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201. An exploratory survey on the state of training in adolescent medicine and health in 36 European countries.

202. Recent progress in European percid fish culture production technology—tackling bottlenecks.

203. Back to the Eneolithic: Exploring the Rudki-type ornaments from Poland.

204. What is the potential of silver fir to thrive under warmer and drier climate?

205. Evaluation of modelling strategies for estimating cumulative damage on Groningen masonry buildings due to recursive induced earthquakes.

206. Durability of snow cover and its long-term variability in the Western Sudetes Mountains.

207. Predicting the timing of ecological phenomena using dates of species occurrence records: a methodological approach and test case with mushrooms.

208. From waste to resource: A systems dynamics and stakeholder analysis of phosphorus recycling from municipal wastewater in Europe.

209. Comparison of methods to develop risk-targeted seismic design maps.

210. Climatic preferences for beach tourism: an empirical study on Greek islands.

211. Pharmaceutical Benefit-Risk Communication Tools: A Review of the Literature.

212. Market-based instruments for energy efficiency: a global review.

213. Feasibility testing of the Core set of quality Indicators for Paediatric Primary Care in Europe, COSI-PPC-EU.

214. A Concept for Automated Construction Progress Monitoring: Technologies Adoption for Benchmarking Project Performance Control.

215. How Do People Change their Lives? The Role of the Narrative Interview and the Biographical Trajectory for Social Work and Pastoral Care in the United States.

216. Lessons from the European Regulation 1223 of 2009, on Cosmetics: Expectations Versus Reality.

217. The first autochthonous case of feline ocular thelaziosis in Austria.

218. Summary of the proceedings of the International Forum 2018: "Value-based radiology".

219. Why ESSKA? On what it takes for orthopaedic surgeons and their scientific societies to adapt to societal changes in 2018.

220. Bats use larval galleries of the endangered beetle Cerambyx cerdo as hibernation sites.

221. Can Energy Cropping for Biogas Production Diversify Crop Rotations? Findings from a Multi-Site Experiment in Germany.

222. Intercultural practices and inclusive education in Europe: can migration be a resource for individual and societal development?

223. Impact of Sulfur Dioxide on the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle.

224. A probabilistic approach to student workload: empirical distributions and ECTS.

225. What is Happening with Quality of Life Among the Oldest People in Southern European Countries? An Empirical Approach Based on the SHARE Data.

226. Clinical indications for musculoskeletal ultrasound updated in 2017 by European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR) consensus.

227. Assessing Shifts of Mediterranean and Arid Climates Under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 Climate Projections in Europe.

228. Non-IP Multi-protocol Stack for Vehicular Communications.

229. Spreading Waves in a Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers Model of the Neolithic Transition in Europe.

230. Conditional Solidarity: Social Class, Experiences of the Economic Crisis, and Welfare Attitudes in Europe.

231. Characterization of vertical cloud variability over Europe using spatial lidar observations and regional simulation.

232. The Effect of State Transfers on Poverty in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe.

233. Climate Change driven evolution of hazards to Europe’s transport infrastructure throughout the twenty-first century.

234. Structural Gender Equality in Europe and Its Evolution Over the First Decade of the Twentyfirst Century.

235. Evaluating good-practice cases for river restoration across Europe: context, methodological framework, selected results and recommendations.

236. Evolving African attitudes to European education: Resistance, pervert effects of the single system paradox, and the ubuntu framework for renewal.

237. Regulatory Evolution of the EU Credit Rating Agency Framework.

238. Burqa Ban, Freedom of Religion and 'Living Together'.

239. Decomposing Financial Risks and Vulnerabilities in Emerging Europe.

241. The nature of the university.

242. The determination of earthquake location and magnitude from macroseismic data in Europe.

243. Intertemporal poverty comparisons.

244. Understanding the concept of the entrepreneurial university from the perspective of higher education models.

245. 'Mirroring' the Ethics of Biobanking: What Analysis of Consent Documents Can Tell Us?

246. Challenges of climate change in tropical basins: vulnerability of eco-agrosystems and human populations.

247. The policy object: a different perspective on policy enactment in higher education.

248. International Examples of Undocumented Immigration and the Affordable Care Act.

249. Comparing Life Satisfaction of Immigrants and Natives Across Europe: The Role of Social Contacts.

250. When addiction symptoms and life problems diverge: a latent class analysis of problematic gaming in a representative multinational sample of European adolescents.