
Showing total 58 results
58 results

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1. New Directions in Telecollaborative Research and Practice: Selected Papers from the Second Conference on Telecollaboration in Higher Education

2. Gender, Education and Development: A Partially Annotated and Selective Bibliography. Education Research Paper.

3. ICCE/ICCAI 2000 Full & Short Papers (Globalization vs. Localization).

4. Asia and the Pacific: A Survey of Distance Education 1992. Vol. II: Republic of Korea-Vietnam. New Papers on Higher Education: Studies and Research, No. 7.

5. Asia and the Pacific: A Survey of Distance Education 1992. Vol. I: Australia-Japan. New Papers on Higher Education: Studies and Research, No. 7.

6. Revisiting Insider-Outsider Research in Comparative and International Education. Bristol Papers in Education: Comparative and International Studies

7. Papers in Interlanguage. Occasional Papers No. 44.

8. Select and Annotated Bibliography on Participatory Research. Working Paper No. 4.

9. Population Dynamics and Educational Development: A Selection of Papers Presented at the Regional Seminar of Experts on Population Dynamics and Educational Planning (Bangkok, Thailand, September 10-18, 1973).

10. Human Welfare and Technological Innovation. Open Grants Papers No. 2.

11. A Bibliography of the Hmong (Miao) of Southeast Asia and the Hmong Refugees in the United States. Southeast Asian Refugee Studies Occasional Papers Number One. Second Edition.

12. The Evolving Teacher Identities of 12 South/East Asian Teachers in US Graduate Programs

13. Glocal Education in Practice: Teaching, Researching, and Citizenship. BCES Conference Books, Volume 17

14. TVET Teacher Education on the Threshold of Internationalisation

15. Virtual Exchange in the Asia-Pacific: Research and Practice

16. International. [SITE 2001 Section].

17. HRD in Asia. Symposium 3. [AHRD Conference, 2001].

18. Directory of Adult Education Periodicals. Sixth Revised Edition = Repertoire des Periodiques sur l'Education des Adultes. Sixieme Edition Revisee = Repertorio de Periodicos sobre Educacion de Adultos. Sexta Edicion Revisada.

19. Breaking through: Engendering, Monitoring and Evaluation in Adult Education.

20. Asian and African Civilizations: Course Description, Topical Outline, and Sample Unit.

21. The Role of the University: A Global Perspective.

22. Essays on Marriage and Education

23. IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2012) Proceedings (25th, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, April 17-19, 2012)

24. Researching Women: An Annotated Bibliography on Gender Equity in Commonwealth Higher Education

25. International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Part One [and] Part Two. Kluwer International Handbooks of Education.

26. Critical Perspectives on Schooling and Fertility in the Developing World.

27. Higher Education through Open and Distance Learning. World Review of Distance Education and Open Learning, Volume 1. A Commonwealth of Learning Series.

28. Globalization and Living Together: The Challenges for Educational Content in Asia. Final Report of the Sub-Regional Course on Curriculum Development, New Delhi, India, 9-17 March 1999, Organized by the International Bureau of Education and the Indian Ministry of Human Resources Development.

29. Girls' Schooling, Women's Autonomy and Fertility Change in South Asia.

30. Teaching Improvement Practices: Successful Strategies for Higher Education.

31. East Asian Higher Education: Traditions and Transformations. Issues in Higher Education Series. First Edition.

32. International Challenges to American Colleges and Universities: Looking Ahead. American Council on Education Series on Higher Education.

33. Perceptions of International Teacher Turnover in East Asia Regional Council of Schools

34. Revitalizing Higher Education. Issues in Higher Education, Volume 3. First Edition.

35. Education, Culture and Productive Life. Proceedings of the Annual International Meeting of the Centre for the Study of Education in Developing Countries (25th, December 9-21, 1988). CESO Paperback No. 13.

36. Asia and the Pacific: Issues of Educational Policy, Curriculum, and Practice.

37. Assessment in Education. IBE Special Alert

38. Teaching, Learning and Education in Late Modernity: The Selected Works of Peter Jarvis. World Library of Educationalists

39. The Segments and Tones of Soyaltepec Mazatec

40. Design and Usability of Digital Libraries: Case Studies in the Asia Pacific

41. Languages in a Globalising World.

42. The Gifted Enigma: A Collection of Articles.

43. Educational Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific: 20 years of NIER's Activities.

44. The Democratic Revolution. Proceedings of a Conference (Washington, D.C., May 1-2, 1989).

45. The Social Responsibility of the University in Asian Countries - Obligations and Opportunities. Papers-12.

46. Roles of Universities in Local and Regional Development in Southeast Asia.

47. Global Perspectives on Teacher Education. Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, Volume 6, Number 2.

48. Education for Human Rights. An International Perspective. Studies in Comparative Education.

49. Higher Education in International Perspective - Toward the 21st Century.

50. Book Development in National Communications and Planning.