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8,754 results

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1. CALL and Professionalisation: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2021 (29th, Online, August 26-27, 2021)

2. Perspectives on the Year Abroad: A Selection of Papers from YAC2018


5. ICCE/ICCAI 2000 Full & Short Papers (Globalization vs. Localization).

6. ICCE/ICCAI 2000 Full & Short Papers (Special Education).

7. ICCE/ICCAI 2000 Full & Short Papers (Humanities and Learning Technology).

8. An Overview of Private Education Development in Modern China. Occasional Paper.

9. 中国造纸工业2022 年 度 报 告.

10. CUHK Papers in Linguistics, Number 4.

11. Theories and Practices in World Libraries: Papers Presented at the International Symposium on the Development of Theory and Practice of Library Information Science (1st, Wuhan, Hubei, China, May 21-25, 1993).

12. CUHK Papers in Linguistics, Number 3.

13. Revisiting Insider-Outsider Research in Comparative and International Education. Bristol Papers in Education: Comparative and International Studies

14. 浅论造纸行业 “七项重大隐患” 及典型案例.

15. Programme Development. Paper Presentations: Session F.

16. Partnership for Vocational Education and Training. Paper Presentations: Session E.

17. 育苗纸在高速纸机上的生产实践.

18. Promoting Population Stabilization: Incentives for Small Families. Worldwatch Paper 54.

19. Post Cultural Revolution Teaching Methods. Occasional Paper No. 77-7.

20. Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics. Volume 13.

21. China's clampdown on fake-paper factories picks up speed.

22. China in Maps 1890-1960: A Selective and Annotated Cartobibliography. East Asia Series Occasional Paper No. 4.

23. Recent Materials on China and U.S.-China Relations. An Annotated Bibliography. Service Center Paper on Asian Studies, No. 8.

24. Barefoot-Doctors. Occasional Paper No. 77-4.

25. Pioneers: A Case Study of a Film Caught in the Two Line Struggle in Literature and Art in the People's Republic of China. Occasional Paper No. 77-5.

26. What Children Read in China. Occasional Paper No. 77-6.

27. An Analysis of Mao Tse-Tung's Three Main Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention. Occasional Paper No. 77-3.

28. 德国“双元制”教育体系 对“双碳”背景下中国造纸业人才培养的启示.


31. 二次纤维的衰变修复方法分析.

32. 麦草机械浆的制备及其在箱纸板中的应用研究.

33. 造纸靴式压榨与国产化.

36. Lumbering trade: Paper, forest product exports still reeling from China's bans.

37. Asia Pulp & Paper Is Said to Bid for Stake in Tissue Maker Vinda.

38. What Does a New White Paper Tell Us About China’s International Aid?

39. China bans cash rewards for publishing papers.

41. Asian-Pacific Papers. Occasional Papers Number 10.

42. National Libraries Section. General Research Libraries Division. Papers.

43. Library Buildings Section. Papers.

44. IFLA General Conference, 1984. General Research Libraries Division. Section on National Libraries. Papers.

46. Contemporary Education in China: A Course Design. Occasional Paper Series No. 76-2.

47. The Meaning of Foreign Investment in the Chinese Economy. Training Discussion Paper No. 39.

48. Teaching Languages and Literature in the Peoples Republic of China. AFS Occasional Papers in Intercultural Learning No. 11.

49. China Policy for the Next Decade: Report of the Atlantic Council's Committee on China Policy. Political Series Policy Papers.