
Your search keyword 'LN cat08778a' showing total 12 results
12 results on 'LN cat08778a'

Search Results

1. Comparative Federalism and Covid-19. Combating the Pandemic.

2. Transport Planning and Mobility in Urban East Africa.

3. The Politics and Science of Prevision. Governing and Probing the Future.

4. Mothering Performance. Maternal Action.

5. The Making and Circulation of Nordic Models, Ideas and Images.

6. Covid-19 and the Global Political Economy. Crises in the 21st Century.

7. Russia's Cultural Statecraft.

8. The Routledge Handbook of European Integrations.

9. Africa's Soft Power. Philosophies, Political Values, Foreign Policies and Cultural Exports.

10. Solidarity in the Media and Public Contention over Refugees in Europe.

11. Authoritarian Populism and the Rural World.

12. Digital Transformation and Public Services. Societal Impacts in Sweden and Beyond.


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