
Showing total 19 results
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1. Fifty years of wildland fire science in Canada.

2. Fire-regime changes in Canada over the last half century.

3. Potential changes in monthly fire risk in the eastern Canadian boreal forest under future climate change.

4. Economic analysis of health effects from forest fires.

5. Interaction of elevation and climate change on fire weather risk.

6. Exposure of the Canadian wildland–human interface and population to wildland fire, under current and future climate conditions.

7. Tree regeneration on industrial linear disturbances in treed peatlands is hastened by wildfire and delayed by loss of microtopography.

8. Black spruce reforestation in Kalmia heath: seedling response to forest floor mixing and mycorrhizal inoculation with Paxillus involutus.

10. The reduction of organic-layer depth by wildfire in the North American boreal forest and its effect on tree recruitment by seed.

11. Evaluating a model for predicting active crown fire rate of spread using wildfire observations.

12. Xylophagous insect species composition and patterns of substratum use on fire-killed black spruce in central Quebec.

13. Postfire succession in Pinus albicaulis -- Abies lasiocarpa forests of southern British Columbia.

15. Fire frequency and vegetation dynamics for the south-central boreal forest of Quebec, Canada .

16. Post-fire forest floor development along toposequences of white spruce—trembling aspen mixedwood communities in west-central Alberta.

17. Dynamics of eastern larch stands and its relationships with larch sawfly outbreaks in the northern Clay Belt of Quebec.

19. Natural fire frequency for the eastern Canadian boreal forest: consequences for sustainable forestry.