
Showing total 15 results
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1. Analysis of long-run benefits from international equity diversification between Taiwan and its major European trading partners: an empirical note

2. La relevancia valorativa del resultado global frente al resultado neto: una perspectiva europea.

3. Solidarity in practices of provision: distributing access to genetic technologies in health care in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

4. Assistive technology for persons with profound intellectual disability: a european survey on attitudes and beliefs.

5. Post-educational motivation to learn cognitive skills in three European labour markets. A comparative analysis of the PIAAC.

6. Knowledge and utilization of technology-based interventions for substance use disorders: an exploratory study among health professionals in the European Union.

7. Improving the mix of institutional and community care for older people with dementia: an application of the balance of care approach in eight European countries.

8. Embedding Maritime Spatial Planning in National Legal Frameworks.

9. Strategies for high retention rates of low-income families in FAST (Families and Schools Together): An evidence-based parenting programme in the USA, UK, Holland and Germany.

10. Measuring Populism: Comparing Two Methods of Content Analysis.

11. Quality of life after traumatic brain injury: The clinical use of the QOLIBRI, a novel disease-specific instrument.

12. Learning from Co-evolution of Policy and Technology. Different PGDs in the Netherlands, Germany and Britain.

13. Are business cycles asymmetric? Some European evidence.

14. The Green Voter in the 1989 European Elections.

15. Product-oriented Environmental Policy and Networks: Ecological Aspects of Economic Internationalisation.