Lumetta, Gregg J., Thompson, Major C., Penneman, Robert A., and Eller, P. Gary
Curium, element 96, is named after Pierre and Marie Curie, by analogy with its lanthanide congener, gadolinium (named after the Finnish chemist, J. Gadolin). Curium is not a naturally occurring terrestrial element. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Morss, Lester R., Edelstein, Norman M., Fuger, Jean, Katz, Joseph J., Lumetta, Gregg J., Thompson, Major C., Penneman, Robert A., and Eller, P. Gary
Curium, element 96, is named after Pierre and Marie Curie, by analogy with its lanthanide congener, gadolinium (named after the Finnish chemist, J. Gadolin). Curium is not a naturally occurring terrestrial element. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]