
Showing total 514 results
514 results

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1. Spatial and temporal aspects of greenhouse gas emissions from Three Gorges Reservoir, China.

2. Historical records of eutrophication in Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary and its adjacent East China Sea.

3. Seasonality of CO2 in coastal oceans altered by increasing anthropogenic nutrient delivery from large rivers: evidence from the Changjiang-East China Sea system.

4. Research on the Carbon Emission Reduction Potential of the Ports in the Yangtze River Delta of China.

5. Evolution on regional disparities in China from 2000 to 2012: evidence from 74 cities within three mega-urban regions along Yangtze River.

6. Daily CO2 partial pressure and CO2 outgassing in the upper Yangtze River basin: a case study of Longchuanjiang, China.

7. Nitrous oxide in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary and its adjacent marine area: riverine input, sediment release and atmospheric fluxes.

8. Lessons learned from the 2016 Yangtze River flood in Anhui province, China.

9. Study on the gravity center evolution of air pollution in Yangtze River Delta of China.

10. Expansion Analysis of Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Imagery for 1993 to 2012.

11. The Analysis of the Impact of Land-Use Changes on Flood Exposure of Wuhan in Yangtze River Basin, China.

12. Impact of the Three Gorges and Gezhouba Reservoirs on Ecohydrological Conditions for Sturgeon in the Yangtze River, China.

13. Analysis of the development potential of bulk shipping network on the Yangtze River.

14. The South–North Water Transfer Project: remaking the geography of China.

15. Atmospheric moisture budget and floods in the Yangtze River basin, China.

16. The History of the Yangtze River Entering Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum: a Review and Look Forward.

17. Effects of a diversion dyke on river flow: a case study.

18. China's regional drought risk under climate change: a two-stage process assessment approach.


20. Impacts of China’s Grain for Green Program on Migration and Household Income.

21. The Spatiotemporal Variations of Runoff in the Yangtze River Basin under Climate Change.

22. Preliminary Numerical Analysis of the Efficiency of a Central Lake Reservoir in Enhancing the Flood and Drought Resistance of Dongting Lake.

23. Early rice exploitation in the lower Yangzi valley: What are we missing?

24. Multi-Time-Scale Climatic Variations over Eastern China and Implications for the South-North Water Diversion Project.

25. Three Gorges Dam Migration.

26. Weakening of the Asian Summer Monsoon and Its Impact on the Precipitation Pattern in China.

27. Estimating Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Upper Yangtze River Using the Export Coefficient Model, Remote Sensing, and Geographical Information System.

28. Contour hedgerow intercropping in the mountains of China: a review.

29. A flexible decision-support solution for intervention measures of grounded ships in the Yangtze River.

30. Local Climate Governance under the Shadow of Hierarchy: Evidence from China’s Yangtze River Delta.

31. The Analysis of Water Footprint of Production and Water Stress in China.

32. Exploring the Regional Variance using ARMA-GARCH Models.

33. From Early Domesticated Rice of the Middle Yangtze Basin to Millet, Rice and Wheat Agriculture: Archaeobotanical Macro-Remains from Baligang, Nanyang Basin, Central China (6700–500 BC).

34. Comprehensive Evaluation of Non-waste Cities Based on Two-Tuple Mixed Correlation Degree.

35. Research on multi-objective joint optimal flood control model for cascade reservoirs in river basin system.

36. Design and static analysis of Guanyinyan Yangtze River Bridge, China.

37. Analysis of Landsat-8 OLI imagery for land surface water mapping.

38. New tendency of Chinese container port system: 1998-2010.

39. Evaluation of ecological effect in land use planning using ecosystem service value method.

40. Diel, semi-lunar and seasonal patterns in the fish community of an intertidal zone of the Yangtze estuary.

41. Investigation into the Impacts of the Gezhouba and the Three Gorges Reservoirs on the Flow Regime of the Yangtze River.

42. Gridded Hourly Precipitation Analysis from High-Density Rain Gauge Network over the Yangtze-Huai Rivers Basin during the 2007 Mei-Yu Season and Comparison with CMORPH.

43. Pricing and Water Resource Allocation Scheme for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China.

44. Hydroclimate Analysis of Severe Floods in China's Poyang Lake Region.


46. The Application of Family-based Early Interventions in the YRD, China: A Project Based on Two Case Studies.

47. Heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn) concentrations in seven fish species in relation to fish size and location along the Yangtze River.

48. Revisiting and rethinking regional urbanization in Changjiang River Delta, China.

49. Impacts and Implications of Major Changes Caused by the Three Gorges Dam in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, China.

50. Analysis of streamflow and sediment flux changes in the Yangtze River basin.