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1. CALL for Widening Participation: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2020 (28th, Online, August 20-21, 2020)

2. Perspectives on the Year Abroad: A Selection of Papers from YAC2018

3. Bridging Research and Practice in Science Education: Selected Papers from the ESERA 2017 Conference. Contributions from Science Education Research. Volume 6

4. New Directions in Telecollaborative Research and Practice: Selected Papers from the Second Conference on Telecollaboration in Higher Education

5. Papers in Language Policy from the Language Policy Conference (Roskilde, Denmark, January 29, 1996). ROLIG Papir No. 56.

6. Language and Literacies. Selected Papers from the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (University of Manchester, England, United Kingdom, September 1998). British Studies in Applied Linguistics 14.

7. Media, Multimedia, Omnimedia: Selected Papers from the CETaLL Symposium on the Occasion of the AILA World Congress (11th, Jyvaskyla, Finland, August 4-9, 1996) and Man and Media Symposium (5th, Nancy, France, June 5-7, 1997). Bayreuth Contributions to Glottodidactics, Vol. 7.

8. Looking into Classrooms: Papers on Didactics. Issues in Curriculum Theory, Policy, and Research.

9. From Education to Work: Cross-National Perspectives. Revisitations of Papers Delivered at the Conference at the University of Toronto (April 18-20, 1996).

10. The Analysis of Curriculum Materials. University of Sussex Education Area Occasional Paper 2.

11. European Universities--The Unfinished Revolution. Yale Higher Education Program Working Paper

12. Education in One World: Perspectives from Different Nations. BCES Conference Books, Volume 11

13. International Perspectives on Education. BCES Conference Books, Volume 10

14. Organization Values. Symposium 10. [AHRD Conference, 2001].

15. Proceedings of International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (Antalya, Turkey, October 20-23, 2023). Volume 1

16. Psychological Applications and Trends 2024

17. Outdoor Education in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Occasional Paper No. XI.

18. The Historical Development of the Teacher-Researcher Ideal in Germany and the U.S.A. ASHE 1987 Annual Meeting Paper.

19. Towards the Next Epoch of Education. BCES Conference Books, Volume 20

20. University Government in Nazi Germany: The Example of Hamburg. Yale Higher Education Program Working Paper.

21. The Next Steps for Apprenticeship. Cedefop Reference Series. No 118

22. Mathematics Education as a Science and a Profession

23. The World Universities' Response to COVID-19: Remote Online Language Teaching

24. TVET Teacher Education on the Threshold of Internationalisation

25. Designing and Implementing Virtual Exchange -- A Collection of Case Studies

26. Research into Distance Education = Fernlehre und Fernlehrforschung.

27. Education's Role in Preparing Globally Competent Citizens. BCES Conference Books, Volume 12

28. Fostering Enterprise: The Innovation and Skills Nexus--Research Readings

29. Shatter the Glassy Stare: Implementing Experiential Learning in Higher Education--'A Companion Piece to Place as Text: Approaches to Active Learning.' National Collegiate Honors Council Monograph Series

30. College and University Ranking Systems: Global Perspectives and American Challenges

31. Cross-National Studies of the Quality of Education: Planning Their Design and Managing Their Impact (Paris, France, June 17-18, 2004)

32. Intergenerational Programmes: Public Policy and Research Implications--An International Perspective.

33. The State of Adult and Continuing Education in Africa.

34. Questions of Intimacy: Rethinking Population Education.

35. Reflecting Visions. New Perspectives on Adult Education for Indigenous Peoples.

36. Skill Needs: Linking Labour Market Analysis and Vocational Training. Report.

37. Models of Financing the Continuing Vocational Training of Employees and Unemployed. Documentation of a LEONARDO-Project in Cooperation with Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway.

38. The Influence of British and German Universities on the Historical Development of American Universities.

39. Impulse fur Bibliotheken (Impulses for Libraries). Publications of Essen University Library 19.

40. Discussion on Some Educational Issues VI. Research Report 145.

41. Occupational Standards: International Perspectives.

42. School-to-Work: What Does Research Say about It?

43. Aging and Developmental Disabilities: Perspectives from Nine Countries. Monograph #52.

44. Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning in Australia and Germany. Australia Centre Series.

45. Update on Germany: Now Eastern Germany Gets a Free Press. Special Report SO 8, 1991.

46. Adult Education in Retrospective: 60 Years of CONFINTEA

47. IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2012) Proceedings (25th, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, April 17-19, 2012)

48. A Forest Preschool for the Bay Area: A Pilot Study for a New Nature-Based Curriculum

49. 55th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference (Miami, Florida, November 30-December 3, 2005)

50. Can the Japanese Change Their Education System?