In Islam, the poor and needy people in society were not overlooked; rather, arrangements were made for their welfare. In these arrangements, those who have a solid financial status, in other words, those who are religiously wealthy, are given responsibility, while those who lack financial backing, in other words, those who are impoverished, are offered opportunities from which they can benefit. By this means, an economic equilibrium has been attempted. It is self-evident that sacrifice worship is directed towards objectives such as achieving economic balance, satisfying the needs of the impoverished, ensuring social unity etc. For fulfilling the sacrifice worship Islamic charity (tasadduq) of the animal is not considered as enough, per se an animal having certain conditions must be slaughtered (irâkat al-dam) from obligants in the sacrifice worship. This situation is called “wujub” in Hanafiyyah school and is called “sunnah” in other sects. It is known that sacrificing worship has an important role in society although some differences among sects in terms of the Islamic jurisprudential. It can be observed that Muslims habitually regard this worship, some of them try to fulfil of sacrifice although they do not have enough money. Moreover, the responsibility of the sacrifice is not the only issue related to the financial situation of individuals for sacrificial worship. There are different arrangements regarding the financial situation of the person such as death, loss, theft, defectiveness, to be sold and the distribution of the meat of the purchased sacrificial animal. Hence, a study related to the financial situation of believers who want to perform the sacrifice is needed. For this reason, information regarding sacrificial ritual is determined from both comparative jurisprudence books and the sects own sources and it is tried to draw a conclusion. Needles to say that, for the sacrificing ritual, having nisāb is necessary. There are some differences of opinion among the sects about the amount of property required for the fulfillment of the sacrifice. According to the Hanafiyyah school, the wealth required to be responsible for sacrificial worship is to have 200 dirham silver or 20 miskal gold, or property equivalent to these. Some responsibilities such as a year must pass from the time when the property was gained and property must be increaser did not consider as requirements, unlike the zakat. Measurement of the nisāb is determined by the Directorate of Religious Affairs as having 80.18 grams of gold, or equal money or stuff besides debt and basic necessities. When the existenceof a nisab (a measure of richness showing that zakat is obligatory) in the worship of sacrifice is investigated it is seen that certain extent wealth is necessary, as such in zakat and fitra, to fulfil the sacrifice worship for the Hanafiyya sect, however other sects have not required any measure of richness, alternatively they express that sacrfice is sunnah for those believers who can afford. Both opinions have evidences. When these two opinion to be compared it is made clear that Hanafiyyah determined some common criterias, on the contrary other sects. The absence of any criteria means that sacrifice worship is put under the initiative of believers. In my opinion it seems more reasonable to establish standards of wealth, instead of an individual choice, for worship focusing on needy. Some opinions of canonists (fax) about the effects of the financial situation on sacrificial worship create reasonable results usually, but sometimes it could cause to some rules against poors. An animal that is bought by a believer who does not have nisab, is considered as vow (not sacrifice) might be seen as an example of this situation. In this context, if some rules are declared for worship in which poor people must be given priority, but these rules are against the poor, thus they must be reviewed. In such cases, it seems more reasonable that decretals given by faqihs as a result of jurisprudence should not consider as a religious rule (nas), instead, practices that are beneficial to society may keep fulfilling. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]