
Showing total 7 results
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1. Non‐native grazers affect physiological and demographic responses of greater sage‐grouse.

2. Seasonal variation in age, sex, and reproductive status of Mexican free‐tailed bats.

3. Chancelloriid sclerites from the Dyeran–Delamaran ('Lower–Middle' Cambrian) boundary interval of the Pioche–Caliente region, Nevada, USA.

4. How specialized is a soil specialist? Early life history responses of a rare Eriogonum to site‐level variation in volcanic soils.

5. Evapotranspiration of mixed shrub communities in phreatophytic zones of the Great Basin region of Nevada (USA).

6. Patterns of spatial autocorrelation of assemblages of birds, floristics, physiognomy, and primary productivity in the central Great Basin, USA.

7. Spatial and temporal variations in species occurrence rate affect the accuracy of occurrence models.