GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE WASHINGTON DC, Solis, William M., Russell, Cary B., Coleman, Grace, La Due Lake, Ron, McAllister, Lonnie, To, Tristan T., Pogacnik, Jason, Lloyd, Jim, Song, Yong, Strong, John, GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE WASHINGTON DC, Solis, William M., Russell, Cary B., Coleman, Grace, La Due Lake, Ron, McAllister, Lonnie, To, Tristan T., Pogacnik, Jason, Lloyd, Jim, Song, Yong, and Strong, John more...
In 2006, the Department of Defense (DoD) established the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) to lead, advocate, and coordinate all DoD actions to defeat improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Since 2007, GAO has reported on several issues related to JIEDDO's management and transparency of operations. In response to the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act conference report mandating that GAO review JIEDDO's efforts, this report addresses the extent to which JIEDDO has done the following: (1) measured the effectiveness of its efforts and investments, (2) adhered to its review and approval process for developing counter-IED initiatives, and (3) taken action to address overall internal control weaknesses previously reported by GAO. To address these objectives, GAO analyzed relevant documents and discussed with relevant officials their guidance, oversight, and internal control processes to carry out JIEDDO operations. GAO also conducted case studies of 56 of JIEDDO's initiatives (out of 497 initiatives). GAO recommends that JIEDDO take actions to improve the following: (1) its processes for assessing the effectiveness of its counter-IED initiatives, (2) adherence to its initiative review and approval process, and (3) its overall internal control system. GAO also recommends that DoD monitor JIEDDO's progress in improving its internal controls. DoD concurred with these recommendations., Report to Congressional Committees. more...