
Showing total 46 results
46 results

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1. Super‐priority lien challenged for its state constitutionality in the United States of America.

2. News editorial.

3. Optimizing Resident Training: Results and Recommendations of the 2009 Council of Residency Directors Consensus Conference.

4. Estimates of Elk Summer Range Nutritional Carrying Capacity Constrained by Probabilities of Habitat Selection.

5. Externalities of residential property flipping.

6. High and Dry: Billion‐Year Trends in the Aridity of River‐Forming Climates on Mars.

7. Afterslip From the 2020 M 6.5 Monte Cristo Range, Nevada Earthquake.

8. Non‐native grazers affect physiological and demographic responses of greater sage‐grouse.

9. Clustering Analysis Methods for GNSS Observations: A Data‐Driven Approach to Identifying California's Major Faults.

10. Aftershock Triggering and Spatial Aftershock Zones in Fluid‐Driven Settings: Discriminating Induced Seismicity From Natural Swarms.

11. Dissonance in the discourse of the duration of diabetes: A mixed methods study of patient perceptions and clinical practice.

12. Recovery of meteorites using an autonomous drone and machine learning.

13. How specialized is a soil specialist? Early life history responses of a rare Eriogonum to site‐level variation in volcanic soils.

14. Projected Changes in Reference Evapotranspiration in California and Nevada: Implications for Drought and Wildland Fire Danger.

15. Wellness for the Future: Cultural and Systems‐based Challenges and Solutions.

16. A Multifaceted Intervention to Improve Patient Knowledge and Safe Use of Opioids: Results of the ED EMC2 Randomized Controlled Trial.

17. Experimental harvest regulations reveal that water availability during spring, not harvest, affects change in a waterfowl population.

19. Meteorites found on Misfits Flat dry lake, Nevada.

20. Emergency Department Performance Measures Updates: Proceedings of the 2014 Emergency Department Benchmarking Alliance Consensus Summit.

21. Fossil grebes from the Truckee Formation ( Miocene) of Nevada and a new phylogenetic analysis of Podicipediformes ( Aves).

22. Temporal dynamics of fine roots under long-term exposure to elevated CO2 in the Mojave Desert.

23. Middle-School Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs in NCTM's Vision.

24. Translocation as a conservation tool for Agassiz's desert tortoises: Survivorship, reproduction, and movements.

25. The roles of competition and environmental heterogeneity in the maintenance of behavioral variation and covariation.

26. Home Range and Habitat Selection of Spotted Owls in the Central Sierra Nevada.

27. Revision of the genus Acrochordiceras Hyatt, 1877 (Ammonoidea, Middle Triassic): morphology, biometry, biostratigraphy and intra-specific variability.

28. Habitat Use by Saw-Whet Owls in the Sierra Nevada.

29. Assessing ecosystem threats from global and regional change: hierarchical modeling of risk to sagebrush ecosystems from climate change, land use and invasive species in Nevada, USA.

30. Recruitment limitation of forest communities in a degraded Mediterranean landscape.

31. The Gambling Act 2005: Regulatory Containment and Market Control.

32. The effect of different pine hosts on the sampling of Rhizopogon spore banks in five Eastern Sierra Nevada forests.

33. Patterns of spatial autocorrelation of assemblages of birds, floristics, physiognomy, and primary productivity in the central Great Basin, USA.

34. Spatial and temporal variations in species occurrence rate affect the accuracy of occurrence models.


36. Climatic influences on fire regimes in the northern Sierra Nevada mountains, Lake Tahoe Basin, Nevada, USA.

37. Local ecology and geographic ranges of plants in the Bishop Creek watershed of the eastern Sierra Nevada, California, USA.

38. Patterns of ant species richness along elevational gradients in an arid ecosystem.


40. Dances with Horses: Lessons from the Environmental Fringe.



43. A Method for Capturing Pygmy Rabbits in Summer.

44. A rapid flood risk assessment method for response operations and nonsubject‐matter‐expert community planning.

46. (1846) Proposal to reject the name Dodecatheon meadia var. puberulum (Primulaceae).