1. A Case Study of the Development and Implementation of a School-Community Guidance Center for At-Risk Students in a Texas Public High School
- Author
L. Scott Harper
- Abstract
Educators develop and implement various academic/behavioral intervention programs designed to specifically address academic shortcomings or aimed at disrupting behavioral cycles that impede success in the classroom. The purpose of this research was to identify gaps in behavioral Response to Intervention (RtI) programs and to design a RtI program focused on at-risk students, as characterized in the Texas Education Code (TEC). The specific purpose of this qualitative case study research was to chronicle the development and implementation of a behavioral RtI program outlined in the TEC as a school-community guidance center (SCGC). The research Texas public high school piloted its SCGC for students assigned to its disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP) because the TEC identified placement in a DAEP among 15 characteristics that put a student at risk of not graduating from high school. As stipulated in the TEC, a school-community guidance center shall coordinate efforts of school staff and local agencies in identifying and correcting barriers that interfere with a child's education. An SCGC is locally developed and can be implemented to address concomitant behaviors of falling behind in school for any at-risk students. Most often, RtI programs are research-based, scalable practices aimed at becoming a school-wide answer for individual problems. However, stakeholders associated with the research Texas public high school strongly agreed that a locally developed school-community guidance center, as outlined in Texas statute, had initially positive outcomes when a reframed behavioral RtI model was focused on providing individual answers for school-wide problems. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page: http://www.proquest.com/en-US/products/dissertations/individuals.shtml.]
- Published
- 2022