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1. Evidence‐based complementary feeding recipe book for Kenyan caregivers: A novel approach.

2. User empowerment and well‐being with mHealth apps during pandemics: A mix‐methods investigation in China.

3. A dynamic, multilevel approach to conceptualising and designing resilience research in the context of military stress.

4. Conspiracy theories and clinical decision‐making.

5. Examining virtual reality as a platform for developing mental models of industrial systems.

6. Before/after Bayes: A comparison of frequentist and Bayesian mixed‐effects models in applied psychological research.

7. Behavioural medicine theory‐based intervention strategies for promoting oral health.

8. Adopting the COM‐B model and TDF framework in oral and dental research: A narrative review.

9. Theoretically informed qualitative psychotherapy research: A primer.

10. Roses by other names? Empathy, sympathy, and compassion in mental health nursing.

11. Challenges in the clinical implementation of a biopsychosocial model for assessment and management of orofacial pain.

12. The association of memory disorders and chronic HIV disease in the antiretroviral therapy era: a systematic literature review.

13. Using network science to analyze concept maps of psychology undergraduates.

14. Rewards and Creativity: Past, Present, and Future.

15. A heuristic inquiry on the role of person‐environment interaction in suicide risk among transgender youth.

16. Obedience without orders: Expanding social psychology's conception of 'obedience'.

17. Reopening the dialogue between the theory of social representations and discursive psychology for examining the construction and transformation of meaning in discourse and communication.

18. Analyzing big data in social media: Text and network analyses of an eating disorder forum.

19. The nature of relationships between orphans and their kinship carers in Botswana.

20. Navigating systems ideas for health practice: Towards a common learning device.

21. Is burnout solely job-related? A critical comment.