
Showing total 285 results
285 results

Search Results

1. Lightweight, Scalable, and Relational Learning Experiences as an Approach to Overcoming System-Level Challenges in Education.

2. A Preliminary Phosphate Study of Selected Sites Along the Shanghai Tributary of the Yangtze River; Undergraduate International Student's Freshman Project in an Interconnected World (Student Poster-Paper).

3. Career Certainty: Differences Between Career Certain and Uncertain Engineering Students.

4. Integrating Research into the Undergraduate Engineering Experience.

5. Connect2U Approach to Teaching Introduction to Water Resources Management as a General Education Course.

6. REU Site on UAV Technologies: Impact of the Program on Participants' Career in Industry or Graduate School.

7. Enabling Data Science Education in STEM Disciplines through Supervised Undergraduate Research Experiences.

8. Educational Enrichment: The Benefits of Near-Peer Mentoring for Undergraduate Engineering Students.

9. Virtual REU Program: Engineering Education Research.

10. Measuring the Systems Engineering Management Skills of Undergraduate Students using a New Valid and Reliable Instrument.

11. Can We Make Our Robot Play Soccer? Influence of Collaborating with Preservice Teachers and Fifth Graders on Undergraduate Engineering Students' Learning during a Robotic Design Process (Work in Progress).

12. Innovative Industry-Related Research Projects for Civil Engineering Undergraduate Students.

13. Work-In-Progress: Exploring the wellness perceptions of engineering and science faculty.

14. What Most Facilitates Thriving for Undergraduate Engineering Students? A Rank Order Investigation of Engineering Experts.

15. An Undergraduate Research Experience in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Cybersecurity - Outcomes and Lessons Learned.

16. Remote Research for Undergraduate Students: Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE).

17. The Importance of Research in Student Formation.

18. Capturing Narratives of Graduate Engineering Attrition through Online Forum Mining.

19. Effective Methods of Engineering Information Literacy: Initial Steps of a Systematic Literature Review and Observations About the Literature.

20. Engaging Undergraduate Students in Hands-on Research Using Undergraduate-specific Small Internal Grants from the University.

21. Perspectives of Engineering Faculty and Practitioners on Creativity in Solving Ill-Structured Problems.

22. Enabling Resilient Educational Support Network during COVID-19 Pandemic for Undergraduate and Second Career Seeking Students.

23. US-Sweden Bioinformatics NSF-IRES Year 1: Program Development and Initial Lessons Learned.

24. Infusing Data Science into the Undergraduate STEM Curriculum.

25. Bringing it down from the ivory tower: Translating Engineering-for-Community-Development (ECD) graduate student research into community engagement and undergraduate student learning.

26. Tips to Make Your Course More Accessible and Inclusive to Disabled Students.

27. An innovative Practice of Critical Thinking in an Undergraduate Construction Course Project.

28. Emergent Engineering Judgment: Making Assumptions in Engineering Science Homework (Research).

29. Development of a Sociotechnical Module Exploring Electric Vehicle Batteries for a Circuits Course.

30. Promoting Human-Centered Mindsets and Practices in STEM: Insights from a Capstone Course on 3D Printing Prosthetic Devices.

31. Evaluating the Effects of Project-based Learning on a Sophomore Mechanics Course.

32. Mastery Learning in Undergraduate Engineering Courses: A Systematic Literature Review.

33. Correlation of Admission Data to Undergraduate Student Success in Electrical Engineering.

34. "I AM an engineer!" Three Scales used in Measuring Identification of Engineering as First-Year Students.

35. Chemical Engineering Major Selection Throughout the First Year: A Mixed-Methods Approach.

36. Increasing Student and Faculty Participation and Student Learning in an Undergraduate STEM Summer Research Program in a Government Institution through a Higher Education Partnership.

37. Material Testing as an Opportunity for International Collaboration and Undergraduate Research.

38. Impact of Engineering Ambassador Program on Academic Attainment of Minority Students in Engineering.

39. Assessing the Spectrum of International Undergraduate Engineering Educational Experiences: A Cross Institutional Survey.

40. A Student Project using Robotic Operating System (ROS) for Undergraduate Research.

41. Applying 3D Printing to Enhance Learning in Undergraduate Kinematic and Dynamic of Machinery Course.

42. Redefining and Reconceptualizing Disability Identity in Civil Engineering.

43. Transitioning Sustainable Manufacturing Undergraduate Research Experiences from an In-Person to a Virtual Format.

44. Cybersecurity for Everybody - A Multi-Tier Approach to Cyber Security Education, Training, and Awareness in the Undergraduate Curriculum.

46. Self-Confidence of Undergraduate Students in Designing Software Architecture.

47. Software Engineering and Security: Lessons Learned Creating a New Course in Security from a Software Engineering Perspective.

49. Can Oral Exams Increase Student Performance and Motivation?

50. Defining Harassment in Academic Engineering: A Study of Student, Faculty, and Staff Perceptions.