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1. Assessing the effectiveness of emissions trading schemes: evidence from China.

2. Selective industrial policy and capital misallocation: evidence from the 'Revitalization Plan for Ten Industries' in China.

3. Stratified financial inclusion in China based on hukou and its interaction with city and province development.

4. Invented Borders: The Tension Between Grassroots Patriotism and State-led Patriotic Campaigns in China.

5. A torrent or a trickle? The local economic impacts of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

6. How modernization theory has stumbled in China: A political interception perspective.

7. An analysis of factors influencing organizational structure in two East Asian nations.

8. Influence of high-speed railway network on individual income: evidence from China's microeconomic data.

9. Leading sector and dual economy: how Indonesia and Malaysia mobilised Chinese capital in mineral processing.

10. Does ICT promote digitizable product trade? – Evidence from Chinese exports to the 'Belt and Road' countries.

11. Impact of financial agglomeration on regional green economic growth: evidence from China.

12. What drives China's business cycle fluctuations?

13. Investing for urban-rural migration: the role of education.

14. The prospects of the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): the importance of understanding western China.

15. A new Chinese modernity? The discourse of Eco-civilisation applied to the belt and road initiative.

16. The ‘state’ of postcolonial development: China–Rwanda ‘dependency’ in perspective.

17. China's economic development history and Xi Jinping's "China dream:" an overview with personal reflections.

18. Farmers' perceptions of water use for social equality, economic development and environmental protection in a water-stressed region.

19. Resilience in transportation systems: a systematic review and future directions.

20. The Digital Belt and Road program in support of regional sustainability.

21. China's Belt and Road Initiative: at the crossroads of challenges and ambitions.

22. China and Africa: economic growth and a non-transformative political elite.

23. Cultural politics of emotions in households: migrant domestic workers in Macau.

24. Eastern Africa's tobacco value chain: links with China.

25. China–Pakistan Economic Corridor: prospects and challenges.

26. Green port project scheduling with comprehensive efficiency consideration.

27. Understanding the Experiences of Relocatees during Forced Relocation in Chinese Urban Restructuring.

28. Proposing a new indicator to combat procrastination over CO2 mitigation in China.

29. Income inequality, entrepreneur formation, and the economic development: evidence from China.

30. Slow City development in China: process, approaches and acceptability.

31. Impact of the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor on Nation-Building in Pakistan.

32. The Effects of Ethnic Chinese Minority on Vietnam’s Regional Economic Development in the Post-Vietnam War Period.

33. Labour Unrest in the Global Political Economy: The Case of China's 2010 Strike Wave.

34. The current status and systematic framework of talent programmes in basic research in China: a system theory perspective.

35. Sustaining culture and seeking a Just Destination: governments, power and tension - a life-cycle approach to analysing tourism development in an ethnic-inhabited scenic area in Xinjiang, China.

36. Interpreting Chinese Hukou System from a Foucauldian Perspective.

37. Evaluating economic and environmental value of liner vessel sharing along the maritime silk road.

38. Foldable container in empty container repositioning in intermodal transportation network of Belt and Road Initiative: strengths and limitations.

39. Energy production and economic growth in Taiwan: Challenges and solutions.

40. Does military spending promote social welfare? A comparative analysis of the BRICS and G7 countries.

41. Does defence expenditure have a spillover effect on income inequality? A cross-regional analysis in China.

42. Circular economy in China – the environmental dimension of the harmonious society.

43. Political Military Competition and Size and Composition of Government.

44. Labour Management as Development of the Integrated Developmental State in China.

45. China–Uganda and the question of mutual benefits.

46. Studying the Dynamic Relationships between Residential Property Prices, Stock Prices, and GDP: Lessons from Hong Kong.

47. The Chongqing vs. Guangdong developmental 'models' in post-Mao China: regional and historical perspectives on the dynamics of socioeconomic change.

48. Earnings among nine ethnic minorities and the Han majority in China's cities.

49. Dynamics of the growth–inequality nexus in China: roles of surplus labor, openness, education, and technical change in province-panel analysis.

50. Defense spending and economic growth: evidence from China, 1952–2012.