
Showing total 216 results
216 results

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1. Primal-dual active-set method for solving the unilateral pricing problem of American better-of options on two assets.

2. Fine-granularity inference and estimations to network traffic for SDN.

3. An adaptive random search for short term generation scheduling with network constraints.

4. Improving the forecasting performance of temporal hierarchies.

5. A New DEM Generalization Method Based on Watershed and Tree Structure.

6. Copula-Based Approach to Synthetic Population Generation.

7. Coordinated Parameter Identification Technique for the Inertial Parameters of Non-Cooperative Target.


9. High capacity reversible data hiding with interpolation and adaptive embedding.

10. Implementation and assessment of the black body bias correction in quantitative neutron imaging.

11. Computationally Efficient Off-Line Joint Change Point Detection in Multiple Time Series.

12. Random Search Algorithm for Solving the Nonlinear Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind.

13. Ranking Reputation and Quality in Online Rating Systems.

14. Uncovering Randomness and Success in Society.

15. Approximate sparse spectral clustering based on local information maintenance for hyperspectral image classification.

16. Reinforcement learning for solution updating in Artificial Bee Colony.

17. Robust and automatic motion-capture data recovery using soft skeleton constraints and model averaging.

18. Field data-based mathematical modeling by Bode equations and vector fitting algorithm for renewable energy applications.

19. Mean field analysis of algorithms for scale-free networks in molecular biology.

20. 3D craniofacial registration using thin-plate spline transform and cylindrical surface projection.

21. Stouffer’s Test in a Large Scale Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing

22. A Filled Function Approach for Nonsmooth Constrained Global Optimization.

23. Radial Power Flow Tolerance Analysis by Interval Constraint Propagation.

24. A New Attack on the Filter Generator.

25. About Identification of Scalar Preisach Functions of Soft Magnetic Materials.

26. An Efficient and Stable Method for Computing Multiple Saddle Points with Symmetries.

27. Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed Demosaicing Algorithm.

28. Color Image Resolution Conversion.

29. FUX-Sim: Implementation of a fast universal simulation/reconstruction framework for X-ray systems.

30. Robust shrinking ellipsoid model predictive control for linear parameter varying system.

31. A fast and robust interpolation filter for airborne lidar point clouds.

32. Relay discovery and selection for large-scale P2P streaming.

33. Solving global shallow water equations on heterogeneous supercomputers.

34. Network capacity with probit-based stochastic user equilibrium problem.

35. A Novel Multi-Receiver Signcryption Scheme with Complete Anonymity.

36. The Modified HZ Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Large-Scale Nonsmooth Optimization.

37. Spatial Prediction and Optimized Sampling Design for Sodium Concentration in Groundwater.

38. Model Based Predictive Control of Multivariable Hammerstein Processes with Fuzzy Logic Hypercube Interpolated Models.

39. Point Set Denoising Using Bootstrap-Based Radial Basis Function.

40. An improved hexahedral mesh matching algorithm.

41. An Efficient Object Tracking Method on Quad-/Oc-Trees.

42. A Landmark-Free Method for Three-Dimensional Shape Analysis.

43. Queues with Dropping Functions and General Arrival Processes.

44. 3D Reconstruction of Coronary Artery Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells.

45. Elastography Using Multi-Stream GPU: An Application to Online Tracked Ultrasound Elastography, In-Vivo and the da Vinci Surgical System.

46. A New SIR-Based Sigmoid Power Control Game in Cognitive Radio Networks.

47. An Efficient Algorithm for Cutting Multiply Connected Regions.

48. An Extra Power Saving Scheme for Prolonging Lifetime of Mobile Handset in the 4G Mobile Networks.

49. A New Trigonometric Spline Approach to Numerical Solution of Generalized Nonlinear Klien-Gordon Equation.

50. A Systematic Comparison of Supervised Classifiers.