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478 results

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1. Harvesting the Thermal Cardiac Pulse Signal.

2. Part-Based Local Shape Models for Colon Polyp Detection.

3. Fiber Bundle Estimation and Parameterization.

4. 3D Gabor Wavelets for Evaluating Medical Image Registration Algorithms.

5. Robust Click-Point Linking for Longitudinal Follow-Up Studies.

6. Nonparametric Neighborhood Statistics for MRI Denoising.

7. Transitive Inverse-Consistent Manifold Registration.

8. Partition-Based Extraction of Cerebral Arteries from CT Angiography with Emphasis on Adaptive Tracking.

9. Parametric Medial Shape Representation in 3-D via the Poisson Partial Differential Equation with Non-linear Boundary Conditions.

10. A Comparison of Breast Tissue Classification Techniques.

11. Multi-modal Image Registration Using the Generalized Survival Exponential Entropy.

12. Multi-resolution Vessel Segmentation Using Normalized Cuts in Retinal Images.

13. Multilevel Segmentation and Integrated Bayesian Model Classification with an Application to Brain Tumor Segmentation.

14. Evaluation on Similarity Measures of a Surface-to-Image Registration Technique for Ultrasound Images.

15. Hierarchical Part-Based Detection of 3D Flexible Tubes: Application to CT Colonoscopy.

16. Assessment of Airway Remodeling in Asthma: Volumetric Versus Surface Quantification Approaches.

17. Towards a Multi-modal Atlas for Neurosurgical Planning.

18. A Fast and Automatic Method to Correct Intensity Inhomogeneity in MR Brain Images.

19. A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Detecting Spatial Activation Patterns in fMRI Data.

20. A System for Measuring Regional Surface Folding of the Neonatal Brain from MRI.

21. A New Cortical Surface Parcellation Model and Its Automatic Implementation.

22. Shape Filtering for False Positive Reduction at Computed Tomography Colonography.

23. Symmetric Atlasing and Model Based Segmentation: An Application to the Hippocampus in Older Adults.

24. Fast Non Local Means Denoising for 3D MR Images.

25. Pulsative Flow Segmentation in MRA Image Series by AR Modeling and EM Algorithm.

26. Segmentation of 3-D MRI Brain Images Using Information Propagation.

27. Hierarchical 3D Shape Model for Segmentation of 4D MR Cardiac Images.

28. Automatic Segmentation of the Aortic Dissection Membrane from 3D CTA Images.

29. A Novel 3D Correspondence-Less Method for MRI and Paxinos-Watson Atlas of Rat Brain Registration.

30. 3D US Imaging System for the Guidance of Uterine Adenoma and Uterine Bleeding RF Ablation.

31. Automatic Pose Recovery of the Distal Locking Holes from Single Calibrated Fluoroscopic Image for Computer-Assisted Intramedullary Nailing of Femoral Shaft Fractures.

32. Medical Simulation with Haptic and Graphic Feedback.

33. A Novel Liver Perfusion Analysis Based on Active Contours and Chamfer Matching.

34. Statistics of Pose and Shape in Multi-object Complexes Using Principal Geodesic Analysis.

35. Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Ground Glass Opacity Nodules.

36. Atlas Stratification.

37. Probabilistic Brain Atlas Encoding Using Bayesian Inference.

38. Carotid Artery Segmentation Using an Outlier Immune 3D Active Shape Models Framework.

39. Atrial Septal Defect Tracking in 3D Cardiac Ultrasound.

40. "Virtual Touch": An Efficient Registration Method for Catheter Navigation in Left Atrium.

41. Virtual Fly-Over: A New Visualization Technique for Virtual Colonoscopy.

42. Recovery of Surgical Workflow Without Explicit Models.

43. Depth Perception - A Major Issue in Medical AR: Evaluation Study by Twenty Surgeons.

44. Online Parameter Estimation for Surgical Needle Steering Model.

45. A Comparison of Needle Bending Models.

46. Morphometric Analysis for Pathological Abnormality Detection in the Skull Vaults of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Girls.

47. Comparing the Similarity of Statistical Shape Models Using the Bhattacharya Metric.

48. Rician Noise Removal in Diffusion Tensor MRI.

49. A Pilot Study of Robot-Assisted Cochlear Implant Surgery Using Steerable Electrode Arrays.

50. PDE-Based Three Dimensional Path Planning for Virtual Endoscopy.