1. 空间众包中基于位置预测的任务分配
- Author
张晨, 郭玉超, 林培光, 任威隆, 张森, 聂秀山, 任可, 张晨, 郭玉超, 林培光, 任威隆, 张森, 聂秀山, and 任可
- Abstract
隨著移動設備的普及和O2O(Online-To-Offline)商業模式的快速發展,越來越多的空間眾包平臺融入人們的日常生活中,例如滴滴出行、餓了么等等.空間眾包中的一個核心問題是任務分配,主要研究如何將空間任務分配給合適的眾包工人.任務分配方式主要分為服務器分配模式(Server Assigned Task, SAT)和用戶選擇模式(Worker Selected Task, WST)兩種模式,目前多數統一規范化的眾包服務采用SAT模式,即系統主動將任務分配給任務請求位置附近的眾包工人.在此任務分配模式下,眾包工人和任務之間的旅行成本變得至關重要,較少的旅行成本意味著較少的響應時間和較高的任務接受率.因此提出了基于位置預測的任務分配方式,該方式不僅考慮任務和眾包工人的當前位置,還考慮未來任務可能出現的位置,從而降低旅行成本和相應時間.首先設計了貪婪方法(Greedy Approach),然后在貪婪方法的基礎上通過貝葉斯、支持向量機、決策樹等方法預測未來任務的分布來輔助分配任務,最后在真實數據上進行的實驗表明,該方法減小了在長時間內的總旅行成本,具有較好的性能. With the rapid development of mobile devices and the popularity of Online-To-Online (O2O) business models, more and more spatial crowdsourcing platforms play a significant role in our daily life, such as DiDi taxis, Eleme meal-ordering service, etc. A core issue in spatial crowdsourcing is task assignment, which is to assign real-time tasks to suitable crowd workers. There are two types of task assignment, namely worker selected task(WST)and server assigned task(SAT). The most current unified and standardized crowdsourcing services adopt the SAT mode, by which the system proactively assigns tasks to workers in proximity of requested locations. Under this task assignment mode, the travel cost between workers and tasks becomes of vital importance, because less travel cost means less response time and higher task acceptance ratio. This paper proposes a task assignment method based on location prediction to reduce the cost and response time. This task assignment method considers not only the current location of tasks and workers, but also the locations which tasks may appear in the future. This paper proposes Greedy approach, and based on which leverages a list of methods, such as Bayes, SVM and decision-making tree, for predicting the distribution of further tasks to assist the tasks’ assignment. And the final experimentation based on the real data verifies the performance and effectiveness of the method proposed in this paper, which shortens the overall travelling cost in the long term.
- Published
- 2018