Modern higher education is a rather complex process that requires a special methodology for building the process of obtaining education by future specialists. In the aerospace industry, to simplify the process of searching for future employees of enterprises among applicants/students, a tool such as targeted training is used. At the same time, it does not guarantee the effectiveness of training a student, due to the linearity of the process of targeted learning. In addition, inertia is another important problem in targeted training. This paper presents a methodology for implementing individualization of the training of target students, which will solve the problems described above. Enterprises classify targeted queries into three vectors. The first vector covers further vocational education (FVE). It is associated with specific qualifications required by the employer and industry. The second vector is the classical scheme for preparing students. According to this scheme, training takes place according to the list of educational programs implemented by the university. But at the same time, this vector has the largest number of problems. The third vector is full-cycle training. The main aspect is the application of individualization of the learning process and individual tutoring.