This paper deals with one of current topics in sport field, which is achievement motivation. Theoretical background perceived from a personality psychology perspective understands achievement motivation as a participation of personality in one's own performance. The aim of this study is to explore a degree of overall achievement motivation, a degree of achievement motivation subscales and selected dimensions of personality and compare results among junior volleyball players and between two junior volleyball teams. Achievement Motivation Inventory (LMI; H. Schuler, M. Prochaska) and Freiburg Personality Inventory (FPI; J. Fahrenberg, H.Selg, R.Hampel) were used. The research group consisted of 23 girls aged 13 to 19 years (mean age 15.52, SD = 2.83) of KP Brno and SG Brno teams. The results indicate that almost all the selected factors are represented by both teams without major differences; most of the factors are equal or below the average. Competitiveness is the only factor represented to the maximum possible extent for both teams. In the education of the trainers it would be desirable to support the procedures, that enhance the development of the motivational climate focused on mastery, support the goal orientation of the players rather than ego-oriented tendency and to focus on achieving success rather than to avoid failure. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]