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4. Alister E. McGrath and China: Toward a Chinese theology and science on transhumanism for the third millennium.

5. Boethius's Definition of the Person in Context: Chalcedon, Tradition, and Consolation.

6. Reflections on the Emerging Theology of Synodality.

7. A teleological interpretation of Bonhoeffer's concept of "A World Come of Age".

8. From free‐for‐all (free‐for‐some?) to speakers' list: Using consensus‐based decision‐making practice to enhance student participation in the theological classroom.

9. Analytic theology.

10. Tracking the Decolonial in African Christian Theology: A Southern African Perspective on Mission from the Margins as a Decolonial Mode of Mission.

11. The modern confessional: Anglo-American religious groups and the emergence of lay psychotherapy<FNR>1</FNR><FN>This article grew out of a paper presented at a seminar devoted to “Themes in Religious History since 1700,” at Oxford University in June 1998. The author gratefully acknowledges the helpful suggestions of John Barrow, Martin Conway, Jane Garnett, Myfanny Lloyd, Jeffrey McNairn, David Channer of MRA Productions, Robin Mowat, and the anonymous JHBS reviewers regarding the preparation of this manuscript. </FN>

12. Mysterium Esse Christi: Thomas Aquinas & the Supernatural Being of Jesus Christ.

13. Infusing theology in changemaking curricula: Engaging justice natives with Christian social thought.

14. Deus Ludus: The Christocentric Games of Nicholas of Cusa and Blaise Pascal.

15. Foreknowledge requires determinism.

16. The Russian Cusanus: S. L. Frank and the Russian reception of Nicholas of Cusa.

17. Charles F. Mackenzie, Popery, Guns, and Colonial Conflict: In Conversation with Martyn Percy's Implicit Theology.

18. Is Eusebius of Caesarea a 'Nicene'? A Contribution to the Notion of Conciliar Theology.

19. Technology and Integral Ecology.

20. The Gospel according to civic engagement.

21. Developing a theology capstone unit through the teaching and learning nexus.

22. Approaching Participation in the Divine Gift: Anselm of Canterbury's Theology of the Holy Spirit.

23. Rewriting Mortality: Gift and Atonement in Cur Deus Homo.

24. Ascetical Theology of Sport.

25. Ideology, Fetishism, Apophaticism: Marxist Criticism and Christianity.

26. Theopoetics as Radical Political Theology Theopoetics and Religious Difference: The Unruliness of the Interreligious: A Dialogue with Richard Kearney, John D. Caputo, and Catherine KellerSovereignty and Event: The Political in John D. Caputo's Radical Theology

27. 'We Know in Part': How the Positive Apophaticism of Aquinas Transforms the Negative Theology of Pseudo‐Dionysius.

28. Gödelian platonism and mathematical intuition.

29. Strengthening Unity for the Missional Church: The Role of Theological Education in Overcoming Racism.

30. Origen's Theological System in On First Principles: A Reconsideration of its Nature, Rationale, and Outline ☆.

31. Another New Pentecost? The Holy Spirit and our Theology of Creation.

32. Paying Attention to Biodiversity and Its Theological Significance.

33. Continuing Anglicanism? The History, Theology, and Contexts of "The Affirmation of St Louis" (1977)*.

34. The Owl of Minerva: Reflections on the Theological Significance of Mary Midgley.

35. Discovering the virtue of hope.

36. Etienne Gilson and Fr. Lawrence Dewan O.P.:Christian Philosophy as the Interdisciplinary Pursuit of Wisdom.

37. "Words Enfleshing the Word": Joseph Ratzinger on the Prophetic Interpretation of Revelation in the Church.

38. Assent to Faith, Theology and Scientia in Aquinas.

39. Robert Holcot's Trinitarian Theology and Medieval Historiography.

40. Issue Information.

41. Mission and reconciliation: Theology for a new remembrance.

42. Healing and Transformation: Lonergan, Girard and Buddhism.

43. Perfection and the Necessity of the Trinity in Aquinas.


45. Contours of the Divine Feminine: Islamic and Christian Feminist Theologies in Indonesia.

46. The role of religious beliefs for the acceptance of xenotransplantation. Exploring dimensions of xenotransplantation in the field of hospital chaplaincy.

47. The Preparation and Organization of the Holy and Great Council.

48. Contextual Challenges to African Women in Mission.

49. Churches in transforming mission: A story of Lutheran communion in Africa.

50. "It's Beautiful to be Old." In Search of Emergent Catholic Social Teaching on Old Age.