
Showing total 104 results
104 results

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1. Using Better Climate Prediction in the Implementation of National Action Programmes — (Eastern) Europe.

2. Rainfall and Land Degradation.

3. Effects of Some Meteorological Parameters on Land Degradation in Tanzania.

4. Biogenic Fullerenes.

5. Identification of areas of seabird concentrations in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea using aerial and ship-based surveys.

6. Isolated Mountain Forests in Central Asian Deserts: A Case Study from the Govi Altay, Mongolia.

7. Climate Change and High Mountain Vegetation Shifts.

8. The Upper Timberline in the Himalayas, Hindu Kush and Karakorum: a Review of Geographical and Ecological Aspects.

9. Peripheral Plant Population Survival in Polar Regions.

10. Oceana’s efforts to protect deep-sea coral in the United States.

11. Development of coral banks in Porcupine Seabight: do they have Mediterranean ancestors?

12. Distribution and diversity of species associated with deep-sea gorgonian corals off Atlantic Canada.

13. Mapping, habitat characterization, and fish surveys of the deep-water Oculina coral reef Marine Protected Area: a review of historical and current research.

14. New view of the Belgica Mounds, Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic: preliminary results from the Polarstern ARK-XIX/3a ROV cruise.

15. Occurrence of deep-water Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata in the Gulf of Mexico.

16. Palaeoenvironments, palaeoclimates and landscape development in Atlantic Equatorial Africa: a review of key sites covering the last 25 kyrs.

17. Oceanic Climate Variability at Millennial Time-Scales: Models of Climate Connections.

18. Introduction.

19. Variation in the isotopic composition of zinc in the natural environment and the use of zinc isotopes in biogeosciences: a review.

20. Bacterial Interactions At The Microscale - Linking Habitat To Function In Soil.

21. Northern climates and woody plant distribution.

22. Phaeocystis and its interaction with viruses.

23. Current understanding of Phaeocystis ecology and biogeochemistry, and perspectives for future research.

24. Dynamical Nighttime Fog/Low Stratus Detection Based on Meteosat SEVIRI Data: A Feasibility Study.

25. Fog Research: A Review of Past Achievements and Future Perspectives.

26. Status and Trends in Land Degradation in Africa.

27. Improving NAP Implementation through Effective Use of Early Warning: Experiences in the IGAD Sub-Region.

28. Successful Grassland Regeneration in a Severely Degraded Catchment: a Whole of Government Approach in North West Australia.

29. The Role of Land Degradation in the Agriculture and Environment Nexus.

30. Coastal eutrophication assessment in the United States.

31. Urban influences on the nitrogen cycle in Puerto Rico.

32. Assessment of nitrogen flows into the Cuban landscape.

33. Human activities changing the nitrogen cycle in Brazil.

34. SPMD Bibliography.

35. Epilogue: The Birth of "Micrometeoritics".

36. International conventions for marine nature conservation and marine protected areas relevant to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.

37. 18 Insights from Thermodynamics for the Analysis of Economic Processes.

38. 12 Entropy Production in the Planetary Context.

39. Famine, climate and crisis in Western Uganda.

40. Evaluation of PMIP coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations of the Mid-Holocene.

41. Recent developments in Holocene climate modelling.

42. Speleothems as palaeoclimate indicators, a case study from Soreq Cave located in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Israel.

43. Mediterranean Sea palaeohydrology and pluvial periods during the Late Quaternary.

44. Groundwater as an archive of climatic and environmental change: Europe to Africa.

45. Late Quaternary climate changes in the Horn of Africa.

46. Diatom productivity in Northern Lake Malawi during the past 25,000 years: implications for the Position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone at Millennial and Shorter Time Scales.

47. Fog and Boundary Layer Clouds: Introduction.

48. The Lesson of Drente's "Essen": Soil Nutrient Depletion in sub-Saharan Africa and Management Strategies for Soil Replenishment.

49. The Impact of Urbanization on Soils.

50. Nutrient and Virtual Water Flows in Traded Agricultural Commodities.