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1. Post hip fracture orthogeriatric care—a Canadian position paper addressing challenges in care and strategies to meet quality indicators.

2. Comment on "Applying a science-forward approach to groundwater regulatory design": Paper published in Hydrogeology Journal (2023) 31:853–871, by Deborah Curran, Tom Gleeson and Xander Huggins.

3. Method of administration affects adolescent post-immunization survey response rate: phone, paper, internet.

4. Gross Product, Population Distribution and Heterogeneity of Border Effects in Gravity Models of Trade.

5. Preliminary Assessment of the Environmental Benefits of Enzyme Bleaching for Pulp and Paper Making.

6. Factors Influencing EROD Activity in Feral Winter Flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) Exposed to Effluent from a Pulp and Paper Mill in Newfoundland.

7. Abstracts of the Papers Presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada July 27- 31, 2019.

8. Chloride-salinity as indicator of the chemical composition of groundwater: empirical predictive model based on aquifers in Southern Quebec, Canada.

9. Paper submitted for the nineth international drainage workshop (ICID).

10. Introduction to Papers Presented at the Canadian Gas Potential Committee's Symposium on Resource Assessment Methodologies.

11. Compromise on Parenting and Family Violence? Reforms to Canada's Divorce Act.

12. Nurse practitioners in the emergency department: a discussion paper.

13. James Foster and Michael Wolfson’s 1992 paper “Polarization and the decline of the middle class”.

14. Canadian Environmental Effects Monitoring: Experiences with Pulp and Paper and Metal Mining Regulatory Programs.

15. Aquatic Environmental Effects Monitoring Guidance for Environmental Assessment Practitioners.

17. Influence of broadleaf trees on soil chemical properties: A retrospective study in the Sub-Boreal Spruce Zone, British Columbia, Canada.

18. Just-in-case transitions and the pursuit of resilient food systems: enumerative politics and what it means to make care count.

19. On the analysis of constitutional change in Canada Comments on the Breton and Courchene papers.

20. Environmental Protection and Pulp Pollution in British Columbia: Towards the Emerald State.

21. Old age is also a time for change: trends in news intermediary preferences among internet users in Canada and Spain.

22. Canadian agriculture technology adoption.

23. Validity evidence and psychometric evaluation of a socially accountable health index for health professions schools.

24. Abandonment: The Two Sides of Industrial Decay in Mill Creek Ravine.

25. A Balancing Act When Children Are Young: Women's Experiences in Shared Parenting Arrangements as Survivors of Domestic Violence.

26. Does the conquest explain Quebec's historical poverty? The economic consequences of 1760.

27. Influence of Food Supply and Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Contaminants on Breeding Success of Bald Eagles .


29. Fracture definitions in observational osteoporosis drug effects studies that leverage healthcare administrative (claims) data: a scoping review.

30. Health Disparities for Canada's Remote and Northern Residents: Can COVID-19 Help Level the Field?

33. When mathematics has spirit: Aki Chike Win.

34. Report on Policy 2006:Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks.

35. Indigenous capacity for collaboration in Canada’s energy, forestry and mining sectors: research metrics and trends.

36. The foundations of governance: implications of entity theory for directors' duties and corporate sustainability.

37. The Effects of Agronomic Herbaceous Plants on the Soil Structure of Gold Mine Tailings and the Establishment of Boreal Forest Tree Seedlings.

38. Global Research on Osteoarthritis During 1994–2023: A Scientometric Assessment of Publications and Citations.

39. Ethical Dilemmas in Cross-national Qualitative Research: A Reflection on Personal Experiences of Ethics from a Doctoral Research Project.

40. Independent household formation: disparities in the housing behaviours of ethno-racial groups in Canada and the United States.

41. When do nations tax? The adoption of property tax codes by First Nations in Canada.

42. "I Think Peer Support Helps to Demystify People Who Have Mental Health Issues and Helps to Remove That Stigma": Exploring the Defining Characteristics and Related Challenges of Youth Peer Support Through Participatory Research.

43. A novel flexible exponent power-X family of distributions with applications to COVID-19 mortality rate in Mexico and Canada.

44. Similar But Different: Intimate Partner Violence Experienced by Women and Men.

45. Response to Critique of "The Insignificance of Thresholds in Environmental Impact Assessment: An Illustrative Case Study in Canada".

46. A comment on the papers by Thomas Courchene and Albert Breton.

47. Voices of Experience: Development of the Flourishing Practice Model of Capabilities of Intimate Partner Violence Specialists.

48. Regulating cancer risk prediction: legal considerations and stakeholder perspectives on the Canadian context.

49. A Bibliometric Analysis of Pectoral Nerve Blocks.

50. Call For Papers.