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312 results

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1. 'It gives you encouragement because you're not alone': A pilot study of a multi‐component social media skills intervention for people with acquired brain injury.

2. The Collaborative Service Design Playbook to plan, design, and implement sustainable health services for impact.

3. Back pain beliefs in adolescents and adults in Australasia: A cross-sectional pilot study of selected psychometric properties of paper-based and web-based questionnaires in two diverse countries.

4. Familiarity, confidence and preference of artificial intelligence feedback and prompts by Australian breast cancer screening readers.

5. Partnering with consumers and practising clinicians to establish research priorities for public hospital maternity services.

6. "It's Not, Can You Do This? It's... How Do You Feel About Doing This?" A Critical Discourse Analysis of Sexuality Support After Spinal Cord Injury.

7. Potential mental health-related harms associated with the universal screening of anxiety and depressive symptoms in Australian secondary schools.

8. Self-Monitoring of Dietary Intake by Young Women: Online Food Records Completed on Computer or Smartphone Are as Accurate as Paper-Based Food Records but More Acceptable.

9. Is it time to abandon paper? The use of emails and the Internet for health services research - a cost-effectiveness and qualitative study.

10. Exploring neuropsychological underpinnings of poor communication after traumatic brain injury: The role of apathy, disinhibition and social cognition.

11. Satisfaction with maternity triage following implementation of the Birmingham Symptom‐Specific Obstetric Triage System (BSOTS): Perspectives of women and staff.

12. Older adults' needs and preferences for a nutrition education digital health solution: A participatory design study.

13. Where less is more: Limited feedback in formative online multiple‐choice tests improves student self‐regulation.

14. Social Participation of People with Chronic Mental Health Needs: Building Horizontal and Vertical Forms of Social Capital.

15. An observer-rated strategy for differentiating schizophrenic and manic states in inpatient settings.

16. Associations between responsive parental behaviours in infancy and toddlerhood, and language outcomes at age 7 years in a population‐based sample.

17. Can personal psychological resources reduce burnout and turnover in Australian hospital nurses?

18. A collaborative primary health care model for children and young people in rural Australia: explorations of cross-sectoral leader action.

19. Trends in mental health inequalities for people with disability, Australia 2003 to 2020.

20. How do people drink alcohol at a low-risk level?

21. Survey of hospital practitioners: common understanding of cardiopulmonary resuscitation definition and outcomes.

22. A survey of speech pathologists' opinions about the prospective acceptability of an online implementation platform for aphasia services.

23. Evaluating the impact of junior doctors in quality improvement – a 10-year review.

24. Learning and development needs for successful staff and consumer partnerships on healthcare quality improvement committees: a co-produced cross-sectional online survey.

25. An Australian National Survey of First Nations Careers in Health Services.

26. Women sleeping rough: The health, social and economic costs of homelessness.

27. Young carers and educational engagement: Quantitative analysis of bursary applications in Australia.

28. 'Bulldozers aren't just for boys': respectful relationships education challenges gender bias in early primary students.

29. Co‐designing a peer‐led model of delivering behavioural activation for people living with depression or low mood in Australian farming communities.

30. Investigating professional identity formation of postgraduate clinical psychology students.

31. Barriers and facilitators to becoming an alcohol and other drug nurse practitioner in Australia: A mixed methods study.

32. Healthcare practitioner use of real-time prescription monitoring tools: an online survey.

33. The Australian version of IAPT: clinical outcomes of the multi-site cohort study of NewAccess.

34. Visualising Patterns in Women's Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence in the First 10 years of Motherhood.

35. Bear in a Window: Australian children's perspectives on lockdown and experiences of the COVID‐19 pandemic.

36. Worsening general health and psychosocial wellbeing of Australian hospital allied health practitioners during the COVID-19 pandemic.

37. Exploring Older Tenants' Healthy Ageing in Privately Rented Homes.

38. Violence Prevention Strategies for People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Scoping Review.

39. Hearing Aid Review Appointments: Attendance and Effectiveness.

40. Health literacy, financial insecurity and health outcomes among people living with HIV in Australia.

41. A qualitative study of Australian psychologists' diagnostic questioning of clients' sexual functioning: motivations from practitioner perspectives.

42. Why patients attend after-hours medical services: a cross-sectional survey of patients across the Australian Capital Territory.

43. Process evaluation of an autism-specific workplace tool for employers.

44. Students' use of technology and their perceptions of its usefulness in higher education: International comparison.

45. It's what's under the hood that counts: comparing therapeutic outcomes when using Australian versus UK-produced clinical materials in an Australian mental health program.

46. Implementing a brief E-training opportunity for mental health practitioners working with non-binary clients.

47. Interactions with youth justice and associated costs for young people with speech, language and communication needs.

48. Measuring Dissociative Symptoms and Experiences in an Australian College Sample Using a Short Version of the Multidimensional Inventory of Dissociation.

49. A psychometric evaluation of the Health Literacy Questionnaire for Chinese immigrants: Linguistic and cultural considerations.

50. Validation of the Australian version of the Chronic Kidney Disease Self‐Management instrument.