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1. Machine learning in cartography.

2. 典型建筑物群组模式的空间图卷积模型 DGCNN 识别方法.

3. Effectiveness of deep learning techniques in TV programs classification: A comparative analysis.

4. Fuzzy speech emotion recognition considering semantic awareness.

5. A lightweight license plate detection algorithm based on deep learning.

6. MultiLineStringNet: a deep neural network for linear feature set recognition.

7. Data preprocessing and feature selection techniques in gait recognition: A comparative study of machine learning and deep learning approaches.

8. Person Recognition Based on Deep Gait: A Survey.

9. A Novel Artificial Visual System for Motion Direction Detection with Completely Modeled Retinal Direction-Selective Pathway.

10. Human Action Representation Learning Using an Attention-Driven Residual 3DCNN Network.

11. Personalized healthcare museum exhibition system design based on VR and deep learning driven multimedia and multimodal sensing.

12. Camouflaged Object Detection Based on Ternary Cascade Perception.

13. On the Rate of Convergence of a Classifier Based on a Transformer Encoder.

14. DFTrans: Dual Frequency Temporal Attention Mechanism-Based Transportation Mode Detection.

15. High-Cardinality Categorical Attributes and Credit Card Fraud Detection.

16. Deep learning-based election results prediction using Twitter activity.

17. Boosting comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography with artificial intelligence: Application to food-omics.

18. Uses of Artifical intelligence in Healthcare System: A Review.

19. A Cloud-Based Urban Monitoring System by Using a Quadcopter and Intelligent Learning Techniques.

20. Lightweight Long Short-Term Memory Variational Auto-Encoder for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems.

21. Review of MRI-based three-dimensional digital model reconstruction of female pelvic floor organs.

22. An Improved Capsule Network (WaferCaps) for Wafer Bin Map Classification Based on DCGAN Data Upsampling.

23. Joint network embedding of network structure and node attributes via deep autoencoder.


25. Automatic chronic degenerative diseases identification using enteric nervous system images.

26. Self-supervised cross-iterative clustering for unlabeled plant disease images.

27. Palm print verification based deep learning.

28. Threshold center-symmetric local binary convolutional neural networks for bilingual handwritten digit recognition.

29. IRMAC: Interpretable Refined Motifs in Binary Classification for smart grid applications.

30. Wafer map failure pattern recognition based on deep convolutional neural network.

31. An efficient fire and smoke detection algorithm based on an end-to-end structured network.

32. Geometrically interpretable Variance Hyper Rectangle learning for pattern classification.

33. Intelligent monitoring method for tamping times during dynamic compaction construction using machine vision and pattern recognition.

34. An Improved Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using an Adaptive Contrast Enhancement Method and Deep Learning Network with Transfer Learning.

35. Cognitive computing-based COVID-19 detection on Internet of things-enabled edge computing environment.

36. A long short-term recurrent spatial-temporal fusion for myoelectric pattern recognition.