
Showing total 54 results
54 results

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1. Meningococcal vaccines: WHO position paper on the use of multivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccines in countries of the African meningitis belt.

2. Social change innovations, citizen science, miniSASS and the SDGs.

3. Impact of parasitic infection on mental health and illness in humans in Africa: a systematic review.

4. An ontology-based computer-aided diagnosis system in African traditional medicine.

5. Geometric persistence and distributional trends in worldwide terrorism.

6. Nobody deserves this fate: the vicious cycle of low human development in Guinea-Bissau.

7. Yellow fever vaccine: WHO position on the use of fractional doses -- June 2017.

8. Transboundary river basin organizations in Africa: assessing the secretariat.

9. Paper kingdom.

10. Cross-scale trade-offs and synergies in aquaculture, water quality and environment: research issues and policy implications.

11. Application of GIS technology in public health: successes and challenges.

12. Feeling sidelined.

13. Buying democracy: He who pays the piper...

14. Les contrats commerciaux OHADA dans une perspective congolaise. Vers un droit général commun des obligations contractuelles?

15. New modalities for scientific engagement in Africa – the case for computational physics

16. Why economists get Africa wrong.

17. Africa's Science Decline.

18. Le dilemme de la justice transitionnelle et la réconciliation dans les sociétés postguerre civile Les cas du Libéria, de la Sierra Leone et de l'Ouganda.

19. Cost determination and sustainable financing for rural water services in sub-Saharan Africa.


21. Sudan's new peace.


23. Conscious coupling.

24. Ten years' hard labour.

25. Jumbo's blind spot.


27. A Spy in the Network.

28. No place like home.

29. Always something new.

30. Kenya's ban on plastic bags: A step in the right direction.

31. Mauritanian Powder-Glass Kiffa Beads. Decline. Revival. Imitations.

32. When education dries up.

33. The other AIDS epidemic.

34. Pain down in Africa as it fails to realise its vast potential.

35. La Françafrique est morte, vive la Françafrique.

36. Focus on Africa.

37. Extending a Hand.

38. The Africa Connection.

39. Schools Abroad Brace Against Terrorism.

40. Looking back towards home.

41. In the ointment.

42. Equality for Women in Employment.

43. Grassed up.

44. The D.I.Y. Foreign-Aid Revolution.


46. Research round-up.

47. Sino-African Trade Cooperation.

48. Party Prince.

49. Sins of omission.

50. Blowing the whistle on dirty money.