
Showing total 16 results
16 results

Search Results

1. Improving short‐term academic performance in the flipped classroom using dynamic geometry software.

2. The incorporation of peer learning into MosoTeach‐supported flipped language class: Effects on student motivation, participation, feedback and test performance.

3. Understanding the effect of video conferencing learning environments on students' engagement: The role of basic psychological needs.

4. Factors influencing Chinese undergraduate students' emotions in an online EFL learning context during the COVID pandemic.

5. Harnessing the potential of trace data and linguistic analysis to predict learner performance in a multi‐text writing task.

6. Promoting international high‐school students' Chinese language learning achievements and perceptions: A mind mapping‐based spherical video‐based virtual reality learning system in Chinese language courses.

7. Patterns of students' collaborations by variations in their learning orientations in blended course designs: How is it associated with academic achievement?

8. What influences student situational engagement in smart classrooms: Perception of the learning environment and students' motivation.

9. Digital game‐based learning in a Shanghai primary‐school mathematics class: A case study.

10. MOOC learners' time‐investment patterns and temporal‐learning characteristics.

11. Exploring age and gender differences of computational thinkers in primary school: A developmental perspective.

12. Emotions, engagement, and self‐perceived achievement in a small private online course.

13. Learning performance and cognitive load in mobile learning: Impact of interaction complexity.

14. Predictors of students' participation in internet or computer tutoring for additional instruction and its effect on academic achievement.

15. Impact of item-writing flaws in multiple-choice questions on student achievement in high-stakes nursing assessments.

16. Effects of an intelligent web-based English instruction system on students' academic performance.