Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) faces a number of challenges, including technological and societal changes, exemplified by changes in demography, rapidly changing labour markets, persistent social inequalities and conflict. These changes require people to possess skills that are adaptable to the changing nature of work and to new emerging jobs. At the same time, serious concerns about climate change, environmental degradation and scarcity of resources place great pressure on TVET to develop skills and competencies that pave the way towards a green economy and society. There are different views and needs associated with "Greening Technical and Vocational Education and Training" (GTVEt). From 12 to 26 November 2013, 185 participants from 65 countries intensely discussed this topic during the two-week virtual conference "GTVET--Qualifications needs and implementation strategies", held on UNESCO-UNEVOC's e-Forum. The objective was to gather knowledge, experience and ideas to identify the need for further action and support in both practice and theory. The focus was placed on occupational qualification needs for GTVET, including curriculum development and implementation strategies. The online discussion followed four threads, tackling the following issues: (1) Qualifications needs; (2) Curriculum development; (3) Implementation strategies; and (4) Communication and support. Each thread is summarized in section 3 of this report. In addition to the discussions on the e-Forum, a live WebEx session was held, where ten e-Forum members discussed the challenges of implementing and developing GTVET. The most important results of this live session are also included in the summary of the four main discussion threads. All main findings and promising practices that emerged during the virtual conference are summarized in the report, including replies to the welcome message and closing message. In addition, a summary of the presentation on GTVET in Tanzania, which was prepared for the WebEx video conference, is attached as an annex to this report. Conclusions concerning the need for further action have been drawn and a number of outstanding issues are also illustrated. [This conference was moderated by Julia Kastrup and co-moderated by Dagmar Winzier.]