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1. Mobile immobility: an exploratory study of rural women's engagement with e-commerce livestreaming in China.

2. Discovery of cutinitic liptobiolith in northwestern China and a comparative study with Luquan Devonian coal.

3. Slope stability analysis of saturated–unsaturated based on the GEO-studio: a case study of Xinchang slope in Lanping County, Yunnan Province, China.

4. Price Prediction of Pu'er tea based on ARIMA and BP Models.

5. Research on satellite data-driven algorithm for ground-level ozone concentration inversion: case of Yunnan, China.

6. Impact of the evolution of Plateau Lake landscape pattern on ecosystem service value in the Pearl River basin: a case study of Yilong Lake Basin in Yunnan Province, China.

7. Formation of Sn-rich granitic magma: a case study of the highly evolved Kafang granite in the Gejiu tin polymetallic ore district, South China.

8. Influence of Water Content on the Shear Strength of Rock Joints with Clay-Rich Fillings.

9. Desulphurization mechanism and engineering practice of carbide slag.

10. Data Mining for Landslide Genetic Mechanism Analysis in the Yunnan Province of China.

11. Spatial differentiation pattern of interregional migration in ethnic minority areas of Yunnan Province, China.

12. Spatial distribution and ecological assessment of nickel in sediments of a typical small plateau lake from Yunnan Province, China.

13. Risk assessment and mitigation for the Hongshiyan landslide dam triggered by the 2014 Ludian earthquake in Yunnan, China.

14. Integrative Management of Commercialized Wild Mushroom: A Case Study of Thelephora ganbajun in Yunnan, Southwest China.

15. Evaluation of the impact of karst depression-type impoundments on the underlying karst water systems in the Gejiu mining district, southern Yunnan, China.

16. Geochemistry of meta-volcanic rocks from the Longbohe Cu deposit, Yunnan Province, China: Implications for the genesis and tectonic setting.

17. Sapphirine-Bearing Pelitic Granulite from Ailaoshan Orogen, West Yunnan, China: Metamorphic Conditions and Tectonic Setting.

18. Regional landslide susceptibility zoning with considering the aggregation of landslide points and the weights of factors.

19. Trace element compositions of pyrite and stibnite: implications for the genesis of antimony mineralization in the Yangla Cu skarn deposit, Northwestern Yunnan, China.

20. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the threatened resource plant Cinnamomum chago.

21. Comparative study on convolutional neural network and regression analysis to evaluate uniaxial compressive strength of Sandy Dolomite.

22. Downstream Hydrological Impacts of Hydropower Development in the Upper Mekong Basin.

23. Research on prediction of debris flows triggered in channels.

24. Natural selection and genetic diversity maintenance in a parasitic wasp during continuous biological control application.

25. Implications for metallogenic evolution of the giant Zhenyuan gold deposit (Yunnan, SW China) from textures and geochemical compositions of pyrite.

26. Characteristics of heavy metal accumulation and risk assessment in understory Panax notoginseng planting system.

27. Comparative physiochemical and transcriptomic analysis reveals the influences of cross-pollination on ovary and fruit development in pummelo (Citrus maxima).

28. Ages and geochemistry of Laojunshan granites in southeastern Yunnan, China: implications for W-Sn polymetallic ore deposits.

29. Debris flow warning threshold based on antecedent rainfall: A case study in Jiangjia Ravine, Yunnan, China.

30. Coping with climate-induced water stresses through time and space in the mountains of Southwest China.

31. A new type of micro-disseminated gold deposits in association with diabase found in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region-Their geological characteristics and metallogenic conditions.

32. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of the Neoproterozoic Chengjiang Formation in central Yunnan Province (SW China) and its geological significance.

33. Forewarning of sustainable utilization of regional water resources: a model based on BP neural network and set pair analysis.

34. Holocene vegetation and climate history at Haligu on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Yunnan, SW China.

35. Application of 3D GPR attribute technology in archaeological investigations.

36. Property insurance against debris-flow disasters based on risk assessment and the principal-agent theory.

37. Magnitude-frequency relationship of debris flows in the Jiangjia Gully, China.

38. Tectonic dynamics and correlation of major earthquake sequences of the Xiaojiang and Qujiang-Shiping fault systems, Yunnan, China.

39. Stability assessment of a slope under a transformer substation using numerical modelling.

40. Elastic modulus of a rock mass based on the two parameter negative-exponential (TPNE) distribution of discontinuity spacing and trace length.

41. Analysis of Microbial Composition in Acid Whey for Dairy Fan Making in Yunnan by Conventional Method and 16S rRNA Sequencing.

42. Rb-Sr isotopic dating of sphalerite from the giant Huize Zn-Pb ore field, Yunnan Province, Southwestern China.

43. The Houses That Matsutake Built.

44. Matsutake Trade in Yunnan Province, China: An Overview.

45. The development of mine digitization information system and its application to the Lanping Pb-Zn mine.

46. Key issues on watershed ecological security assessment.

47. Study on the multi-sources of ore-forming materials and ore-forming fluids in the Huize lead-zinc ore deposit.

48. Strategies for agrobiodiversity conservation and promotion: a case from Yunnan, China .

49. Panoramic analysis of coronaviruses carried by representative bat species in Southern China to better understand the coronavirus sphere.

50. Sources and risk assessment of soil heavy metals in typical tailings ponds of Mouding city, China.