
Showing total 207 results
207 results

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1. Decolonization and trauma-informed truth-telling about Indigenous Australia in a social work diversity course: a cultural safety approach.

2. Using narrative pedagogy for novice teachers' professional development.

3. The Role of Research in Using Technology to Enhance Learning in Science.

4. 'It's for others to judge': what influences students' construction of the ideal student?

5. Exploring pupils' and physical education teachers' views on the contribution of physical education to Health and Wellbeing in the affective domain.

6. Multiple learning communities: students, teachers, instructional designers, and researchers.

7. Theological-relational pedagogy: Winnicott, Rahner, and the development of a theological perspective on relational pedagogy.

8. Making:Archives – a case study of creative collaboration.

9. Knowledge and the New Zealand curriculum 'refresh'.

10. A Dynamic, Systematic Method for Developing Blended Learning.

11. Informationists and Nurse Educators Partner to Integrate a Virtual Dissection Table into a Nursing Curriculum.

12. Heutagogic approach to developing capable learners.

13. Did you know?..

14. The creative platform: a didactic approach for unlimited application of knowledge in interdisciplinary and intercultural groups.

15. Re-thinking adventurous activities in physical education: models-based approaches.

16. Entrepreneurialism and critical pedagogy: reinventing the higher education curriculum.

17. Technology for nurture in large undergraduate statistics classes.

18. Teaching Organization Practice: A Multi-Paradigmatic Approach.

19. The design and evaluation of a teaching-learning sequence addressing the solubility concept with Turkish secondary school students.

20. Engineering Success: the progress and problems of a higher education development project.

21. The re-design of a Management Accounting course based upon principles for improving the quality of teaching and learning.

22. The Claims of Documentary: Expanding the educational significance of documentary film.

23. Developing dialogue in the classroom: a cultural tool for learning together.

24. Managing learning trajectories: the case of 14-19 mathematics.

25. Discourse analysis of teaching computing online.

26. Assessment for learning: understanding theory to improve practice.

27. The role of whole-school contexts in shaping the experiences and outcomes associated with professional development.

28. Pedagogic Principles in Negotiating Cultural Conflict: A Melanesian example.

29. ‘I'm not seen as one of the clever children’: consulting primary school pupils about the social conditions of learning.

30. Competition and control: the impact of government regulation on teaching and learning in English schools.

31. Enhancing academic work through the synergy between teaching and research.

32. Re-thinking Assessment: multimodality, literacy and computer-mediated learning.

33. What educational contexts should teachers consider for their puberty education programmes?

34. ‘Perform-Box’: Towards an architecture-of-time.

35. Reflecting on reflection: increasing health and social care students' engagement and enthusiasm for reflection.

36. The Masters in Teaching and Learning: a revolution in teacher education or a bright light quickly extinguished?

37. Getting beyond anaemic love: from the pedagogy of cordial relations to a pedagogy for difference.

38. An Investigation on Experienced Teachers' Knowledge and Perceptions of Instructional Theories and Practices.

39. Assessment of learning, for learning, and as learning: New Zealand case studies.

40. 'Practise what you teach'.

41. Reforming school science education: a commentary on selected reports and policy documents.

42. Learning about agriculture within the framework of education for sustainability.

43. Assessing Students' Acquisition of Basic Geographical Knowledge.

44. Learning outcomes: a conceptual analysis.

45. Graduate attributes: teaching as learning.

46. Coherent teaching and need-based learning in science: an approach to teach engineering students in basic physics courses.

47. Using observation of teaching to improve quality: finding your way through the muddle of competing conceptions, confusion of practice and mutually exclusive intentions.

48. Reconceptualising core skills.

49. ‘Not only this, but also that!’ Translating the social and political motivations underpinning enterprise and citizenship education into Scottish schools.

50. Lesson planning and the student teacher: re‐thinking the dominant model.