Radić, Vanja, Čanić, Tomislav, Valetić, Josip, Duić, željko, Radić, Vanja, Canić, Tomislav, Valetić, Josip, and Duić, Zeljko
Background: Hysterosonosalpingography as a contrast ultrasound method is safer, cheaper and easier to perform than hysterosalpingography in the assessment of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. Is it feasible for all patients? Which is the main problem in the evaluation of target structures by ultrasound? Methods: In a prospective study, 68 patients in the initial stage of the infertility treatment were examined by hysterosonosalpingography using saline NaCl infundibile® and Echovist® as contrast media. Subsequently, further status of the tubes and uterine cavity was assessed by the “gold standards”, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Results: Sensitivity and specificity of hysterosonosalpingography using NaCl infundibile® for evaluation of the uterine cavity was 100 and 88.8%, respectively. Negative predictive value was 100% and positive predictive value 97%. Sensitivity and specificity of the method for the assessment of the tubal status was 100 and 66%, respectively, negative predictive value was 100% and positive predictive value was 61%. For the assessment of tubal patency using positive contrast Echovist® the method has shown 100% sensibility and negative predictive value again but it reached a specificity of 77% and a positive predictive value of 70%. There were no evident complications during or after the procedure. Conclusion: Hysterosonosalpingography is useful in making decisions regarding further procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Uterine cavity evaluation using saline is the method of choice. Tubal patency can be assessed only under ideal sonographic conditions. The method is feasible for early assessment of the reproductive status of uterine cavity and fallopian tubes as a simple, safe and cheap outpatient method prior to any following invasive procedure or even histerosalpingography. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]