefan, Bischoff, A., Warthemann, G., and Klotz, Stefan
- Abstract
Classical ecological theory predicts a succession towards plant communities that are determined by environmental conditions. However, in ecological restoration, species composition often remains different from the predicted target community, compromising the success of restoration measures.We analysed the relative importance of environmental conditions, management and distance to source populations for floodplain grassland succession following re-conversion from intensive to traditional use. The study was established at 33 grassland sites in central German river valleys. Species composition, environmental variables, past and current management, and the distance to source populations of characteristic species of traditional management (indicator species) were recorded and compared using multivariate statistics. We further tested the speed of colonization by two indicator species, Silaum silaus and Serratula tinctoria, along transects from source populations into unoccupied fields.The species composition of the successional grassland was mainly determined by elevation, total soil nitrogen, distance to remnant species-rich grasslands and frequency of mowing or grazing. Elevation and distance were negatively, and frequency was positively related to the occurrence of late successional species.Colonization by indicator species was only dependent on the distance to source populations; other explanatory variables were not significant. Migration from adjacent source sites of S. silaus and S. tinctoria into re-converted grasslands was slow, reaching only 40 m and 15 m after 15 years.Synthesis and applications. The results demonstrated the limitations of the deterministic view on plant succession and the high relative importance of propagule availability in grassland restoration. Natural colonization will only be successful if source populations of the target species are adjacent to the restoration sites. Artificial introduction techniques are recommended to overcome dispersal
- Published
- 2009
6. Grundwasserdynamik und -beschaffenheit der Elbauen im Biosphärenreservat Mittlere Elbe
- Author
Böhnke, R., Geyer, Stefan, Böhnke, R., and Geyer, Stefan
- Abstract
As part of an interdisciplinary project, two floodplain areas in the middle section of the river Elbe are being examined in hydrological as well as hydrogeological respect. This section has remained relatively natural, even though the floodplains of the German part of the Elbe are generally regulated by dikes to a great extent. The region to be examined is situated in a dry and warm area of the river valley between Wittenberg and Magdeburg and is characterized in its western part by continental precipitation distribution (500 mm annual average). The origins of the landscape go back to the Pleistocene, in particular to the Saalian and Weichselian glacial periods. The water balance of the floodplain fluctuates between flooding and desiccation according to season. The water exchange between river and groundwater is high, so that groundwater level and gradient depend on the river stage. There is a general hydraulic gradient from the higher areas at the margin of the valley towards the floodplains. The groundwater in the area is hard water, and is characterized by high content of iron, manganese and sulphate. Therefore, it mostly falls into the Ca-Mg-S04-(HCO3)-category. No increased heavy-metals content could be observed in either groundwater, surface water or seepage water.
- Published
- 1999
7. Regional distribution of platinum, palladium, gold, kimberlite indicator minerals and base metals in surficial sediments, River Valley area, northeastern Ontario.
- Author
Tardif N.P. and Tardif N.P.
- Abstract
Samples were collected from C-horizon sub-glacial till, B-horizon soils and humus, on a regional scale and within two case-study zones near previously identified Pd-Pt-Au and Cu-Ni mineralisation. Examination of Pt, Pd, Au, Cu and Ni identified the level and contrast of elemental responses in different surficial sediment types. Most sampled media showed relatively anomalous values where there was known bedrock mineralisation, with the highest values those for the non-ferromagnetic heavy mineral fraction. Samples analysed for metamorphosed massive sulphide and kimberlite indicator minerals yielded Cr-pyrope garnets, chromites, Mg-ilmenites, Cr-diopsides, gahnites and red rutile, as well as gold grains and platinum group minerals., Samples were collected from C-horizon sub-glacial till, B-horizon soils and humus, on a regional scale and within two case-study zones near previously identified Pd-Pt-Au and Cu-Ni mineralisation. Examination of Pt, Pd, Au, Cu and Ni identified the level and contrast of elemental responses in different surficial sediment types. Most sampled media showed relatively anomalous values where there was known bedrock mineralisation, with the highest values those for the non-ferromagnetic heavy mineral fraction. Samples analysed for metamorphosed massive sulphide and kimberlite indicator minerals yielded Cr-pyrope garnets, chromites, Mg-ilmenites, Cr-diopsides, gahnites and red rutile, as well as gold grains and platinum group minerals.
8. Geochemistry and mineralogy of platinum group element mineralisation in the River Valley intrusion, Ontario, Canada: a model for early-stage sulphur saturation and multistage emplacement and implications for contact-type Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide mineralisation.
- Author
Holwell D.A., Findlay J., Firth E.A., Keays R.R., Holwell D.A., Findlay J., Firth E.A., and Keays R.R.
- Abstract
The River Valley intrusion within the c.2.48 Ga East Bull Lake intrusive suite in Ontario is an example of a mafic igneous intrusion with contact-type Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide mineralisation along its base, purely a function of the earliest magma intruded containing preformed sulphide mineralisation rather than contamination triggering sulphide saturation in situ. Precious and base metal geochemistry shows all rock types to have an excellent correlation between all the platinum group elements (PGE), indicating the presence of a single, well homogenised, PGE-rich sulphide liquid. Processes at depth determine the generation and subsequent tenor of the mineralisation. In particular, dissolution of the sulphide can upgrade metal tenor, but subsequently will reduce S/Se ratios, masking the signature of crustal contamination. In addition, a multistage emplacement such as this will not necessarily preserve the characteristic increase in Cu/Pd ratios in the overlying cumulates that is often used in exploration for PGE deposits in mafic intrusions. Thus, a full understanding of all the field, geochemical and mineralogical factors is required to construct genetic models for such deposits and especially in the interpretation of S/Se and Cu/Pd ratios as an indicator of crustal contamination and the presence of PGE mineralisation., The River Valley intrusion within the c.2.48 Ga East Bull Lake intrusive suite in Ontario is an example of a mafic igneous intrusion with contact-type Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide mineralisation along its base, purely a function of the earliest magma intruded containing preformed sulphide mineralisation rather than contamination triggering sulphide saturation in situ. Precious and base metal geochemistry shows all rock types to have an excellent correlation between all the platinum group elements (PGE), indicating the presence of a single, well homogenised, PGE-rich sulphide liquid. Processes at depth determine the generation and subsequent tenor of the mineralisation. In particular, dissolution of the sulphide can upgrade metal tenor, but subsequently will reduce S/Se ratios, masking the signature of crustal contamination. In addition, a multistage emplacement such as this will not necessarily preserve the characteristic increase in Cu/Pd ratios in the overlying cumulates that is often used in exploration for PGE deposits in mafic intrusions. Thus, a full understanding of all the field, geochemical and mineralogical factors is required to construct genetic models for such deposits and especially in the interpretation of S/Se and Cu/Pd ratios as an indicator of crustal contamination and the presence of PGE mineralisation.
9. Lithologic conditions of inundated slope defluction in river valleys of the eastern east European plain
- Author
Dvinskikh A., Kurbanova S., Rysayeva I., Dvinskikh A., Kurbanova S., and Rysayeva I.
- Abstract
The field stationary researches carried out within the last 30 years proved ubiquitous development of soil and ground masses sluggish movements on slopes and in the bottoms of river valleys. Speeds of these movements and their distribution are determined by slope vertical and profile. The purpose of this article is to establish dependence of similar movements on various natural factors intensity. Our own field research data confirm that the maximal speed of friable material shift is observed in clays and heavy loams, and minimum speeds of shift are typical for mild loamy structure deposits. For sand intensity of creep fades so that the size of soil peripheral speed shift is within limiting measurement accuracies. The inundated defluction study showed the shifting of top inundated alluvion depth in a lengthwise direction on the valley bottom and change of this shifting direction with depth. Average peripheral speed of upper inundated alluvion shift, according to results of the plates position concerning the profile line and the fixed reference point in the bottom of exploring shaft, changed from 0,3 to 60 mm * year-1. The maximal shift was observed near waterway bed, and minimum - at the rear seam of the bottom. Intensity of longitudinal shift is in direct dependence on biases of longitudinal profile of the river and alluvion mechanical structure. In the upper alluvion part, a loamy facies inundated alluvion, the average size of shift made 47 mm * year-1. In the bottom part the inundated alluvion within river facies the sandy structure speed decreases to 0,2-0,3 mm/year. From the depth of 1 m speed fades sharply.
10. Lithologic conditions of inundated slope defluction in river valleys of the eastern east European plain
- Author
Dvinskikh A., Kurbanova S., Rysayeva I., Dvinskikh A., Kurbanova S., and Rysayeva I.
- Abstract
The field stationary researches carried out within the last 30 years proved ubiquitous development of soil and ground masses sluggish movements on slopes and in the bottoms of river valleys. Speeds of these movements and their distribution are determined by slope vertical and profile. The purpose of this article is to establish dependence of similar movements on various natural factors intensity. Our own field research data confirm that the maximal speed of friable material shift is observed in clays and heavy loams, and minimum speeds of shift are typical for mild loamy structure deposits. For sand intensity of creep fades so that the size of soil peripheral speed shift is within limiting measurement accuracies. The inundated defluction study showed the shifting of top inundated alluvion depth in a lengthwise direction on the valley bottom and change of this shifting direction with depth. Average peripheral speed of upper inundated alluvion shift, according to results of the plates position concerning the profile line and the fixed reference point in the bottom of exploring shaft, changed from 0,3 to 60 mm * year-1. The maximal shift was observed near waterway bed, and minimum - at the rear seam of the bottom. Intensity of longitudinal shift is in direct dependence on biases of longitudinal profile of the river and alluvion mechanical structure. In the upper alluvion part, a loamy facies inundated alluvion, the average size of shift made 47 mm * year-1. In the bottom part the inundated alluvion within river facies the sandy structure speed decreases to 0,2-0,3 mm/year. From the depth of 1 m speed fades sharply.
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