This book addresses two problems common to school library media specialists: the lack of time to conduct evaluations, and the lack of knowledge on how and what to evaluate in the school media center. The book contains research and evaluation techniques and studies that have been conducted in school library media centers. Many study results are presented in chart format, with spaces available for data entry for comparison. Chapter 1, "General Evaluation" covers reasons to evaluate, types of evaluations, methodologies, critical reading of research, an example of a local study, and general evaluation instruments. Chapter 2, "Curriculum" focuses on curriculum, discussing evaluation, collection support, self-assessment for media specialists, and ways to assess student knowledge of information skills. Chapter 3, "Collections" provides quantitative and qualitative ways of evaluating collections. Chapter 4, "Facilities" discusses results from research, suggestions from experienced professionals, state guidelines, measuring tools, and combined school-public libraries. Chapter 5, "Technology" provides instruments for technology evaluation. Chapter 6, "Personnel" deals with personnel issues, including roles, time expenditures, staffing patterns, and research results. Chapter 7, "Usage" covers the evaluation of collection usage. Each chapter containing lists of references, recent dissertations, and web sites. The 23 appendices contain evaluation tools in state school library media documents (arranged by state). Includes an index. (DLS)