1. Promoting 21st Century Learning: A Case Study of the Changing Role of Teachers in One-to-One Laptop Classrooms
- Author
Chandrasekhar, Vanitha Somanath
- Abstract
One of the major challenges that educational institutions face today is to prepare students for the 21st century global workplace. Along with this is the growing prevalence of innovative and mobile instructional technologies in the classroom. Over the last few years one-to-one laptop programs have gained popularity in schools and several research studies have focused on the impact of laptops on student learning. While the debate on the effectiveness of laptops on student achievement continues, there seems to be a lack of sufficient research examining the role of the teacher in the one-to-one laptop program. This research investigated teacher instructional and classroom practices, professional development, teacher attitudes and beliefs, as well as district and technical support and their influence on successful one-to-one laptop programs. Six teachers in a school district implementing the one-to-one laptop program were selected for the phenomenology case study. These six teachers at three different schools participated in interviews and classroom observations. Student works from these teachers' classrooms were examined to verify data collected during the interviews and observations. Data from these three sources were then analyzed using themes and codes using qualitative software. Findings from the interviews and observations indicated the importance of district vision and support; firm belief by teachers in the use of technology to promote 21st century skills; and professional development/collaboration opportunities. Teachers stressed the importance of using technology to engage students and enhance their learning. Teachers were provided with initial and ongoing professional development in not only the use of a variety of applications but also in technology integration. Teachers collaborated with their peers either at their grade level or in their content areas. Regular technical support provided by the district, at the site, or by students, was critical in ensuring that the technologies were available most of the time for teaching and learning. Conclusions derived from the research imply the importance of district vision and planning, ensuring that teachers believe in the program, and providing uninterrupted access to instructional technologies. These key factors are essential to ensure effective implementation of one-to-one laptop program. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page: http://www.proquest.com/en-US/products/dissertations/individuals.shtml.]
- Published
- 2009