This article is part of a broader study on the new visual methods to organize data and information, with the aim to recognize the designing of archives as an active process in information storage and retrieval. The building of an Archive, a structured and declared element of information, implies the awareness of existing data organization processes. The management of this information will connect with the capability to interpret and read information that is otherwise impervious. Design, archiving and image are fertile ground for the conceptualization, creation and origin of new visual media in information visualization. Within this context, we study, observe and infer on how they can become an implementation model for new archives - visual digital archives. With this study, we seek to analyze what is behind the digital archive model. It aims to infer on perception, culture and visual lexicon issues, giving guidelines to the creation and construct of visual digital archives. The methodology focused on User Centered Design, with the literary review and empirical methods, such as interviews, surveys and field observation work, in a newsroom context, which allowed the conclusion that, there are visual models of organizing data and that information visualization can set the creation of broader visual digital archive structures. We thereby, identified the elements for a visual lexicon, removing global considerations with structural features for the field of design, and their classification in the pursuit of a new model of visual digital archives. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]