
Showing total 10 results
10 results

Search Results

1. Mechanisms of scaling up: combining a realist perspective and systems analysis to understand successfully scaled interventions.

2. A collaborative approach to adopting/adapting guidelines. The Australian 24-hour movement guidelines for children (5-12 years) and young people (13-17 years): An integration of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep.

3. Reflective practice groups and nurse professional quality of life.

4. Evaluation of an online medicines' safety course for remote area nurses.

5. Barriers to the provision of optimal care to dying patients in hospital: a cross-sectional study of nurses' perceptions.

6. Home telemonitoring for chronic disease management: Perceptions of users and factors influencing adoption.

7. Factors influencing general practitioners' decisions about cardiovascular disease risk reassessment: findings from experimental and interview studies.

8. Pilot study: how Sydney community nurses identified food security, and student nurse focus group perceptions.

9. Special People? An Exploratory Study into Re-entering Missionaries' Identity and Resilience.

10. What needs to change to increase chlamydia screening in general practice in Australia? The views of general practitioners.